Chapter 19: Indisposed

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By midday next day, Storm was well on her way, dawdling down the path towards the picturesque village of Hogsmeade, escorted by Liberty, Evan and Theo following behind - yet again - in another hushed exchange.
"What's with those two?" Whispered Storm close to Liberty's ear. "They've been like that for weeks!"
Liberty looked over her shoulder with a shrug. "No idea. But have you noticed-" she leaned in closer, "-Evan seems a bit off."
Storm was glad someone else had noticed. And at least it was someone who felt comfortable enough around the white haired wizard to ask what was wrong with him. Storm stole another glance at him, to find his eyes already on her. His bright green eyes that he disliked so much, made the breath hitch in her throat. He'd hardly talked to her - only in the presence of Liberty. Storm felt as if he was treading careful around her, for which she was grateful.
But it didn't stop her from secretly admiring his attractiveness from afar. Storm looked away, back to the crowd of students meandering towards Hogsmeade. But her thoughts were still on the wizard behind her. She didn't know how it was possible, but he seemed to have had another growth spurt in the last month. A growth spurt that, if not for the fact that he'd been tall and broad before, it was nothing to how he looked now. He'd shot up another half a foot and had filled out further, as if he'd taken a course of Muggle steroids. But somehow, she didn't quite believe that was the case.

"So, where shall we go first?" Asked Theo, hurrying up beside them, leaving Evan to walk a few paces back. "I was thinking - Oi, where you going, Lib?"
     Storm was being dragged down the path, as Liberty ditched the two boys. "Meet you at the Three Broomsticks at half 1. It's your round!" She shouted back over her shoulder. "Come on, Storm. You'll love Scrivenshaft's. I heard they've got a new line of Eagle Feather Quills."
Storm welcomed the forceful grip of Liberty - the witch surely knew how to keep her on her toes. Which Storm loved, because it kept her on her guard without having to seek out dangerous creatures for fun.
Storm caught herself staring at Liberty as the witch pulled her onto a cobbled street (much like Diagon Alley). "Thank you, Lib." She blurted as they slowed to a walking pace. Liberty looked sideways with furrowed brows.
"You're welcome?" It wasn't a statement, more a question and Storm giggled, nudging her cousin with her elbow.
"You don't even know what for!" Storm sniggered, hooking their arms together. "For treating me like a person, not a Headline. I feel comfortable telling you that it really hasn't been the easiest - I'm usually settled within a couple of weeks." Storm blushed in embarrassment as a group of fourth year Hufflepuffs smiled at the two as they passed.
"If you have to thank me for that, then it's everyone else who's wrong. Don't worry about it." Liberty waved her off. "Sure, Rita Skeeter made it sound as if it was a scandal but, if you read between the lines, I found it pretty tragic. For you and for Alex Moody. Everyone mentioned in fact." Storm fell into distracted thought, but Liberty stopped it short. "But as you said, that's for tomorrow. Let's not darken your first time in Hogsmeade."

Storm agreed with her and pushed all pressing thoughts from her mind, immersing herself in the extensive tour that Liberty was adamant on giving her.
First, Storm had fallen in love with Scrivenshaft's - the stationary store - where she had spent so much, her coin bag was significantly lighter than when she'd entered. But she had no regrets; seizing the opportunity to restock her supplies (she was overindulging in her homework). She'd bought more than double of what she needed, shrinking the goods into tiny boxes, placing them into the second pouch on her trust utility belt.
Storm and Liberty browsed in the junk shop, the repair shop and Gladrags Wizardwear, where she has proceeded to buy a lavish (on sale) cloak of the most striking black velvet with silver stitching.
It was then that Liberty's excitement grew for the real reason they were there.

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