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My Fiercest Friend,
I write to you with a heavy burden; one which I must ask to share with you. For there are few who know the truth and that is how it has to stay.
     I beg your forgiveness for asking such a task of you. When I can give you nothing in return. But I see no other way. I see no other alternative. For there is no one I trust more in the world than you, dear Alexiandra. There is no one else that I could bring myself to ask.
I wished to ask you in person, but the darkness is growing. Evil is spreading. And I feel it in my heart that the worst is still to come. But how it will manifest itself is unknown to me. I just know that's it's coming.
     Sirius grows more restless by the day. He wants us all together under one roof. He cannot bear to be away from his beloved brother, sister-in-law and Godson. And I too - for the first time - am in agreement with him.
I miss Lily's delicate charms and Remus' kind company. I miss the laughter we shared for so many years. But even in these times of war, I still find joy and happiness.
     Sirius and I - bound by love and hate - are brightened only by the smile of our daughter. By her giggles as she plays catch with Padfoot. She is the reason I ask what I do. She brings hope to us in the darkness.
But evil is fast approaching, suffocating the light from our lives with malice. I feel it's ghastly chill on my neck and the goosebumps on my skin.
     There are whispers in the night, carrying on the wind like a foul voice, entrapping any who hear it with a plague.
They speak of a child, born in secrecy under the protection of a storm. Blessed with an almighty power too great for them to ignore. For they hear that she carries ancient blood with a legacy they do not understand.
You know of what I speak. You've witnessed the capabilities of the magic she possesses.
But I CANNOT let them find her. Not when they've hunted her since before I was born, their minds hell bent on total control. This is bigger than my flesh and blood. Bigger than the foes this country now faces...
Even so, I cannot risk the Death Eaters to come knocking. Death and destruction for anyone but the one they seek - her. My only child. My daughter. I will protect her from a life of darkness. Of horror.
But they will come eventually. I know they will. It is only a matter of time before they make their move. But I will die before I let them take my daughter. And I will do anything in my power to protect her, even if it means I cannot raise her.
But some of those fighting against the darkness, are beginning to wonder:
Who will betray us?
That is what they mumble to themselves.
Sirius accuses Moony as if they were mere strangers. As if they hadn't grown up together at school. As if, they've forgotten their sacred promise to the ones they call brothers. And, it breaks my heart to admit it, but Remus suspects his Padfoot for treason. War has made them paranoid. And foolish. But I know of their allegiances.
But all that is on my mind, is my darling baby. Storm is but 4, already aware of what befalls us, too intelligent for her age. She wants to be in Ravenclaw, did you know? I'm sure Professor Flitwick will be overjoyed! But I'll be proud with wherever she's sorted. She'll love Hogwarts regardless!
     She is a miracle - a truly beautiful soul with such fire in her opinions. She's like her father in that respect. She just isn't a dickhead like him.
But she doesn't yet know the truth of my family. Or Sirius' family. She does not know that those who hunt her, are her blood.
Blood that has been sworn to serve Lord Voldemort and his cause since my father was at school. We are tainted with their reputation, but those of us who did not turn our backs on duty, will do what we must in the face of danger.
I cannot run. I cannot hide while our people suffer the consequences of the supremest regime. I cannot cower in fear at the sight of the Dark Mark when the Ministry fails. That is my duty. And, one day, Storm will understand the burden I carry. That she will carry.
Which is why I ask you Alex, will you take her? Take her from this country and keep her safe. Keep her hidden until the time is right. Until she is ready for the world I know will claim my life.
     Teach her all the things I fear I will not get a chance to. Show her the wonders of both Magical and Muggle Culture so that she knows that all beings are equal. Train her to defend herself, with more than just a wand, explain that magic is not the most important tool one can possess.
     The girl she is already, will be nothing compared to the witch she will grow to become. And it pains me that I will not be there to see it. But I know what I must do. For Storm. For you and for all that we live for.
But there is more at play than just witches and wizards. And the time will come when Storm will be confronted with the truth. I just hope that isn't until her 17th birthday.
     Of course, I do not know of your answer. And, whatever it may be, I look forward to your owl - I'm just about ready to give Sirius a Black eye. Why did I ever agree to live with him?
     Did you know, he sleeps as a dog?! Who the fuck does that? And -
Isabella Molano

The First Signs of a Storm - Prisoner of Azkaban - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now