Chapter 35: Big, Mighty Alpha

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     Evan was dreading the Christmas holidays, so much so that he had been the one that had hoisted a lift from Theo and Liberty, after having ten Firewhiskey's during the trip to Hogsmeade. Owing to his freakish-Alpha-ness, alcohol no longer effected him as it used to, enhancing his senses further, his thoughts constantly straying to naughty and delicious fantasies.
     Evan knew Storm had not met up with them purely through his own disregard for her presence. He'd been keeping his distance. Well, that was putting it lightly - he'd virtually pretended she hadn't existed.
     Not that he meant it in a bad way, because he'd found it had taken all of his strength not to ravish her. She was intoxicating. Something had changed and the almost unbearable scent of roses exuded from her, like she had grown from the earth itself.
     But he could not allow himself to get too close. He was dangerous. Alpha's - were dangerous. He couldn't risk doing anything he'd never forgive himself for. He was not going to be like his father.
     Even if it got him killed. He would not give in to the Alpha completely. He would not.
     But he couldn't deny how much that side of him wanted to fuck her pretty little mouth until tears formed in her eyes.
     'No!' He told himself firmly. Even if the thought did make his cock throb, he didn't want to be that person. That wizard.
     'But what if she wanted it too?' He thought, imagining her taking control of him, showing him that she wanted him. His cock throbbed again before something hit him hard in the face.

     "Oi! Dickhead!" It was Theo. "I don't know what you think you're doing, but kindly get hard somewhere else."
Evan, clutching his cheeks where Theo had slapped him, sat bolt upright, having lay down to rest his eyes on the journey back to London for the holidays. Evan looked down at his trousers, looking to see if his half-asleep fantasies had in fact enlarged him.
Theo sniggered. "You dirty bastard. I was joking."
Evan rolled his eyes, grumbling under his breath. "How long?" He asked Liberty, who was sitting beside Theo next to the window, a book in her lap and a cigarette between her lips.
"About an hour."
Evan groaned. "Another hour of freedom." He breathed out, leaning his head against the seat. "Hey, is Storm going to the Ball?" He asked, his thoughts drifting again. Liberty scoffed.
"You'd know if you talked to her." She said bluntly, looking up from her book. She narrowed her eyes at him. "What is with you?" She asked. "Ever since this whole Alpha business, you've turned into a moping, moaning little Flobberworm."
Theo sniggered again, taking a swig of Pumpkin Juice. "Yeah!" He agreed. "You're literally no fun anymore."
Evan glared at him. "Maybe when you turn 17, you'll understand." He retorted, running a hand through his white blonde hair. "You don't know what it's like to - to be - horny, constantly."
"PHAHA!" Shrieked Liberty, cackling so loudly, France probably would've heard her. "Oh shut up, Evan!" She rolled her eyes, slamming her book shut. "You think a bunch of teenagers don't understand? Mate, there's a reason they're called hormones: they create whores, that moan. Just grow some Gryffindor bravery, you shy little snake. Look at you," she taunted, gesturing to him as Theo was in stitches. "The big, mighty, Alpha." Liberty screwed up her face, puffed out her chest and her narrowed her eyes. "Can't even get as far as kissing a girl on the lips. My, you disappoint me."

She smirked as Evan threw her a dirty look and crossed his arms over his chest in a huff. Which only made the two of them enjoy the attack more.
"By all means mock me." Evan replied, a smug expression invading his features. "But I don't see either of you in any kind of sexual or romantic entanglement-"
     "See." Said Theo in an obvious tone. "Lighten up, Ev. If it really means that much to you, just impress her if she goes to the Christmas Ball. I mean, you met her before she came to Hogwarts. Unless you're just too much of a pussy."
     Evan tutted loudly, turning to look out the window. Truthfully, though he would never admit it, Theo did have a point.
From the moment he'd seen her standing there in Madam Malkin's, he'd been drawn to the mystery that hid behind her bright eyes. Eyes that seemed so nervous and unsure of herself. But he'd thought she was beautiful.
     And then when he'd seen her hunched over on the steps outside Gringotts, he couldn't leave without making sure she was alright. He didn't know what it was, but she'd captured his entire gaze. His focus. And he was never far away from thinking about her.

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