Chapter 12: Ended the War for Whom?

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     Liberty Lestrange could not believe it. She could not comprehend how a witch as intelligent enough to get 15 O.W.Ls and be able to conjure such precise magic without second thought could be afraid of herself?
Herself? But, it looked nothing like Storm. Except - the eyes.
     Liberty hadn't been in Storm's company more than a day and, aside from her name, did not know anything about her. Expect, that Storm was another Great Granddaughter of Liberty's Great Grandmother, Penelope. Through Liberty's mother.
     But Liberty knew nothing else, since any mention of her mother was a sure way to earn a black eye in the Lestrange household and Liberty had neglected to ask after the second one she'd received by the time she was 8.
     Growing up, Ellestormé Venus Black was just a name written on an old letter Liberty had found in the Manor. She had only vaguely thought of the idea of a distant relative, never really thinking much of it. In fact, until last night, when Storm had been called up to the hat, Liberty hadn't thought of her since the day she'd read the snippet.
     But now? Here was a witch she shared a dormitory with, who was about as much of an anomaly as Snape washing his greasy hair.
     But, why would she be afraid of herself? That was what Liberty did not understand.

     "Well," sniggered Roman loudly. "Blood-Traitor Black is scared of her own shadow. HA! I bet she'll be carrying a torch around with her next! The freak."
     Liberty turned on her heel at her idiotic twin brother, who laughed along with Lucian, balling her fist and taking a step towards him.
     "You are a piece of shit, brother." She snapped, as her fist collided with his nose in a sickening crack, blood exploding down his front, gushing down his chin in unforgiving waves, staining his robes crimson.
     "You filthy dyke." He spat, lunging towards her. But Evan stepped between them, pushing Roman back by his shoulders.
     Professor Lupin was stood in Liberty's line of vision, watching with a satisfied, subtle smirk, making no effort to intervene.
     "Back off Lestrange, before you do something you'll regret." Evan's back was against Liberty's front in a shield and she balled her fist, ready to hit Roman again. She didn't need Evan to fight her battles. She wanted to fight her brother.
     "She punched me." He hissed, as Lucian pulled him back by the scuff of his neck.
     "Yeah!" Said Archie from beside Lennox. "You're a narrowed minded purist, Lestrange. No one, wants to hear it. So sit down, shut up and let Professor Lupin continue his lesson. I'm just happy it was Double L that did it." Liberty caught his eye and he winked at her with a cheeky grin.
     She rolled her eyes at him, tapping Evan on the shoulder, turning to look at Lupin. "I apologise for my brother, Professor. But I'm not going to say sorry for what I did. He's a wanker and I'll do it again if he comes anywhere near me."
     Lupin coughed, but to Liberty it sounded like he was masking a laugh. "You will get a weeks worth of detention with Professor Snape, Mr Lestrange. Go and see Madam Pomfrey. Off you go." Roman scowled, before stomping from the room as a chorus of laughs broke out.
"As for you, 'Double L'." Archie and Theo sniggered in unison and Liberty was stunned by her new Professors laid back nature. "I think a Saturday night detention for that - un-acceptable right hook. Now, shall we continue?"

Liberty couldn't concentrate for the rest of the lesson, eager for the bell to ring for break, so she could find Storm. Although, she had no idea where to start. How would she locate a Metamorphmagus in a school so big? She'd need a map.
     When the bell rang, Liberty (hangover forgotten) charged from the room before Evan could get her attention, hurrying off into the corridor. Where to start? She had half an hour until Charms to find Storm. But where had she gone? Liberty stood in the middle of the staircase on the Third Floor. Did she go up, or down?
"Hey, Lestrange!"
Liberty turned. Archie Chamberlain was approaching her with Lennox Redwood at his side.
"Good punch back there!" He complimented. "Will you do it again in Charms? Because I'll borrow Creevey's camera."
But Liberty didn't look at Archie. Instead looking at Lennox. So what if the girl was Muggleborn? What did that matter? Lennox was better than any of them when it came to magic. She was as dedicated as the next. And she was better looking than the rest of the dog-ugly munters.
"If my idiot brother gives you any trouble, I give you permission to give him a black eye." She said to the blonde haired Gryffindor. "I don't share his beliefs, just so you know."
"I know." Lennox nodded, sighing. "But he doesn't bother me. It's just words, right? I mean, to be honest, I am a Mudblood. And I'm proud of it."
Liberty smiled at Lennox as Evan and Theo caught up with her, Evan's robes thrown lazily over his shoulder with a smile on his lips. And Theo was looking brighter, more at ease than he had been at breakfast.
"Dirty blood, please!" Evan scoffed, rolling his eyes. "It's wizards like him who give Slytherin such a bad name. Muggleborns can do magic, can't they?" He asked rhetorically at Lennox. "You have the same rights as us PureBloods, maybe even more so. And I'm sorry on behalf of all of those twats who think otherwise. You're a great witch, Redwood."
Liberty was taken aback by her best friend. She'd never heard him speak so freely. Not that he was in anyway prejudice but, it wasn't something he ever discussed. It wasn't something any of them spoke around other people.
It was odd in the most refreshing way.
And, it seemed, that both of the Gryffindors were just as stunned - Archie stood with his jaw agape and Lennox was blushing profusely at his words.
'Oof, she is sexy when she embarrassed.' She thought as Lennox avoided Evan's gaze.
"I wouldn't go that far." Stumbled Lennox, fiddling with her bag strap. "Equals though - I reckon that's all any of us want."
The atmosphere grew awkward as a group of Ravenclaws passed them, eyeing them in suspicion and total shock at the rival houses talking to one another without any bad words or curses exchanged.
"Well, see you in Charms." Said Theo, grinning. "Would stay and chat, but I think we should try and find Storm. I don't think she's ever faced a Boggart before."
Liberty thought about it. And now that she had, Theo had a point.
"See you later." Replied Lennox.
"And tell Storm she's got nothing to worry about." Said Archie, wetting his lips. "I'm not scared of her."
Lennox rolled her eyes beside him, grabbing his arm. "Start with Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. I don't know why, but every upset girl always ends up there."
"Thanks, Redwood." Said Liberty gratefully as the two Gryffindors left. "Now if ever there was a witch I'd love to see naked - it's her."
Evan laughed, but Theo was already looking ready to go. "I'm not going into any girls bathroom. Girls don't need us invading more of their personal space. Lib?"

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