Chapter 24: Slytherin Indeed

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As predicted, Madam Pomfrey had refused to let Storm go back to the Common Room until Monday morning, giving Storm an earful when she'd returned to the Hospital Wing, ushering her into bed, thrusting a phial on pain potion into her hands.
Storm did as instructed without a word, climbing into bed and dragging the table towards her, alone and able to complete the stack of towering parchment without interruption.
But Storm could not seem to concentrate, her thoughts continuously drifting off to Charlie Weasley - the 'fierce Dragon Tamer' - as his siblings declared. She'd heard much of the second Weasley son in detail in the weeks leading up to her 'memoria restituto'. And rightly so, he had risen highly in his profession, or so she'd been told. But she didn't care - she had no pleasant recollections when it came to the wizard.
     Every encounter she'd ever had with him, had ended in either one of them getting angry and leaving, unable to be in each others company for more than twenty minutes.
     So why, when in her darkest moments, had his pair of electric blue eyes been a source of comfort to her? How was it that - out of everything - his eyes were all she'd remembered. Why his eyes? Those fucking eyes that never failed to vex her when paired with his smart, rude mouth and smug smirk.
     The dick.

     Storm jumped at the sound of the door, dropping her unused quill on the table, straightening herself as she looked towards the door.
     "Hey, um," it was Liberty. And Storm was glad to see her - she thought very highly of her cousin, who always seemed to make Storm feel welcome. "I came to see how you were but, well - you've got other visitors." She said, awkwardly walking into the Hospital Wing, dressed in black and white pinstriped pyjamas, looking over her shoulder at two other arrivals.
     "You don't have to leave, Miss Lestrange." Came Remus' polite, hoarse tone as he came into view, a smile breaking out on Storm's face as Lexi joined him. "I'm sure Miss Bla-"
     "I trust Liberty, Uncle Moony." Said Storm over him, looking directly at her cousin, who did nothing to hide her shock. Storm surprised herself, not used to trusting anyone but Lexi. "You good, Lib? Haven't missed much, have I?" Storm asked, gesturing to the chair beside her bed. "Who won the first match?"
Liberty took a seat as Remus and Lexi shared conversation as they neared.
"Hufflepuff!" Said Liberty excitedly. "By 'undred and ten. They've got Ravenclaw tomorrow."
Storm winced mockingly. "No wonder Fred and George failed to mention it. Bet that was a blow to Oliver." Storm chuckled, shrugging. "Fuck 'em. Bloody lions." She caught Remus' eye and winked.

"I'm sorry!" Breathed Liberty in exasperation. "But we have some major catching up to do." She announced firmly, "starting with, how on Merlin's green earth did you punch that fucking Dementor?!"
Storm burst into hysterics at Liberty's dumbfounded expression, unfamiliar with the sound. "I love that Hogwarts assumed I was normal!" She sniggered, shaking her head at herself. "Merlin, it seems so obvious but, I was afraid you'd all think I was nuts. Oh, how they were wrong!" She grinned.
"You are nuts." Retorted Liberty, stunned, looking at her teacher. "Can we recap, Professor? Did she, or did she not, put Dolohov on his ass? And - might I add again - punched a Dementor."
Storm looked to Remus, who was smirking. But it was Lexi who spoke.
"Not as crazy as that time you taunted a coven of Vampires with fresh blood."
Storm rolled her eyes as Liberty blew her top.
     "Or when you jumped into those shark infested waters after that wizard threw a dog in." Added Lexi.
"Hold up. Hold up." Liberty blurted, holding up her hand. "Why am I only hearing this now?" She accused, narrowing her eyes at Storm. "All this time you've been acting like a shy little pussy and now I find out that you confront dark creatures for the shits and giggles?" Liberty scoffed. "Well, no excuse for being a loner now. You've officially gained a squad."

The First Signs of a Storm - Prisoner of Azkaban - Book 1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora