Chapter 21: The Madness of Memory

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     Storm could not settle. She was wide-eyed and awake, unable to drift into slumber as the thunderous party raged late into the night in the common room. Liberty and Theo had insisted upon going, but Storm was in no mood to socialise; the days' events mixed with the looming meeting next day keeping her up.
      But it was something else entirely that had made Storm restless; the full moon. It had always effected her, month in, month out, pushing her to places in her own head that she never understood - pain, anguish, despair - she felt it all and yet knew nothing about its origin. And the longer she lay in bed - staring unblinking up at the stone ceiling - Storm grew more uneasy, her stomach in knots and her breaths shallow.
     But, despite her inner turmoil, it was the first night that Storm had actually been completely alone with her thoughts. And it wasn't as pleasant as she'd been dreaming since she'd first arrived. And she truly felt lonely. Of all the vast cities and ancient monuments she had gazed upon and the stretching landscapes she had sheltered under, Storm had never been anywhere that made her feel so unwelcome

     But she knew she couldn't blame anyone but herself. After all, she'd been the one to decline all invitations to gatherings with Liberty, Quidditch friendlies with Fred and George and a walk to the Greenhouses with Neville Longbottom. Not to mention the study group offer from Lennox Redwood. No, Storm had chosen to isolate herself. But how could she not? How could she sit amongst those who would whisper things about her behind her back?
     Storm was always used to being on either equal footing, or one step ahead of anyone she came into company with. But now? She was utterly blind.
'That'll change tomorrow.' She thought, sitting up in bed, the sheets dropping from her barely clothed frame as she felt a surge of energy hum in her blood, drawing her to her feet.
     "Not now." She hissed, throwing a glare at herself in the semi-darkness. "Please." She groaned out. "Just give me a break." She pleaded to no one in particular, rubbing her temples with her index fingers. It was a never-ending battle, both inside and out. One that Storm was unprepared for. And did not want to fight.
     But as Storm attempted to steady her breathing, a crackle of magic hung thick in the air like static electricity. She felt the force of it in her chest, vibrating her to the core. The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end and her fingers twitched.

     But Storm could not ease her abnormality. She could not quench its ferocity as she had trained herself too. No, this was different. Like something inside her was awakening with a strength she did not know she was capable.
     The room around her shook violently, like the very walls were being pummelled from outside. And shrieks of terror and fright ripped through the air, causing Storm to lunge into action. She had to get out. She had to - what? What the fuck did she do? She had no idea what was happening.
'Lexi!' She screamed her decision in her mind, summoning her belt, cloak and wand from around the room, darting from the dormitory as fast as humanly possible, the pressure in her chest almost as intense as a heart attack.
     The ground shook again as Storm rounded into the common room, the party now over, as the entirety of Slytherin house cowered in fear in the centre of the low-ceilinged room, huddled together, uncertainty etched on their fearful faces.
     But Storm did not stop for anyone, barging through the crowd with speed, sprinting.
     Her vision was blurring, her blood boiling and her muscles aching and she could not and did not see where her feet were taking her. Another thunderous rumble threatened to tear the castle in two, lit torches and candles exploding with vicious red flames in her wake, sending sparks in all directions.

The First Signs of a Storm - Prisoner of Azkaban - Book 1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora