Chapter 17: Escape the Truth

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"I don't want to know." Said Storm carefully, looking at their faces which were full of intrigue, yet respectful of whatever had been written. Liberty opened her mouth, but Storm waved her off. "I appreciate the heads up, but I really don't want you to tell me." Storm heaved out a sign, scraping her chocolate locks into a high ponytail.
Storm glanced at Evan, who nodded, but it was Theo who spoke. "Fine, we won't tell you anything. But we'll help clarify things if anyone else does. It - er - is all anyone can talk about."
Storm was quickly getting a headache. Just when she thoughts things might actually pass smoothly, another spanner was thrown into the works.
But the looks they were giving her sent her into a head spin. How could she refuse to read the paper, when everyone else clearly knew more than she did. Was it time? Was she ready for that, truly? Now that Lexi's choice tell sit her down when she came Of-Age had been made for her - three months premature - Storm felt as if she would be betraying Lexi if she read that damn paper.
Storm glanced at her bag by her feet, where letters and other morsels of information sat, waiting to be opened. But could she bring herself to do it?
No - not while she was in company. She would wait until her Free Period that afternoon before opening Pandora's box.

     "Miss Black," the drawl of Professor Snape came from the doorway of the classroom, as he stepped aside to let Roman and Lucian into the room, the two of them meeting Storm's eye before quickly looking away. "You are to go to Professor Dumbledore's office."
     Storm cringed. There was only one reason the Headmaster would want to see her. And she had no intention of talking about Hogwarts' juiciest piece of gossip.
     "Forgive me, Professor Snape." Said Storm politely, straightening in her chair. "But I have nothing to say to Professor Dumbledore right now - I am here for Potions, sir." Storm felt eyes on her, but they did not make her cower. No, she felt empowered by it. So what if they talked about her? They'd done so since she'd arrived. That hadn't changed. But why couldn't she change. Nothing had gone as Storm had hoped, yet she hadn't broke down, she hadn't lost control and - most importantly - she hadn't died. Which in her book, was always a bonus.
     Professor Snape all but floated into the room, to his desk. "There is a few things he must discuss with you." His tone was less demanding, less cold. And Storm got the feeling that maybe, he was warming to her.
     Storm stole a glance at Liberty, who was watching her closely. "I know what the topic of conversation is today, sir. And, anyone who knows is welcome to speak of it. But as for myself, sir, the article could be a Quidditch schedule for all I know. I have no desire to read it, either. So please, Professor. May I stay for your lesson?" There was a subtle pea behind her question, which proved to Storm herself that she was not ready to face the truth just yet. Not nearly settled enough in herself to open that can of Flobberworms.
     Snape paused for a moment. "Very well." He caught Storm's eye as he looked up from his desk and she smiled in thanks to him, but he hardly took notice. A feat which she welcomed - at least he couldn't care less about her.


The first week Storm had spent at Hogwarts, was tough. But, after the delivery of post that Monday morning, Storm found it easier to navigate the castle's gossip reel. She had fallen into a comfortable routine - although avoiding everyone that was not Liberty, Evan, Theo and a select few Gryffindors she had been introduced to.
     She had been honoured with tutoring a Third Year called Neville Longbottom on Wednesday and Thursday evenings, where she was thankful for the alone time with a boy who was one of the sweetest people she'd ever met, who himself, had faced his Boggart for the first time during his first lesson.

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