Chapter 10: Headaches, Hangovers and Hot Flushes

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Storm had no idea what the time was when her eyes fluttered open next morning, the darkness of the dormitory due to lack of lit oil lamps. And, since there were no windows, it could've been midday for all she knew. She lay still for a few minutes, still stunned over the previous nights' antics.
Liberty had stumbled into the dormitory hours after Storm had hidden herself away, the latter mumbling slurs under her breath, staggering across the room. Storm had heard the rumbles of howls late into the night, as the students of Slytherin house got hammered.
Not the way she thought her first night at Hogwarts would go - the highly sexualised nature of the students habit made her face convulsed with disgust. But, it was a new day and Storm was more ready for what would come. The first day was always the hardest.

Within twenty minutes or so, Storm was showered and dressed, with her bag over her arm. A black pencil skirt and white shirt fit snugly around her body, her green and silver tie loose around her neck, her Slytherin robes hanging carelessly over her shoulders.
Instead of combat boots, Storm wore a pair of simple black heels, whose soles were bright red. And her dirty blonde hair was hastily pulled into another messy bun that she skewered with a short, bright blue feather quill.
Not waiting for Liberty to rise from her slumber, Storm reluctantly tiptoed to her wardrobe, pulling out a modified utility belt, that could store her wand, a six-inch silver blade and two small bags on a hook and fastened it around her waist.

Quietly exiting the room, the walk to the common room was eerie in the almost blackness, and Storm felt her hand inch closer to her wand out of habit. The silence of the common room was deafening as she crossed the length of it.
"Sneaking out already?" Came a slithery voice from the shadows, making Storm stop in her tracks. "Aren't you a suspicious one."
Storm recognised it as Danny Dolohov, who was sitting by the empty fireplace, already dressed in his uniform, a book propped open on his lap.
Storm felt her knees tremble. But she swallowed her nerves. Why should she be nervous? She could jinx him in her sleep if she wanted to.
"I don't believe I was sneaking." Replied Storm, trying to act casual by crossing her arms over her chest, her fingers within touching distance of her wand handle. "Merely seeking somewhere that isn't an enclosed space full of horny teens." She said sharply.
The Slytherin common room was gorgeous, but Storm felt trapped, with nowhere to go. And Dolohov's presence didn't help matters either.
The seventh year got to his feet, sending a chilling smile Storm's way, placing his book slowly on the table next to the fire.
"Are you not comfortable?" He asked. "It wasn't our intention. I understand we can be a little - deviant - for some people."
There was something about the way he said it that made Storm lightheaded. He was not the most sincere of characters. She could feel the dishonesty radiating from him and his unsettling expression.
Storm shrugged, staying deadly still. She wasn't sure where this conversation would go. But she did not get a good feeling from the wizard.
"More - restless to be staying still. I like to be kept busy." Storm was getting more uncomfortable by the minute at the way he was watching her with cold, black eyes. But he stayed by the fire, not yet invading her personal space. For which she thanked Merlin.
"Is that so?" Said Dolohov, deep in thought. "Well, if you ever get bored, I'd be happy to - entertain you." Storm almost gagged at the wizards' suggestion and sent him a forced smile.
"I'll be fine. But thank you. Now, if you'll excuse me." And she turned on her heel, climbing the narrow tunnel to the hidden door, wasting no time in pushing it open, feeling a cool fan of air hit her cheeks, soothing her emotions as she leaned against the opposite wall, trying to steady her pounding heart.
So much for an easy day.

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