Chapter 13: Awesome Juvenile

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Over the course of the rest of the morning following Defence Against the Dark Arts, Evan had sat through both Charms and Ancient Runes, his thoughts solely on Storm. And her run in with the dark creature. Unlike the rest of the people in his classes, who'd failed to notice Storm's presence in the lessons before Lunch, Evan had spotted her at the back of the room, out of sight. Looking rather put out.
Weirdly, he was worried about her. She did not look as she had done at the beginning of the day. On the contrary, she looked panic-stricken, fear etched into her wide eyes that were now a dull shade of brown, her hair hidden under her Slytherin hood. But he could see strands of bright blue tendrils beneath. She was no longer blonde. A stark difference.
     How no one else had seen her, was a mystery to Evan, because their entire year had very little students compared to the other years of the school - a repercussion of so many families being devastated during the height of the wizarding war.
But, he had noticed her. And he felt the urge to comfort her, to reassure her that, as far as he was concerned, he did not care about what he'd seen. But he couldn't bring himself to, not wanting to draw attention to her that she was so obviously avoiding at all costs. She didn't look like she wanted to talk to anyone. And, it was as if she could blend into the background, unseen by most.
As Evan had said to Theo and Liberty, he did not want to overwhelm Storm by forcing her to be around them. She just needed time to figure out whatever was bothering her. But that didn't stop him from stealing a glance back at her throughout the morning until Lunch.

"Do you think Storm will show up to Potions?" Asked Liberty as she took a seat beside Theo at the Slytherin table, Evan opposite them. Evan didn't answer, keeping quiet as he helped himself to a glass of Pumpkin Juice, the Great Hall bustling with a happy atmosphere.
"I hope she does." Said Theo with a smile. "It's a nice change to see Snape off guard. And it'll be something to take her mind off things."
But Evan would bet 1000 Galleons that Snape would find some way to use it against her in front of the class. Because although Professor Snape was an excellent teacher - he was a cruel man. Spiteful.
"Whatever happens," said Evan finally from behind his goblet, "make sure no one bothers Storm. I heard that Dolohov is already planning to make a move-"
"Ware-boo 'ear dat?" Asked Liberty through a mouthful of jacket potato. She swallowed. "Because if it's true, we must change tactics. Dolohov is a creep."
Evan shrugged. "Roman was telling Lucian in Charms. But according to Lucian, Flint and Wood plan on it too. Weird-" Evan trailed off, glancing over to the Gryffindor table where Oliver Wood was sat with the Weasley twins and Angelina Johnson - members of the Gryffindor team.
Yes, that was odd. Here were three PureBloods, all of whom had never expressed an interest in pursuing witches, who were stirred by the arrival of the silver-eyed witch. Something that, would have gone unnoticed, if not for their - almost overnight - change. But, what that change was, was completely lost on Evan, who could see how different they were and yet, could not for the life of him figure out what it was.

Suddenly, the whispers in the hall reached boiling point and Evan, along with Theo and Liberty, turned to look at the door, confirming what they already knew. Storm stood in the doorway, hood over her head and bag on her arm, a utility belt sparkling with what looked like a knife.
"She has some balls. I'll give her that." Said Liberty as the three watched Storm lower her hood to reveal a head of messy blue curls, spiralling down her back. When she looked over at the Slytherin table, she caught Evan's eye and he could see from afar, that her eyes were a captivating molten gold.
Evan felt a chill down his spine as Storm marched down the middle isle towards the teachers table. He shuddered. She was beautiful. To deny it would be a vicious lie and he could not bring himself to do it.
"I'd definitely give her a go. Those thighs are a good handful. And that arse - hose me down! For I am sizzling."
Evan rolled her eyes at Archie Chamberlain's remark from the table next to them. Storm approached Dumbledore, bowing her head as she engaged in conversation. He wondered what they were talking about.
     "I'd rather sink my face between Redwood's tits - she's fit as fuck." Said Liberty, looking up at
Archie's words too.
"Will you take your head out of the gutter? You're actually vile." Retorted Theo. "I wanna hear more about Evan's mystery nights in Brighton."
     "Yes!" Cried Liberty without a moments thought, high-fiving Theo with glee. "Good to know I can count on you, Theodore." She smirked, rounding on Evan. "Now spill, Rosier."  She commanded of him, thudding her fist on the table, making a few heads turn at the noise.
     "What's there to tell?" Shrugged Evan, attempting to be casual. "I partied, I spent the night with a couple of ladies, I went home."
     Liberty groaned, rolling her eyes. "Boring!" She yawned dramatically. "Are you telling me that there is no one here who you wouldn't mind taking to Madam Puddifoots?"
     Evan was getting irritated by the conversation. Why did anyone care about other people's business so much? Keep your fucking oars out of it. He felt his face burn with heat, his palms growing sweaty.
     Not again.

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