Chapter 14: Everything at Once

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     Alexiandra watched from beside Arthur and Molly Weasley as the scarlet Hogwarts Express pulled away from Platform Nine and Three Quarters, taking Storm to the newest part of her life. A part which, Lexi would be less involved in.
     Lexi would be lying if she said she wasn't already debating getting a room at The Three Broomsticks pub in Hogsmeade. Then she'd be only a mile from Storm and there if the sixth year needed her. But would she? Somehow, Lexi didn't think that Storm would need her anymore and Lexi felt the loneliness hit her like a train. What would she do now?
     "Even after seven children, it doesn't get any easier."
Lexi felt the air being squeezed from her body as Molly wrapped her arms around Lexi. "But she'll be fine if she's anything like her mother."
The two witches pulled away as Arthur announced his departure for work at the Ministry. "I'm sure you'd be able to join me." He said, kissing his wife on the cheek as the Platform emptied.
Lexi's stomach convulsed. "Um, I'd better not just yet, Arthur." She replied, as Molly lead the way to the wall. "I'll let Skeeter announce my presence first, let things calm down a bit. I take it she's still at the Prophet?"

Arthur nodded. "Well, I'll keep an ear out. Why don't you stay at The Burrow in the meantime, Molly gets regular updates from Percy, Fred, George and Ginny. We'll know if Storm's in Ravenclaw by tomorrow morning."
Lexi was taken aback by their willingness to help her - a witch who had been dead for over a decade.
"Thank you, Arthur. And - before you go. I wanted to prove to you both that I am - who I say I am. Call it habit, but the war hasn't ended for me." Lexi paused, sucking in a deep breath. "So, Ellestormé is the Custos Sacri Septum. Or Keeper of the Sacred Seven. The seventh of seven of the Custos Terrae."
Lexi's voice was no higher than a whisper, her words resonating with Molly and Arthur Weasley, who were two of a handful, who knew the full extent of Storm's truth. "Will she be alright, Molly?" Lexi fretted as they walked back onto the Muggle Platform. "She's as much her father as she is her mother. She's everything they hated about one another. She does not remember that war, but the very war is inside. She is at war with herself. And I - have no idea how to help her now."
Arthur left for work after a long embrace around Lexi and Molly comforted the witch, who broke down into gut-wrenching sobs, everything she'd refused to let slip, came tumbling out of her with more anguish than she'd ever experienced. She'd finally been able to talk freely about the very thing she had to both prepare and protect Storm from until the right moment. Only now did Lexi feel the strain of that responsibility. As if, twelve years was nothing to ease the agony of everything she'd sacrificed. Everyone she'd lost.

Lexi felt a tug in her nasal and the sickening familiar sensation of Apparition, as Molly Disapparated from Kings Cross, straight into a bright green field of a huge paddock.
Lexi dropped to her knees, feeling the warmth of home. The chilly, yet humid heat of British September sun - the smell of freshness and life. Tears streamed down her face and, if she had taken a moment to look at herself, she'd know she looked a state. But Lexi did not care. She was home.
"Only once in twelve years. I never thought I'd be back." Lexi breathed out to no one in particular, unsure if Molly was still near. "We made it Bella." She spoke to the blue sky and fluffy white clouds.
"Fancy a drink? I've got a nice bottle of Firewhiskey tucked away." Came Molly's voice from above her. "We've got much to catch up on."
Molly turned and headed towards a lone gate in the middle of the field. And Lexi's eyes leaked again.
"You missed out, Padfoot." She whispered, getting to her feet, wiling her eyes with her sleeve. "Storm is extraordinary."
Little did Lexi know what the year would bring. And if she thought it was difficult now, then it was nothing to what came next.

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