Chapter 28: Let the Fire Rain Down

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"It wasn't just an offer for Liberty." Said Storm, as she, Evan and Theo walked along with the crowds down the lawns towards the Quidditch pitch, the air biting and their breath leaving their mouths in small billows of clouds. Liberty, true to her word, had skipped the invitation to join them, herself heading back to the Common Room to do whatever it was she did when she was alone.
"Huh?" Said Theo, sidestepping past a Third year Gryffindor.
"The World Cup - I could probably get a few tickets if you wanted to come? Although, if you want it for England, then that might be a challenge."
Theo's eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. "Oh, yeah!" He breathed out, he and Evan on either side of Storm.
"Might be a bit of a stretch, getting out of the house but, I have some money saved, so thank-"
Storm cut Evan off, shaking her head. "I didn't say anything about money. It's on me." She shrugged. "I offered." At this, both Evan and Theo protested profusely.
"No!" They said in unison as they came to the entrance to the stands. "They'll cost a fortune. And the camping - that's extra. Especially since it's us who's hosting. Draco said that the Ministry is banning the use of magic." Added Theo, leading the way to the Slytherin side of the pitch. But Storm stopped, Evan bumping into her back.
"I'm saying this because I would like you to join me, but I won't be offended if you say no." She started, feeling the warmth from Evan's chest, who hadn't taken a step backwards after their collision. Theo nodded for her to continue.
"I know you're not supporting them, but I'm with the Hufflepuff's. It's only right I cheer with them. Do you - want to come?" She turned to look up at Evan over her shoulder, meeting his eye.
"I'll stay." Said Theo immediately. "Flint's just spotted me so I'll stand with him. Evan?"
Storm felt hot under Evan's close, intense gaze as he nodded, his voice like velvet.
"Any excuse to get under Dolohov's skin." He smirked, finally taking a step backwards as Slytherin's pushed passed them, muttering darkly at them blocking the way.
Storm bit her lip as she looked back to Theo. "We'll meet with you here, at the end of the game." She lifted her fist to him and Theo winced. "Fist bump." She said as he hesitantly hit his against her own and then she cracked her hand and snapped her fingers in one brisk movement. "Booyakasha!" She shouted loudly, making him and a few surrounding jump.

Storm was feeling electric as Evan lead the way towards the block of bright yellow of the Hufflepuff stands. The atmosphere was unlike anything she'd ever felt, but maybe that was because she could feel the energy pulsating through her as she absorbed the sheer excitement of over a thousand people.
"Wow!" Laughed Evan loudly over the thunderous noise. "You're buzzing! Look at you!" He grinned as they found two seats in the dead centre of the tall wooden stands. Storm took a seat with the rest as the teams were yet to come onto the pitch.
"What can I say?!" She grinned, shrugging. "I love sport. Quidditch is my favourite, but I love football just as much. Who's your team?" She asked, turning in her seat to face him properly, her knee brushing his own as he too, shifted towards her.
"The Holyhead Harpies." He whispered, leaning into her ear. "You?"
Storm chuckled, smiling. "The Vratsa Vultures. But I'll let you know - I haven't been to any British games."
Evan shook his head. "Me neither. But I hope to play. That's if I can't get into the Ministry as a Hit-Wizard." He shrugged, as Storm's eyes cast up to the teachers stand.
Odd. Professors McGonagall and Lupin were absent. And, according to Oliver Wood, his Head-of-House was a hardcore fan of the game. Storm hoped she wasn't ill.

     "Excuse me." Came a voice.
     Storm looked up at a Third year she'd seen in passing in the corridor. A head of dark curly hair and friendly features made Storm smile up at him. He was stood with a girl behind him, wanting to get past.
     "Of course!" Said Storm, jumping to her feet, beaming. "Storm Black." She smiled, holding out her hand to him, nodding to the blonde girl with pigtails.
     "Justin Finch-Fletchley, this is Hannah-"
     "Abbott." Said the girl, as Justin scooted past Evan, giving him a wary look. And Evan smiled awkwardly, he too apparently taken aback at being there too. "I heard you were in the Hospital Wing. Are you feeling better?" The girl asked.
     Storm was warmed by her politeness.
     "Considerably." Replied Storm, leaning against the wooden seat for her to follow her friend. "Almost like a new person. How are you enjoying your term? I understand Third Years are given privilege to Hogsmeade?"
     Storm noted the surprise that flashed over Hannah's features.
     "Yes." She chuckled nervously and Storm knew it was at her knowing what year they were.
Lucky guess.
     "I admit I share the excitement." Storm continued as the two took their seats on the other side of Evan, who watched the encounter with an air of shiftiness. "If we happen to run into one another, the next trip, I shall buy you a Butterbeer. I find just a dash of cinnamon this time of year gives it a little Christmas something."
     Storm's words poured from her mouth so naturally, that it shocked her as much as it did the Justin and Hannah - she wasn't used to being so comfortable. It was liberating.
     Justin opened his mouth to reply when the sound of a boy's voice boomed over the noise of the crowds and Storm's thoughts were lost on the conversation, her eyes searching for the owner.
     Ah - it was Lee Jordan - a friend of Fred and George. Known to be a rather opinionated commentator, according to Angelina Johnson. He was sat in the teacher's stand, with Professor Sprout beside him, her round face lit up in a smile as she chatted excitedly with Professor Babbling.

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