Chapter 38: Proper Little Fighter

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Soft, light magic tingled Storm's skin as she stood in the reception of St Mungo's Hospital. The atmosphere was calming and slightly anxious as the festive season did not stop the accidents and emergencies of the population. There were young children, with extra ears and hair sprouting from their faces. No doubt having stolen their parents' wand and tried to use it, without success.
Storm chuckled.
A wizard wearing a lime-green robes approached them holding a clipboard, his robes embroidered with their emblem on his chest: a wand and bone, crossed.
"Good morning." Said the dark haired wizard gruffly, looking exhausted. But he had a polite smile on his tired face. "Are you here for yourselves, or just visiting?" He looked them both over, looking for any sign of injury.
"Good morning, sir." Replied Storm brightly. "Here to visit a Mr Hunter Ryan. I understand he was brought here from overseas."
The Healer looked suspiciously between the two, before looking down at his clipboard. "Names?"
"Storm Black." She spoke softly, gesturing to Archie. "This is Archie Chamberlain." She smiled at the Healer and saw the realisation dawn on him, before his head bowed and he began to stutter.
"Forgive me, Your - Your Majesty. I-I'm Healer Thompson. Please, t-this way."
Storm only smiled at him, sharing a hesitant look with Archie. Maybe this wasn't the best way to see Hunter.
"Nothing to forgive, sir." She replied as he lead the way to a flight of stairs, Archie at her side. "How is Mr Ryan? I've only just heard he was here. He's a very good friend of mine."
     They were lead to the Fourth Floor, where two doors lead off into the Janus Thickey Ward.
"Usually, we would've sent him to the burns unit, but his injuries seem to be spell damage. Not fire damage. We can't stop the burning." Healer Thompson explained as he pushed open the doors to a ward that made the hair on the back of Storm's neck stand on end. 
     She felt a darkness here. Blended within the magic of the Healers as she sent a look to Archie, who was soaking up the environment with eager eyes. And she could see the passion behind them as he watched the Healers tend to their patients. She would not let him give up his dream.

     This was a silent ward, save for a chipper, slightly arrogant voice of a wizard.
     "Is that - Gilderoy Lockhart?" Whispered Archie in her ear as they passed a tall blonde wizard with an unappealing smile (in Storm's opinion).
     "Yes, Mr Chamberlain." Said Healer Thompson as they came to a stop outside a small white room. "He was brought in at the end of the last school year. Hit with a very powerful memory charm. Now, Mr Ryan is fully lucid, but please tread carefully - he's in a lot of pain." He stepped backwards, letting Storm knock twice on the door.
"Come in."
Storm entered, an almost inaudible gasp escaping her lips at the sight of Hunter, covered from head to toe in thick white bandages. The only part of him not covered, was his face, his brown eyes fixed on her, his mouth contorted in pain.
"I wasn' expectin' to see ya." His voice was raspy, as if he'd been screaming for hours. Storm, although relieved to see him alive, couldn't help the scowl that found it's way onto her features. "'Ow ya doin' Arch?" He said, looking over at the Gryffindor boy.
"And I wasn't expecting you to look like a mummy." She breathed out, rushing over to his bedside, Archie stood by the door. "If I knew uou were here, I would've been here straight away. What happened?"
     She didn't fail to notice the look Hunter sent Archie, before he looked back to Storm.

     And so, for the next hour, Storm was given an explanation, of what had transpired during the day of the 27th of November.
"You should've got someone to send me an owl. If I'd have know when it happened, I would've confronted them head-on." Storm said, wiping his forehead free of sweat that was beating down his skin. He really was burning.
"That's exac'ly why they decided not to tell ya." Said Hunter, wheezing as he tried to move into a more comfortable position, Archie holding his right arm gently to stable him.
"They?" Repeated Storm, not wanting to press him too much for information, but having no desire to be left in the dark any longer.
Hunter shook his head. "I'm not sure. All I know is that Charlie sent an owl to his father and I sent one to Alexiandra. Charlie said they'd called an emergency meeting or something. I'm sorry, Storm." He added. "I would've told you, but Lexi said-"
"It's not your fault." Said Storm softly. "But next time someone comes asking for me - send them my way. I don't want anyone caught in the crossfire of my fight. Especially not you. Or-" she tried not to let the bike rise in her throat at her next words. "Charlie Weasley." Even speaking his name felt like poison on her tongue.
Archie laughed and Hunter - surprisingly - did too.
     "Interesting." Said Archie, making Storm look his way. "Aaron said that there was a - lack - of warmth between the two of you. Do you really hate each other that much?"
His question stunned Storm, who scoffed loudly, jumping to her feet and crossing her arms over her chest.
"Don't talk to me about him." She hissed darkly. "The feeling is definitely mutual. I can't stand Charlie Weasley." She spat out his name and Hunter raised his eyebrows at her, despite the agony evident on his face.
"Well." Hunter choked out a chuckle. "Charlie an' Aaron are the best I got. And with Aaron comin' back to-"
"We have a lot to talk about." Storm cut him off, sitting back down and placing a hand over his bandaged one. "You can't let Archie's brother leave the job he loves. Not for me. Not for anyone. Does he have a wife? Children?" She asked him, not wanting to be the cause of uprooting someone's entire life.
Hunter looked to Archie, who shook his head. "No. But, if you wanted, you could talk to him yourself?" He suggested. "He's home for Christmas - he's going to the Ball too. So is my mum."
Storm paused for a moment, deep in thought.

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