Chapter 9: House of Promiscuity

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"Miss Black, return to your own table."
Storm's conversation with Luna on magical plants was cut short at a cold, monotonous drawl piercing the atmosphere like an ice-dagger.
"At the Start-of-Term feast, students sit with their own house." Intense black eyes scowled down at Storm as she finished the last of her dinner. "You have much to learn about the way we do things here at Hogwarts. As your Head-of-House, it is my responsibility that you behave yourself. Now, say goodnight to Miss Lovegood."
Storm hadn't had an opportunity to reply to Professor Snape through his sarcastic undertones, so spent the time chewing the last mouthful of chicken, holding his gaze. Getting to her feet, she picked up her empty plate and goblet, sending a wink to Luna.
"Check ya later, Luna. You'll have to show me the Library sometime. I've got a few books you might like to read."
"Yes! Thank you, Storm. Goodnight." Luna smiled up at her and Storm grinned, turning her attentions back onto the menacing Professor, who was still glaring at her venomously.
"Make haste, Miss Black." He snapped.
Storm bowed her head. "My apologies, Professor Snape." She said slowly, respectfully, though her rough dialect sounded anything but. "Thank you for informing me of my mistake. And, may I say - it's an honour to be in your house, sir."
Without staying to watch his reaction, Storm turned her back on him and returned to the end of the Slytherin table, to discover the First Years had moved, only to be replaced by two wizards. One of them, Storm immediately recognised by the colour of his almost white hair and emerald eyes. But, it seemed as though he'd had a haircut, as it was shaved in an undercut.

"Is this an ambush?" Storm couldn't find any fucks to give for the rest of the evening. She was mentally exhausted. When she sat back in her seat, and placed her plate down on the table, the left over feast disappeared, the gravy and mash turning to ice cream and jelly and more sweet treats that looked way too sickly to even attempt.
"Nice to see you too, Storm." Said Evan, smiling to reveal the two deep dimples in his cheeks. "Although, not quite the entrance I was expecting." He chuckled, as his velvety voice made Storm blush. "Still, welcome to Slytherin."
     Evan looked sideways at his friend, who had a dark french crop and timid looking brown eyes that were widened at Storm.
     "Theo Nott." Said his friend, "I saw you on the train. Nice work with the Dementor." He sent Storm a small smile, who returned it awkwardly.
     "Nice to meet you, Theo. Did you have a good summer?" Storm kicked herself for being so generic in her response. But she had to let them take the lead. She was - to them - a shiny new student, new to their house.
     "I did, better than some. Aurors have been swarming all over. Reckon they'll catch Sirius Black soon." Theo winced as Evan kicked him under the table. "What? Everyone's thinking it." Theo added in an obvious tone. "So, is he your uncle or something?" He asked, rounding back on Storm, who knew the subject would be broached at some point. Sooner rather than later it seemed.
     Storm shook her head. "No." She said simply, helping herself to a bowlful of apple pie and ice cream. "He's my father, apparently. Although I didn't know until like, a week ago." She shrugged, shovelling a spoonful of cooked apple in her mouth, catching the eye of a few over on the Gryffindor table, who were listening in to their conversation. Nosy bitches.

     "Well, some of us know what it's like to have parents we wouldn't choose for ourself." Said Evan from his own bowl of treacle tart. "How're you finding Hogwarts so far? Seems like it's been a long day for you." He changed the topic and Storm was grateful. She'd admitted out loud to someone about her father. Now the annoying gossips will know without her having to speak of it again.
     Storm paused, looking at Evan closely, trying to decipher what he meant, before answering.
     "It's definitely interesting." She started. "I wasn't really sure what to expect. But it wasn't this. So far I like it here but ask me again in a month and I'll give you my honest opinion." Storm took another drink, as Evan and Theo shared a look.
     "Couldn't help but overhear your exchange with the Weasley doppelgängers." Started Theo, who wasn't eating dessert. "You play Quidditch? I know Flint is looking for some fresh blood. I think Warrington is a bit too unpredictable." Evan nodded in agreement with Theo as Storm wondered who Warrington was.
     The pair looked to Storm.
     "I don't play, no. But that doesn't mean I don't deck myself out in team strip for matches. I am very much a supporter." Storm - although owning her own top-of-the-range racing broom - did not fly. Not that she couldn't. She just would not get on a broom. Not since-
     "Oh, well," Evan huffed lightly. "We have no hope this year. I gotta admit, Wood has a solid team - don't tell anyone I said that." He stumbled and Storm knew that Wood, was the Captain of the Gryffindor team. A snippet of information, curtesy of George Weasley.
     Storm snorted. "Don't give up before you've even started. Quidditch can go either way. I didn't realise Slytherin was a house of quitters." She said firmly, making a face. Both Evan and Theo glared at her in proud amusement.
     "Hey! I take Quidditch very seriously." Said Evan - equally firmly - straightening up in his seat. "I just think we lack any proper talent on the pitch. Take Cedric Diggory, he's a brilliant seeker. That's about the only talent on the Hufflepuff team. Although a second year Ravenclaw girl has a bit of undiscovered skill. I heard Hooch telling Flitwick at the end of last year."
     Storm had no idea what they were talking about, but listened with interest anyway.
     "Yes, but the lions have a whole team." Retorted Theo. "Even Charlie Weasley could've played for England. But I swear, if Malfoy plays the over-dramatics again this year, I'm gunna throttle him." He muttered darkly. "He let Potter catch that snitch last year. Fucking idiot."
     The conversation gave Storm a headache and she waited patiently to be dismissed to wherever she would sleep, as the two wizards dove into a heated discussion that Storm couldn't keep up with. She felt about ready to collapse and never get up.

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