Chapter 47

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Chapter 47

    ◎Sometimes it’s sunny and sometimes it’s raining, it’s really hard to guess your mind. ◎

    After the Star Entertainment video came out, Xu Hui couldn't help muttering about what he was going to do next.

    No matter how sad Xu Hui was about Xin Rao's actions, he was almost bald, but now he was in the same boat with Xin Rao, and he didn't have the ability to restrain others, so he could only help Xin Rao with other trivial matters.

    For example, buying a car, hiring a driver, and adding an assistant.

    No matter how poor you are, or if you have no cards, these three things must be prepared.

    And then...

    "By the way, remember to hire a cooking aunt who is better at cooking."

    Xin Rao added in the ear of Xu Hui who had been muttering.

    Xu Hui had an idea, and secretly thought something was wrong: "What do you want an aunt to do? We don't have a company to take care of the logistics now, and we have to spend our own money for all of these."

    It's real money, don't you feel bad?

    Xin Rao explained: "I don't know how to cook, Gu's inconvenient, someone has to take care of the meals we eat every day."

    When you have the opportunity to invite people to visit, you can order takeaway at the end, right?

    Xu Hui suddenly misunderstood, and the frightened people stuttered: "You, you should be more reserved, you don't want to change to someone else's community, are you sure you don't want to change to someone else's house?"

    This, this is too outrageous!

    "Of course it's the same neighborhood, what are you thinking about?"

    Xin Rao also had her own thoughts.

    Today's world is different from Dayan's. Even if there are extremely fast means of transportation, it can't offset the four-hour round trip.

    Do the math carefully, with such a small amount of time in a day, more than half of it is spent on the road, isn't it a waste?


    Gu Yuan has a shy personality. Yesterday she would be ashamed to call her an intimate name for a long time, and she seldom responded. If she didn't take the initiative, she might not make any progress for a long time, let alone start a family.

    Most of the women in Dayan have married wives in their fifteenth or sixteenth year, and even if the more romantic family members are not married, they don't know how many concubines and concubines they have in their families.

    She is learning to integrate into this world now, but she is only 22 years old, and she just met someone who suits her heart. If she runs away, who will pay for it?

    "...How about, let's go to the hospital for a follow-up visit?"

    After hearing Xin Rao and Li Li's confident words, Xu Hui was so shocked that he couldn't speak for a long time. way.

    If you ask him, the water in Xin Rao's mind hasn't been emptied yet!

    Xin Rao rolled his eyes at him, and lit up the notebook in his hand, "The audition is only three days away, are you trying to persuade me to give up on this?

    " Proof!"

    Xu Hui spoke convincingly.

    At this moment, no matter how much advice was given, she swallowed it. While urging her to read the script, she helped her find a house. After thinking about it afterwards, she only dared to remind her: "Dating love is falling in love, you Don't make a landmine for me."

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