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Humans walk amongst eachother, they look at one another as they observe ones features and insecurities.

Some humans, know when they see a predator.

Some, do not.

You walk on the side walk with your friend, you feel free and happy with them. But that doesn't stop the monsters from coming, nothing does.
Out of the corner of your eye, you see nothing.
You two turn onto the dirt trail that leads through the small woods over to your home, luckily you two live close.

The eyes on your back grow in the darkness as you begin to sense your friends fear. Their hand slips into yours for support, you hold tight for their sake.

You see the street light at the end of the trail, causing your pace to quicken.

The light grows so bright, you begin to wince in frustration. Your eyebrows furrow, your throat burns of anger. You hear your name being called, screamed, but sounds so far away you continue running away from the glare of the light.

Suddenly, darkness surrounds you and your friend once again.

Instead, your deeper in the woods than you expected. Something feels wet in your palms, raising up your palm, a red liquid is displayed in the moon light above. "F/n?" You call out, stepping forward only to hear a CRUNCH.

Kneeling down, your blind.

You drag your finger tips along the cold flesh of the body below, your nose wrinkles in disgust.

"Y/n." The voice gurgles from below, and your eyes widen. The feeling of the cold blade in your hand makes your gut twist in guilt, lights are spotted in the distance calling yours and f/n's name.

"What have I done." You whisper.


The feeling you and that friend have is deep, deeper than the wound in their heart for betrayal.

They would die for you, you would die for them.

Except, you killed them for you, and they died for you. It was as if they knew it would happen, that you were dangerous and still stuck around when you were alone.

For you.

For the feel of two.


That's the next book coming in this series

None of y'all are excited but ye.

None of y'all are excited but ye

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Hehe (⁠ノ⁠ಠ⁠益⁠ಠ⁠)⁠ノ⁠彡⁠┻⁠━⁠┻

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