メ P A R T T W O : Doctor's office

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Jeffs POV

How the hell am I so stupid!

I could of just left her there and finished her off.

And now I'm walking to the hospital to see smiley, hopefully he still works here and didn't pull any weird shit. Y/n Is actually pretty light, but it looks weird with an unconscious girl slung over my shoulder covered in blood. That I caused to be bled, how am I so stupid. Someone I love I try killing, again.

Her blood now adding onto my sweatshirt, I was expecting this night to come. Just to not regret it, It felt good I will have to admit. But it still pains me to see her weak, but makes me want to laugh.

I soon see the hospital sign, it's only one more block. I'm surprised she hasn't bled out yet, I don't want her to but the weight will be off my shoulders. Literally.

Crossing the street and heading to the entrance I get a few stares from people passing by, fuck them.

I push open the doors to see a receptionist, I walk over to her. Once she looks up from her phone her face is struck with fear, she had darker skin and beautiful curls. "I-" I cut her off with a glare, "let me in, I need to see Dr.Devin." I sneer at the young girl.

"Y-yes on the second floor go right ahead." She whimpers, as she does that I grab the telephone and smash it against the wall so she can't notify anyone. Then I make my way towards the elevator.

Walking in I set y/n against the wall, then press the red button to the second floor. The door closes with me giving the receptionist a smile, she was still froze in shock and stared at me. Must be my beautiful smile.

Looking on the ground I see y/n, her limp body laying there. Weak, pathetic. But of course she can't die, she's a proxy. The boss wouldn't let any of his own die because he needs his sex slaves for his dirty work.

I kneel down next to her, Everything about her is different... But perfect. My main objective was to feel happy and I do, but it wasn't to have feelings for this girl. Hopefully she doesn't survive, then I will have no reason to care for anyone.

Once the door opens I head to Smiles room, a little bit of hope she's okay strikes my heart.

Your POV

"She will be okay, but I'm kind of sorry for her. She got stabbed by a complete dumbass." I here a man's voice chuckle, I open my eyes to be laying on a hospital bed. I go to sit up, my stomach in so much pain and my head feels heavy. Scanning the room Jeff is sitting in a leather chair, and a Doctor sitting on one of those rolling ones. He has a smile on his mask, he's one of them.

I look down at myself, and my shorts are bloody but my sweatshirt/shirt was torn off. Replaced with bloody bandages, my bra fully showing. My head freaked out, memories flashing through my head.



I was supposed to forget those.

N o

I said no

I quickly leaped off of the bed and ran for the door, only for it to be locked. I quickly turned around to see a window half way opened, there I'm jumping I can't deal with the flashes. I run to the window only for the male doctor to catch me, holding my arms with his gloved hands. My eyes widen, my body starts shaking even more. My soul screams and escapes from my mouth, I tare him off of me and run for the corner curling into a ball.

"Nonononono stop. Stop I don't want to. Go away." I start repeating, I don't care what happened I just want the images to go away.

"Y/n, it's okay." Jeff whispers standing up out of his chair, coming to sooth me. "Get the fuck away from me." I growl at him, giving him a death stare.

"Someones a bit feisty" the doctor chuckles, watching this play out. I could feel my face damp from my tears, I wanted to go home to my dad and my mom. But their dead, because they killed them. The only people I loved, along with b/f/n.

"You people are monsters..." I begin, looking at the doctor and the smiling man. "You killed them, and yet here you are trying to finish me off. Go ahead! Kill me!" I scream, my fists clenched so hard my palm starts bleeding.

All trust I had with Jeff is gone, he stabbed me. Tried killing me and never felt anything for me, all trust I have for this world is gone. And it's never coming back, I can only trust the fucking demon thing that has possession over me. That's how pathetic I am.

Jeff looks hurt, little bitch. The doctor looks amused which makes me want to shove needles in his fucked up head. I want to stab myself with needles and be done, I want get out of this dream and go back to my momma and daddy.

I slowly begin to stand up, my stomach feeling as if it was stabbed again, the flashes reviving themselves in my memory's. Then I walked to the hospital bed grabbing my sweatshirt/shirt with bloody wholes stabbed into the elegant clothe. I turned around and slid it back on. I walked to Jeff and put my hand into his pocket, Grabbing out his pack of cigarettes and lighter, putting a flame to the cancer stick and inhaling the toxic fumes masked as a anxiety reliever.

I slide the lighter back into the pack, and throw the box to Jeff. I turn around and walk to the window, and look out.

"Are you sure she's not the one with Bipolar disorder?" The doctor chuckled, turning to Jeff.

Why am I here. Why can't I just jump and become one with the earth as I was supposed to be two months ago.

I inhale another puff, holding it in.


And longer.

Then longer.

And releasing my thoughts.

Laughing at the small dots in the sky who call themselves stars, when they will end up falling like all stars. To be forgotten and rejected.

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