メ P A R T O N E : Manipulation

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I sat at the table next to the window, looking at the many stars that layed splattered out across the sky above me. I had decided to write down things that I still remember from before the incident, There was no paper so I decided to write it on my arm. I had found a black sharpie in the nightstand drawer so It all worked out.


16-18 years old

Proxy of Slenderdic hehe

(Favorite color)

(Favorite hobby)

I got distracted when I looked out of the window again, on the building next to the hotel I could see someone standing on the roof. Were they going to jump?! Or are they having a smoke break?

I stood up from the chair and walked to the window, then opened it. Poking my head out below me was a fire escape leading to the bottom of the complex. I slid under the window and then I stood there on the fire escape, I felt a bit light headed due to being up so high. I looked back up to the person on the roof in the next building, I must be high but it looks like they have wings.

They were watching over the city, then I must've caught their attention. They walked from their spot over to the ledge closest to me. "I'm sorry to be a burden, but please be careful!" I shouted over to them. I heard a chuckle escape from their mouth, they turned their head slightly and responded "Is there anything wrong with getting fresh air y/n? Also it's nice to meet you for the first time." Wait how the fuck does he know my name..

Then the unexpected happened, he stood up on to the ledge and turned around. He then fell backwards and was falling to the ground in a blink of an eye, I screamed for them but then they flew up. I never thought angels existed so what the hell is this. The male than landed Infront of me on the fire escape, when I looked at him he towerd over me. He had what seemed to me a skeleton structure or tattooed on him, he just had shorts on and in the moon light he had beautiful white hair.

But the most eye appealing sight was his raven colored wings, they were so big and elegant.

"My name is Hobo heart, This won't be the first time we meet up. But I think the Slenderman agrees we will work well together due to our similarities." Hobo heart said with a smile, hobo heart... Nice name. I just stared at him, his depressing aurora reflecting on to me. His energy very strong. I just waved and smiled, and with that He took off and flew away.

Damn I'm high as fuck right now.

"Y/n! We need to leave now!" I heard shouting from inside the hotel room. I quickly slipped under the window and shut the glass, I scanned the room to see a very stressed Jeff. He was grabbing things and quickly packing them into the bag, what the hell? Is he on crack right now too?

"Why?" I asked walking over to him. "Jane, she's pissed off right now." He replied letting out a short breath, then grabbing a pare of my shorts off the ground. I heard pounding on the door, "Jeff you can't fucking kill people because you want too!!! What has she done to you!! Bring her out now." A women shouted, Jane.

The thought of Jane reflected as good, my brain telling me we had a good connection. Why do we have to leave?

Jeff then zipped up the duffle bag and quickly put the desk chair under the door handle so It would be harder for Jane to get in, then jogged over to me and handed me the bag while opening the window.

"C'mon y/n!" He shouted practically pushing me out of the window and onto the metal stairs.
I felt panicked and began running down the fire escape, with Jeff behind me telling me to go faster and faster.

Once we got to the bottom Jeff quickly swept me off my feet and began carrying me while jogging. I felt a sharp object Jab my side every step Jeff took while running.

We soon ended up in an alleyway about three blocks away from the hotel, Jeff quickly sat me down on my feet and then ran his hands through his hair in a thinking matter. He paced back and fourth murmuring to himself, He then turned to me and his eyes locked with mine.

"Close your eyes." Jeff quickly stated while breathing heavily, he then reached in his pocket.
His eyes were watering and his face was red. Is he going to do it? Is he going to finally finish me off?

I looked at him with tears in my eyes, it felt as if there was a giant rock stuck in my throat and I couldn't breathe. Images of moments I don't even remember happening with people I never met, atleast after the incident. I looked down to my feet, tears running down my face and onto the worn out concrete. "You used me, you never loved me....did you?" I managed to whisper, that carried onto a chuckle. He didn't respond, so in that I closed my eyes.

I soon felt his rough hands grab onto my shoulders, with a shaky sigh escaping his mouth. He then violently rammed my body into the brick wall behind me making me jump, He continued to do this two more times and held me against the brick barrier. My body aching in pain but I didn't open my eyes once, His right hand loosened on my shoulder, then his arm fell.. I quickly assumed Jeff went to reach into his pocket for his knife. I then felt him lean close to my face and a rough but warm sensation spread on my lips, and then his warm breath moved to my ear. The three words I wished I would never hear again were whispered into my ear, "Go.To.Sleep." I then felt a sharp but thin object dig into my stomach, pulling in and out of my flesh three more times. A warm liquid falling out of my wounds, Jeff close to my body still, then pulled away with a silent sob.

My body fell to the broken concrete ground, my soul was screaming for help. But I stayed silent, I opened my eyes with my vision blurry. In the corner of my eye I could see a shadow, it moved closer and closer to Jeff. The shadow had a knife, it's glowing white eyes only showing. Once It reached us it stepped behind Jeff, a crimson liquid dripping down in between them. The smiling man soon let out a gasp and fell to his knees, The shadow soon let out a scoff. Then stepped over to me and kneeled down by my side. The sensation of fear spread around my body, leaving my eyes with a stream of tears.

"Some people don't deserve to love, they bring people into their sick fantasies. Do the right thing, y/n and don't go to sleep. Your actually needed in this world." The shadow whispered to me wiping away my tears with it's thumb, the words that came out of its mouth layered with a toxic ooze.

Then It felt as if my soul multiplied into two, the entity came back. I soon felt my consciousness slip in and out of reality, as doing so I heard Jeff bring himself up to his feet and start talking to himself. He then leaned down and his cold fingers touched my neck. Bringing the pure emotion of anger to my soul. He was assumably checking my pulse. Feeling it beating, he then cursed under his breathe and began to pick up my limp body.

I had fell victim in his game.

Then it went black.

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