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Jeffs POV

I slammed my head against the wall more times than I could count, my scalp numb due to how hard I had been pulling it in anger.

"How could I do that?! Why do I think like this?! Why am I a monster!!" I shouted at myself for the millionth time, I pushed myself off of the wall and charged for the bed and fell face first on it.
I let a scream abrupt from my throat as I cursed in the pillow, sweat practically pouring out of my skin.

I need to see her.

I need to protect her.

My body slowly lifted myself off of the mattress looking over at the nightstand where the hard shit layed, if I took it time would go faster and I could see her sooner. I slid off of the bed and chopped the shit up, putting it on one of the keys that were connected to my key chain.

I plugged my nose and took it, letting myself fall back on the bed. The one lamp in the room produced just the right amount of light, making me feel relaxed. It felt as if I began to sink into the mattress, the blankets consumed me.

That's the good shit about drugs, you get to escape but once you take the shit for so long you can't escape...I guess that's how Y/n feels about me. I don't say this but, I know I'm fucked up in the head. I want to change, I need to be normal but that will never happen.

I feel ugly, I feel... disturbed with myself.

But the smile helps me remember, I'm beautiful.

I was momma's beautiful boy after all, God loves all of us.

Hoodies POV

As we stepped out of the van Masky carried the grocery's while Kate carried her treat for the evening, Alcohol.

I took out my keys for the room and unlocked the door, walking in I was met with a sleeping Toby and Y/n along with Jack just sitting on the couch playing with a child's toy. "What the hell are y-" Masky was cut off by Jack by being shushed, indicating not to wake them up.

Something was wrong, Y/n was down here and Jeff wasn't. "What happened?" I asked while I made my way over to Y/n who layed curled up next to Tobias. "Jeff." Jack sighed, going back to his toy. As I lifted up Y/n's face I could see her scar was reopened on her cheek, her neck bruised.

"Ooo look at 'em two." Kate slurred out while she plopped down on her bed, taking another sip of her bottled beer. "Why is she down here?" Masky asked after he closed the fridge, he looked concerned as Y/n's bruises caught his eyes.

I clenched my fists as I knew what happened, a iron like taste spread around my mouth as I bit down on my lip. "I'll be back." I growled while making my way to the door, Tim followed behind me.

Masky slammed the door behind himself as he put together what happened as well, the people by they're doors watched us walk past them as they whispered to one another.

Once we reached Y/n and Jeff's room I turned the handle expecting for it to be locked, but it opened revealing a barely lit room. Masky closed the door quietly behind himself as we inspected the room, soon I came across a unconscious Jeff passed out on his bed. Masky picked up something off of the ground, soon revealing his key chain and a small plastic bag.

"Cocaine?" I whispered, looking down at Jeff's blood shot eyes. Masky just shook his head in reply, I felt my stomach drop.

Would he, did he make Y/n take this?

"What do you want to do?" Masky asked, picking up Jeff's wrist and what I assumed felt for a pulse.
"Fuckers probably in his own nightmare of thoughts, but who gives a shit." I growled as I picked Jeff up by his hair, tossing him onto the ground. He slowly got up, looking around and his eyes seemed to widen at the sight of us.

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