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Later that night~

All of us had split up, right now I was at the bar with the man of the party because apparently I'm just some fuckin toy to lure men in.

Which is kinda cool I guess, getting to kill them afterwards and all but still it's weird.

I was getting close to convincing him for us to go up to his room, where the safe was and the money was in. If this failed Hoodie said the boss would have our asses, and by that I mean he would most likely rip our asses off and toss them out the window.

Couldn't have that shit happen to me.

"We could have it just us...Alone." I whispered, tracing circles on his chest that his silk like tux covered. "Hm...Sure." he smiled, he had pretty white teeth that shown like stars...I wasn't jealous or anything but my hygiene hadn't been good for those couple of months.

Jeff was most likely with the guys wife, The proxies somewhere watching me and him which made me feel a bit better.

He grabbed my hand and led me to the stairs, we passed by many people dancing and sitting on the steps talking among eachother. It made me wonder if this was what the rest of highschool would've been like, but either way I was there.

The music was loud, distracting almost like the shining lights. We made our way through the trashed hallways untill we came to a black wooden door, The man pulled out his keys and unlocked it which followed with me walking in first. I could see the safe was sitting by the bed with a sheet over it, disguising itself as a table.

The room was fancy, a king sized bed with a cool top. It almost looked like one of those mid-evil timed rooms, themed red and black. "Like what you see?" The man spoke behind me, it was pretty obvious I was amazed with the decor. "Yeah, I like all of it." I smiled, turning around and met his gaze. "All of it?" He whispered, giving me a slight push which ended with me falling onto the water like bed with a fluffy comforter.

"All of it." I purred, keeping our gaze locked as he climbed on top of me. "Good." He whispered as his lips imprinted onto my neck, leaving behind bruises of his amusement. My fingers found their way through his blonde locks, tugging in a playful manner. My eyes stayed glued onto the safe the whole time, waiting for the moment to finish him off and swipe the cash.

He began to pull my straps down, just above my breasts as our lips met. He tasted like mint, although it didn't go well with the alcohol on my breath. My fingers slowly found they're way into a side pocket on my dress, located on my side that was barely noticeable.

I soon felt the blade of my pocket knife and slid it out of its den, awaiting the blood of its next victim on its body. Before I could bring it up to his neck he started gurgling, blood pooled into my mouth and onto my chest. I quickly pushed him off, seeing blood on my knife I assumed I cut him pretty deep. "How the fuck? Am I that wasted?" I chuckled to myself, laying back down besides the man's body.

The warm liquid found it's way through the sheets and to my arm, although I didn't mind it. My eyes stayed on the black ceiling, different jewels decorated it. The substances me and the blonde had tried earlier were still in my veins, making the whole situation seem as a dream.

"Why did all of this happen? Why me?...did I do something to deserve this life? No." I began talking out loud, I didn't know who I was talking to but it was someone... anyone that was willing to listen. "Do you think I deserved the things that have happened? Do you think I'm a good person?" I whispered while I turned to face the blonde, he was still alive while he slowly bled out.

His eyes moved to the corner of the room, as if he was watching someone. "Oh c'mon, don't go to the damn light when I'm trying to have a conversation with you." I groaned, laying back on to my back while I closed my eyes in anger.

My hand found it's way to his, our fingers became intertwined while I felt him squeeze it as I assumed his nerves were going off. "Is this what you do on every mission? Find your way into some man's room waiting for someone to save you?" A rough voice growled from the side of the bed, practically hovering over me.

While I opened my eyes they met with green ones, brown hair layered over them as a shield. I quickly shot up in the bed, keeping my distance away from the person. "Don't act as if your scared, I'm the one trying to help you. Plus you told me to meet your here, didn't you?" A eerie voice came from the person mouth as they took a seat besides me.

"Lui?" I whispered, my body began to shake as I felt the whole plan go wrong. "No, he's sleeping at the moment. It's Sully, sorry that it wasn't your prince charming." Sully sighed, his eyes explored my face. How long was he in here? Did he watch everything?!

"So, what do you want to discuss?" I began, keeping a good distance away from him only to feel the blondes blood seep into my dress.
"You." He stated, narrowing his eyes on me.

Why me? The fuck?

"What about me?" I asked, swallowing back the rock that seemed to be stuck in my throat.
"You should come with us, it's better and safer...
Plus Jane's dumbass promised your mom that we would bring you back alive so...let's go." He said, he then pushed himself off of the mattress as he waited for my answer.

"N-no, I only agreed to helping you with information." I stated calmly, squeezing the sheets as I felt I didn't have a choice. "Well boo-hoo darling, you don't have a say in this situation." He growled as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a pistol, aiming it at my head.

My eyes widened and my hands shot right Infront of my body as if that would help, the urge to scream was just a stupid idea. "Let's.go." His words seeped through his teeth as if they were a poisonous liquid, infecting the air around it.


Both of our heads turned to the door to see Jeff standing in the door way, his eyes glowed in the dark seeming as a wolf that encountered a rival.
"Oh nice to see you joined the party Jeffery." Sully sighed, taking a step closer to me so then the tip of the gun rested on my four head sending chills down my spine at the cold touch.

They both looked like polar opposites, but in the end they both looked like long lost brothers.

Jeff seemed furious and confused, he slowly closed the door behind himself as he pulled his knife out of his pocket. "This party's going to end sooner than expected." He growled through his teeth as his eyes stayed glued on the gun.
"Ohh! Just like when you were set to flames? When you became a hideous fucking beast? Hm?" Lui chuckled, trying to ignite the ticking bomb that rested inside of Jeff's head.

"You know! Damn well, that had nothing to do with me or this situation! You just stood there and watched, what a great fucking older brother." Jeff hissed sarcastically, his knuckles soon turned paper white due to how hard he was gripping the knife. "That night Jeff, you attempted to kill me but here we are! Due to your little fuck up you got this young girl at gun point seeing her life flash through her eyes." Sully stated, a sadistic grin spread out on his lips.

"How can that happen when I didn't even have a damn life? I bet Lui's going to be pissed once he finds out what shit your pulling right now." I muttered under my breath, apparently loud enough for Sully to hear. He pushed the tip harder onto my flesh, making me wince at the pinch like pain. "Lui would be pleased at my doing, his pussy ass wouldn't have the balls to do what I'm about to do." He seethed, letting out rigid breaths as me and Jeff knew exactly what was going through his mind.

Lui slowly lifted the gun off of my head and pointed it at Jeff, his hands stable the whole time as he knew what he was about to do. "I think it's your turn to go to sleep, Jeffery." Sully grinned, he pulled the trigger as if it seemed slowed down to make it more dramatic.


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