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"hey wake up! Y/n... I will slit your throat~" someone cooed which made me quickly stand up,
My legs and behind numb from sitting on the tiles flooring for so long and it didn't help that I had a hangover. Looking up I saw Toby with his hatchet in hand as if he really was going to carry on with it, a manic smile finishing it off.

"C-can you please get me a..." I didn't carry on with my sentence, I felt as if I was going to give out so I brought my weight to the table to hold me up.
"Use your words." Toby stated, leaning against the tiled wall. "Water." I muttered, looking up at the fridge. "You will have to speak louder, what do you want?" Toby asked in a playful matter, trying to annoy me. "Get me fucking water." I growled, narrowing my eyes towards him.

I managed to drag a chair over to the table and sit down, soon holding my head in pain as it felt like my heart was in my head. "Here you go princess." Toby sneered, rolling the water bottle on the table that soon his my arm. "Thanks, where is everyone?" I asked, unscrewing the bottle and taking a sip. "Store and scouting, I had to stay here and babysit you." Toby sighed, leaning against the counter while playing with his blade.

"Babysit me? Who's idea was that?" I growled, squeezing the water bottle in pain. "Jeffs, he said you would need someone to baby you while he was gone." He chuckled, keeping his eyes on his hatchet. "Of course." I muttered, my eyes laying on the clock that showed it was already twelve in the afternoon.

The water just made me want to throw up even more, thoughts spilling into my mind that I fought to keep out last night. "So... What were two fighting about last night?" I heard Toby mutter, I didn't lift my head due to the fresh tears running down my face. "Stuff." I responded, my nails digging into my arm. "Doesn't seem like it, you can tell me." Toby whispered, I knew he was just doing this to get something out of me to use it against me.

"Okay, we were talking about how I'm going to fucking rip your damn throat out!" I hissed, looking up and glaring at him. "I'm not that fucking dumb Tobias." I added, resting my head back down on the table. "You can, who would I tell?" He stated, I could hear that he actually cared which made me confused. "Fine... Its just the normal shit. Jeff doesn't like that I have been standing up to him, he makes it seem like I'm the bad guy! And then he just comes back and starts comforting me... And I know damn well his plan is just to do something unforgiving to me and I haven't figured out what it is yet." I growled, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath.

"Oh, that's the thing about him. He likes being the possessor, all he does is to have himself in control.
But like the other bitches he has done this with he can't kill you, that pisses him off." Toby responded, pushing himself off of the counter and took a seat in the chair across from me.

"Yea." I chuckled, bringing my head up and rubbing my eyes. "We have another mission by the way, then we will be switching locations so that should help." Toby sighed, leaning back in the chair.  I didn't respond, I just looked at Toby looking over him as if he was a mystery.

"Y/n? I swear to God if you ran..." I low voice called from the living room, soon the kitchen door opened and Jeff walked in with Smile.
Jeff eyed Toby, which only made the goggled boy chuckle. "Jealous much?" I whispered under my breath, bringing my head back on to my arms.
I heard the chair in front of me squeak as Toby got up and walked out of the kitchen, leaving me and Jeff which made a sickening sensation come to my chest.

Suddenly I felt someone grab a large amount of my hair and pull me up to face them, looking Infront of me was an ugly ass Joker reject. I
Locked eyes with him as my scalp soon became numb, making me wince in pain. "Don't talk shit to me, also don't talk about me when I'm not here. You already know how I feel about you going around and doing your little dance with the guys here." Jeff hissed, his grip on my hair only tightening. "Whateva 'ya say Mr. J." I smiled, only to get my face slammed into the table.

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