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I woke up to a pounding head ache, looking around Jeff was on the ground next to be silently taking big sips of the vodka bottle I had drank earlier. It didn't help that I was sobbing and had drank alcohol on the floor, so now my time and balance was out of place.

"What time is it?" I asked groggy, looking over at Jeff who had now realized I was awake. "Seven or something, you practically slept the whole day." He sighed, letting out a burp after another sip.
"Oh, good I guess." I muttered, laying back on the pillow Jeff must've gotten for me. "Did you forget?" Jeff suddenly asked, grabbing me and turned me to face him. I had a idea on what he was talking about, but like most of the time I was to tired to argue.

"What?" I asked back, raising a eyebrow as if I had no clue. "Okay, good." He huffed, his cold hand then slipped off of my shoulder and layed back down to his side. It was cold in the room, covering up with the blanket I had realized I didn't have my tank top on, in fact I didn't even see it. "That's weird." I mumbled, getting up to get another one just to get pulled back down by Jeff. "You should rest." He growled while picking me up in his arms and layed me on the bed, then crawled next to me covering him and I with the cream colored comforter.

He cuddled close to me, his arm rested on my stomach while gripping my side. His head rested on the pillow above us, but I could feel his eyes digging into my head. "Can I atleast get a damn shirt on?" I sighed, sitting up causing Jeff's arm to slide off of my body. "Fine." He grumbled, leading me to reaching across the bed and pulled on a f/c t-shirt with my favorite band on it, how did Jeff know I liked them or even listened to their music?

I layed back onto the pillow while Jeff reached over and turned the T.V on with the remote, surprisingly f/s was on. (Fav show.) Jeffs arms found they're way around my body once again, one layed on top of my chest while the other rested under my head. His warm breath radiating off of my neck while his cold gaze pierced my body, making chills go down my spine.

"How can she not question me? The things I've done to her and others, she has never questioned me once about them." Jeff muttered under his breath, moving a piece of h/c hair out of my face and began playing with my locks of hair. What was he talking about? That made me start to over think, but I know what Jeff does... Atleast when I'm awake so nothing bad happens.

Unconsciously my legs take me from the bed to the door, leaving Jeff in the room. The night breeze felt good on my skin, looking below the railing I see Masky sitting on the steps with a bottle in his hands I decide to go down the steps and sit by him. "Hey." I smile, taking a seat next to him as I felt the wooden steps cold skin touch mine. "Hello." He jumped at first, but then became less tensed. "What happened." He asked in a annoyed manner, making me confused.

"What? Can I not come and sit next to the guy that caused me to go into a coma?" I chuckled, bringing my knees up to my chest while I watched the cars zoom by on the street. "Yes sure... Just watch out with Jeff, we don't want another Nina on our hands." Masky let out a nervous chuckle, taking another sip of his drink. "I'm not a damn fan girl of some crusty ass killer, but what did happen between them two?" I asked, it felt as if everything in the world went quite as the universe tried making this moment more dramatic.

"Jeff used her before he came back to the old Location, she was his hit man I guess. The girls that didn't work out for him he would just have Nina carry out the job for him, she thought it would make him love her." He began, both of our moods soon became more depressing. I felt my heart sink, I thought of the things he has done to me but I couldn't imagine what he did to Nina.

Poor fucking Nina.

"Nina didn't grow up in a good childhood you could say, always looking for a man's attention her father didn't give her. Jeff came along one day and took her away for awhile, showed his charming side to her and then brought her back to her house and she killed her little brother for him, Jeff found all of that some little game he soon became bored of." He sighed, running his hand through his hair. "Jeff rejected her and then she spent ten years trying to find him when he went off of the chart, soon she came across the manner and joined our hell of a shit show. When Jeff got broken out of the Asylum and came back he saw her and instantly ran, that caused a whole ass hide and seek game for them for maybe five years untill Jane and Nina met then Jane showed her the real monster he is, now she wants to get back at him for the abuse and bullshit he put her through." He said, his voice sounding soar.

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