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Masky's POV

In those moments, I layed on the bottom of the bunk bed me and Brian shared reading a book I had found laying on the kitchen counter.

I was slowly drifting off to sleep, letting the book fall down onto my chest. After a bit of silence, the smell of wood pine soon turned into the smell of burning flesh and wood.

Screams were heard from the hallways, crashing and roars of the flames set a feel of panic in my chest. I suddenly sprung up, chucking the book across the room with wide eyes. Brian and Toby soon woke up, and began to franticly look around for an escape. The darkness from the window soon began to glow in yellow, the light from under the door grew a dark red.

"Holy shit!" Toby shouted, running to the door in only his pajama pants and sweatshirt. "Toby no! Come on!" Brian roared at the boy, standing by the open window he had pushed one of our mattresses out of to create a softer landing if we did jump out. Toby ignored Brian, he quickly swung the wooden door open and ran out to the hall.

What I say made me stumble backwards, bringing my hand up to my mouth I felt anger zizzle in my mind. It smelled like one of the bosses creations, the toxic fume that created fires easily. All he would've had to do was set a curtain on fire and the whole mansion would go up in flames.

The red walls were melting, bloody painters masterpieces were glued onto the rug. I watched people run from room to room, Shouts and screams of agony of the fire against their flesh.

Suddenly, I was pulled backwards and pushed to the window by Brian. His eyebrows were furrowed, he knew it was the bosses doing as well.

Soon enough we four were on the edge of the woods, speechless at the sight of the mansion on fire. Screams were heard, walls collapsing were hard to listen to.

My hazel eyes trailed from the bright flame to the side of the mansion, where several windows were broken and where the black paint burned red.
I watched as shadows jumped out, rolling onto the ground and ran. Soon enough I recognized two shadows, Toby and BEN.

They jumped from the tallest window and landed, some how without breaking anything and ran to me and Brian, along with Kate who was sitting on a large rock with her face in her hands.

"He said he was going to do this, we are moving more up north away from the hunters." Brian stated, his eyes still glued onto the manner.
From what I could tell was Jeff was still in the fire, everyone else was out due to it being a Friday going for fresh kills. The two Jack's came walking up to us near the front, it was like a painting. "Holy shit! What happened?" The masked one asked, pulling his mask off due to the heat. "who ever lives is strong and who dies is weak." I responded, balling my fists. The members who lived in the barn began coming out and admired the sight. We all stood there, Jeff's screams melting along with the house.

"Karma." Hellen whispered, taking off his mask as well. "Hey! What the hell!" We all heard a scream from behind us, some of us turning and others still fazed in thought turned around to see y/n.
"You came back just in time for the show!" L.J chuckled, raising his claws and doing jazz hands.
Y/n quickly glanced at all of the crazed people Infront of her, and yet all of us knew what her realization was due to her shocked facial expression.

Jeff was inside.

And we were outside.

Narrator's POV

Y/n looked at all of the monsters standing Infront of the manner, all except Jeff. "Jeff!" She screamed, her feet quickly taking her towards the front door of the manner but quickly got pulled away from entering the death pit. "Your one of the people master wants to survive, you cannot die." Masky growled, latching onto y/n's left arm. In response the girl didn't reply verbally but physically, she pulled her right arm back and punched the man in the face, taking that as a chance to run for Jeff she quickly took off running towards the house that was lit to flames.

"NO!!HELP!!! LUI NO!!!" The smiling man shouted, reliving the house fire. He was sitting under neath the wooden desk by his bed with his legs curled up to his chest. Tears running down his face, his body shaking rapidly. "Jeff!" Y/n screamed while running through the halls, fire stinging and melting her s/c skin. Making her screech multiple times, the smoke spread inside of her lungs making her light headed. The paintings on the walls now melted in to the carpeted flooring. Coming to they're door the black paint melting off brought a depressing emotion to y/n's chest, Then quickly pulled out her gun from her side pocket and firing it at the door handle causing it to fly open.

The others hearing the gun shot assumed y/n had used it as a way of putting Jeff out of his misery, some laughed at this noise and others stayed silent watching the flames. "JEFF!" Y/n screamed while quickly shutting the door behind her self to block the smoke from entering, Then tumbling down to the floor due to the lack of oxygen. Jeffs gaze soon landed on y/n, in his eyes she was Lui. This time he could protect him, Jeff's hand suddenly reached out of his hiding spot towards 'Lui' to save him.

Y/n slowly picked herself up and crawled towards Jeff, tears stinging the cut in her face. "Jeff... Go please... T-the window." She managed to gasp, standing up and breaking the glass window with the desk chair but fell back suddenly after. Jeff quickly stood up from under the desk, his eyes stopped playing tricks on him. The heat and lack of oxygen tricked him, the hope of saving Lui melted away like the blisters slowly eating y/n alive.

The girls breathing became rigid, Jeff quickly stumbled over to her and managed to pick her up and walked over to the window about twenty five feet above the ground. "Why save me you dumb girl." Jeff hissed, he was still contemplating if he should've just left her to burn. Ignoring the urges he crawled out onto the roof, He slowly made his way to the front of the manner, the others catching his attention. And him doing the same to them, some of the monsters were displeased with him still being alive. Jeffs legs almost let loose many times but managed to get to the lowest part near the ground and jumped, wrapping himself around y/n acting as a bullet fest or floating device.

Hitting the tall grass Jeff quickly pushed the pain in his lungs and legs off and continued running away from the burning memories with y/n in his hands. Making his way to the other members he collapsed, dropping y/n on the ground besides his body.

Eyeless Jack quickly walked over to their bodies, Checking y/n first. She still had a heart beat and was physically okay but maybe not mentally, she had severe burns layered all over her body and had to let the fumes of the smoke wash out of her system. Then the crying man made his way to Jeff to check his pulse, his breathing was fast but would soon settle down, he only had a few cuts and some burns but the panic attack from the flashback's did not help the situation.

The other members of the manner and their little society sat watching the flames raise above the manner, if you looked close enough you could see the spirits be freed and fly away finally being able to pass on, Making y/n smile once she gained her consciousness back. The operator was no where in sight, but waiting in the new manner awaiting for his servants arrivals knowing that they would find him sooner or later.

Sirens began to rize in the distance which made the killers split up, some descending into the shadows of the woods and others driving away in their cars. In this case y/n went with the proxies, Jeff not willing to go anywhere without y/n came along with the proxies and they headed to a cabin far off in the woods while everything quieted down.

Everyone separating, soon to come together once again.

I hate this.

This is not the ending! But we are getting close... Will you find your will to live?
Who's that demon guy?

Where's waldo? Idfk I haven't even found him.

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