Secrets of the soul.

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Waking up to the smiling killer was comforting, knowing no one could fuck with me.... except him.
My eyes opened, the room still dark. I look out of the window to see it raining and dark out, my kind of weather. I'm in no rush, I look to my side to be met with a pair of tired eyes. No expression as if he's dissociating with reality, was he awake the whole time?

I look out of the window once more, feeling the tired boys stare shoot right through my head.
A pair of rough fingers reach over and grab my chin, pulling me to look to the left of me to be met with once again tired eyes and no expression.

As if he just wanted something to stare at, he dives deeper and deeper into my eyes. His black hair covering his face and falling down his shoulders, dried blood on his face. " you." Jeff spoke up, his voice shaky. I smiled at this, and kissed my index and middle  fingers then planted them on his lips as if I was giving him a kiss.

We layed there for hours, a week had already gone by with Jeff acting out a couple times but becoming under control. We have to check out at 3:00pm so we have six more hours untill we have to head out.

A tired but happy feeling washed over my soul each time I felt Jeff move or even look at me, We had spent the morning watching (favorite show) that I'm surprised that was on this kind of channel.

It's crazy how close people can grow together in a short period of time, last week I didn't know who the fuck he was. But now I know who he really is.

He's a teenager, in a grown man's body. A wolf in a prince's fairytale. A killer in a world with to much shit to deal with.

~time skip~

"So we have everything packed, we should be ready to leave." I sigh, picking up the duffel bag and slinging it around my back as If I was carrying a purse. It was 2:55pm so we had five more minutes untill we had to leave. Jeff was sitting on the edge of the bed, his grey over sized shirt dangling close to his body. He had his black dress pants on reaching down to his ankles and folding up over his boots. The smiling mans black hair falling over his face and his shoulders, he was lost in thought.

"Jeff?" I question, grabbing the door handle ready to leave. He jumped slightly out of shock and shook his head 'yes' in reply, then sat up wiping his hands on his shirt making his way over to me.

Walking through the hotel we both stayed silent, Jeff's heavy breathing came to annoy me but I didn't say anything. Being with this man I had many mixed emotions, Happiness, sadness along with disgust and anger. Right now I was feeling disgust, I don't know why but Jeff's company made me feel uncomfortable. Oh I don't know why maybe because he's a deranged serial killer!

Pushing through the hotels doors made the weight on my shoulders drift away. The cold damp breeze hitting my body made my mood lighten up, hopefully that will do the same with Jeffs.

We walked around the building to the parking lot, our Van being the only car along with four others. It was a Wednesday so everyone would be working. Jeff walked to the driver's side of the car and I made my way to the passenger side, Jeff then  reaching into his back pocket and pulled out the cars keys.

Both of us getting into the front part of the car, shutting the door I let out a loud sigh, but I felt my stomach twist in fear as what was to come going back to the manner. All the monsters there know me so well but yet their like predators out to get their prey. And yet my head hasn't came to reality and realized that I'm a monster, only joining their wild ass cult.

I watched out the window as the buildings flew past us, the many people walking together. I could hear Jeff whispering to himself, sometimes mentioning my name.

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