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Jeffs POV

Y/n looks so happy, yet so sad. The little boy that has tagged along with us reminds me alot of myself when I was younger, a bit of him.

She looks so beautiful with the suns light reflecting on her s/c skin, the little boy looks so happy. Curled up in a ball with y/n running her hands through his hair trying to comfort him.

Damn wish that was me.

"Don't you ever wish a moment in your life can just freeze and stay like that forever?" Y/n whispered, looking out into the far distance of the lake. I wish this moment could last forever, so yes i
Do. "Yeah, like right now." I mutter back, making my grasp tighter on her hand.

In the distance I could see girls staring at us and pointing, but for the first time they weren't laughing at me. They had their phones out and I assume recording us, I had seen y/n watching an app where there's these couples that people wish they could be like. That's creepy recording people though.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw two the of the girls get up and start walking towards us, I felt my chest get hard. I didn't want to hurt anyone now, especially Infront of a child.

Once they reached us they poked y/n's shoulder, they looked nervous. "Pardon? What do you need?" Y/n asked the blonde girl, shifting her weight to her left arm. " I just wanted to say you two are like, such a cute couple." She said awkwardly pushing a strand of hair behind her ear.

This made me mentally cringe.

Y/n took a second to respond, looking over at me with a 'these guys dumb asf' smile. "Oh...thank you." She replied with a smile, And with that the girls walked away. "Look at that, the one day we're not killing eachother we're the perfect couple." Y/n laughed, mostly directing it at me. Usually I would feel angry and frustrated towards her, but I understood it.

"Yea..." I muttered. I have hurt her so many times and yet she is still here with me, she hasn't ran when she would have the chance to. She could've killed me off too so many times. Each time her eyes land on me the girl in the house was leaned against the far wall shocked with fear, or sitting on the edge of the bed holding a knife to her own neck. But sometimes the girl would be looking out the window happy with the sight out of her view.

Her face was always damp with tears, happy or not I hated them.

"Hey! Is that my son?" A rigid voice asked behind us, a black haired women most likely in her twenties asked walking up to us. Dark circles under her eyes, she was tired of life. And accidentally brought a new life into this sickening world and she regretted it.

"Yea, he was alone so we watched him." Y/n politely replied, but I could tell by her voice she wanted to rip the women's throat out. Y/n showed peer hatred for this women, did she remind her of someone?

Your POV

The women Infront of me looked way to much like my mom and acted like her, hatred lining my words.

I shook Jonah awake, "your momma's here." I whispered to the boy. He lifted his head while rubbing his eyes, once he saw his mom for a slight second he showed fear. "Jonah come on, we have to go home." The women said grabbing Jonah's hand, "where are we staying tonight? At your new friends house?" Jonah asked while sitting up and walking to her.

My insides turned from the disgust I felt, and the memories from my mother. I'm sure this woman was fine before taking one line as a joke but then becoming addicted to life.

"I- we are staying with my new friend." She said with a smile, and with that Jonah shook his head and waved to me and Jeff. Then walked away with his mother to a car parked my the road.

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