Not forgotten.

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The words he spoke made my stomach turn, my tears stopped falling from my tired eyes.
It sucks ass when your sober, because all you do is take in the shit the world throws at you and then that just adds more to the reason to get high or buzzed.

"You what." I stated, my eyes looking ahead of me and watched the shadows go silent at the words Jeff had just spoke. "I did it because they were going to take you away from me, if they did we wouldn't of had the beautiful moments we have now! Aren't you glad that they weren't there to stop our wonderful love from blooming?!" Jeff asked, I could hear the smile and pure insanity in his voice...I didn't feel anything when he said those words.

"You...killed them." Was the only words that could come out of my mouth, my grip on the necklace tightened as I felt a sudden bolt of rage shoot through my body. "They knew to much Y/n, I had to. But that was the past and your doing just fine without them, you have me now." Jeff whispered just loud enough for me to hear, I couldn't believe the shit he was saying.

It was funny because he actually believed what was coming out of his deformed mouth.

"You...did it out of pure Jealousy didn't you? You thought that by... You dumbass!" I laughed, my cuts that layed on each side of my mouth stretched sending blood to trinkle down my chin. I didn't turn around because I knew it would only feed his disgusting pleasures but instead screamed ahead of myself at the shadows that hid behind the trees that watched this play out. He did it just because I had one person who cared! One person who fucking loved me for me! Who listened! I had recognized the necklace and it was the BFF necklace I gave them in the 3rd grade, I spent my fucking allowance on it.

And they kept it even in death.

A smile spread across my face, hiding the fact that I felt like clawing at my flesh until I looked just as fucked up as Jeff. I felt myself lean back to the point I fell onto my butt, bringing my legs up to my chest and held my head in my hands as I thought over the current situation.

They led me here for something, left the necklace and Jeff just told me he killed them.... A flashback of when I was in Jeffs room with his knife... bringing it over his body and pushed down into his skin.... That was my first reaction to when I found out about their death, the coma was just a cover up so I could start off new and have to put all of my trust on them! I'm such a fucking dumbass!!!!!

The more I held the necklace in my palm the more images of their blood being spilled popped up in my mind, Jeffs laughs of satisfaction haunting my ears as I watched they're whole murder play out in my mind.

I felt a few giggles escape my mouth as more thoughts found they're way to my head, making me claw at my scalp as I felt hair strands wrap themselves around my slender fingers.
"No wonder I didn't like you before the coma...
No fucking wonder I didn't like you! No fucking wonder you were the one person I hated." I gritted through my teeth, I realized why I didn't have any texts or pictures of Jeff before the coma was because we didn't even have a relationship! We were...


It was all just one big lie.

"I don't like liers, let's make it so you don't have to say those filthy words anymore."

"Your lying to yourself, you loved me before all of  this... Don't worry, this is why your not with them anymore, all they did was put you into danger...ssshhh" Jeff's low voice whispered suddenly behind me, before I could react I felt Jeff inject me with something sharp on my arm... It stung like hell and found it's way to my blood line.

It felt as if I was slipping in and out of consciousness, I tried my best to flail around but it was no use...It was pretty obvious I wouldn't remember anything when I would wake up, so I didn't fight the black void of a sick twisted dream land.

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