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Masky's/Tim's POV

"I don't get it, she would've already been driven to insanity and she looks at us as normal fucking people!" Brian stated, leaned against the kitchen counter. "I mean when I first met all of them I was mentally affected, but I'm pretty sure Jeff has been slipping her some kind of medication... Because any person it doesn't matter about their mental state they would be fucking terrified of Laughing Jack!" I whispered/yelled, using my hands sort of like a explanation.

"Maybe it's the entity inside her has an effect on her fear or some shit... But atleast she see's what we do as normal? That would be easier for  missions." Brian sighed, crossing his arms over his chest. "But she says we shouldn't go to the new location this early, she says something bad will happen... The fuck does that mean?" I questioned Brian, resting my weight against the wall.

"When I was first researching on the operator when all of that was happening I found that entities can show their host surten things, like visions. This could be a useful tactic for up coming missions." Brian said, looking out of the window.
"But what happened if we just left? It would be easier." I asked, switching my weight to my other leg. "I don't know, then there's the possibility of losing y/n. The boss would be pissed off at us and you know the losing of a fellow proxy can end up in death and we could be easily replaced." Brian stated, keeping his eyes out of the window.

"Well there's always the chance of losing a proxy and it would be better to get going, Y/n is a newbie and she can be easily replaced as well.
Plus in her eyes I bet all of this shit seems like a fever dream, she wakes up in different places each day and I also bet she questions each God damn day and most of the time what she sees isn't even reality." I growl, pushing myself off of the wall and walking out of the kitchen leaving Brian to think. What I said was true, I was even taken back when I saw she was curled up in Laughing Jack's lap like not even a insane person would do that!

I walked over to Kate's bed where that was the only open sitting space and sat down, resting my face in my palms.

Why hasn't God killed me yet.

Jeff's POV

She looks so beautiful.

She should be in my arms, not that clowns.

I could put her to sleep, I could hold her in my hands forever and she wouldn't be able to do anything about it. No one could take me away from her, she would love me if I put her to rest.

I see how much she suffers, she deserves to be protected and the only way to do that is to take away her life... For her soul to live on. I could hold her in my hands, feel her body go from warm to cold in many hours and still not care because I love her.

If it was anyone to put her to sleep it would be me,
She would want that. Her blood staining my clothes and her insides on my tongue, she would be with me forever no matter what.

Me and her could run away, make her last moments happy and then put her to rest giving her soul to God for him to protect. She would see me as her savior in her eyes, just like everyone else I put to sleep. She would finally be happy and thrive among the dead free, the thought making me smile.

Besides, she would be happy and I would have nothing to care about anymore. It would be for the best of us, the better for me and that's how she would want it because she loves me.

Your POV

*Glass shattering on the ground*

My eyes quickly shot open and looked around the room, seeing Jeff's beer bottle laying broken on the ground besides the couch. No body else payed attention and continued on with their conversation's. Jeff slowly leaned forward and picked up a small shard of glass, and leaned back down running his fingers over the sharp glass.

Jack let out a low chuckle, sending vibrations through my stomach. The clowns nails dug deep into the sides of my hips making me wince at the pain, indicating for me to lay down again and I followed through with it. I looked at Jeff, my eyes locking with his.

Every killer needs an obsession and target,
You are his target.

That's one of the traits I forgot about sociopaths,
They need something to go for and in this case it's me with Jeff. The more I stared at Jeff the more his grin turned into a smile, I swore it curled at the ends almost like the old version of the Grinch.

Whenever he smiled at me it wasn't him admiring me or anything romantic, he always did it to taunt me or make me fear him. It was like a wolf showing it's fangs towards a rival pack member,
Showing them that it was bigger and strong than the rival but really it felt threatened. Jeff knew I was beginning to become less fearful of him so he needed a way to put me down back in my place, that night when the manner was lit a flame he did that whole act to scare me.

It's exactly what L.J does, along with the other Jack. All of the monsters either smile and are loud to assert dominance otherwise they are quite and mysterious, hiding their true power and thoughts.
I kept my gaze on Jeff, showing that I wasn't frightened but this made him smile more to the point I could see the inside of his mouth. His teeth sharp and rigid, non-human.

I lost at this little game, looking away from Jeff in disgust and towards the pack of cigarettes laying on the coffee table. My hands wanted to reach out and grab them, but I resisted the urge. I needed something to take my mind off things, so I gave in.

I slid off of Jack's lap and stepped forward grabbing the cigarette pack and taking one out, then setting it to flame with the lighter sitting next to the pack. My feet became glued to the ground, I inhaled the toxic smoke and held it in. Soon letting it out slowly feeling relieved, sliding it between my index and middle finger I walked back over to the couch and sat in-between Jeff and Jack. "It's bad to smoke, you can die from it." Jack stated, turning his head my way. I just ignored him and took another puff, letting my gaze fall on to the fire.

"S-Shut up, we all do it." Jeff growled, putting his arm around my shoulders allowing my head to rest on his arm. "Imma die from it one d-day." Toby chuckled, leaning against the coffee table and watching the wood burn in the fire.
We all sat in silence, some fell asleep others just sat and watched the fire leaving all of us to our thoughts. Killers bunched up in one small space,
Some would think we would be fighting to the death. Instead we all felt normal together, even I felt normal.

But I knew whether I liked it or not it would come to an end, remembering my vision.

A salty stream of water fell down the scarred and ugly rocks of the mountain, sneaking into the cracks of her fine rock making her feel cold and alone. The other mountain not noticing, yet focused on the other mountains wondering how easy it would be to bring them down the their failure.

He thought the rock besides him was the strongest in the woods, yet she was strong on the outside but slowly burning to her demise on the inside.

If you guys are reading this can you comment or vote? I just wanna see if anyone's reading this. It would really help if you did so, otherwise if you don't then that's fine I guess...
Sorry if the stories bad, I haven't edited or anything but yk.

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