New start.

118 2 3

Tuesday, June 6th 2019

"Y/n wake up " I heard someone whisper while shaking my shoulder, opening my eyes to see light shining through the window and Jeff leaning over me. His smile startling me a bit.

"Okay, I'm up." I grumbled, pushing the blanket off of myself and sitting up. Feeling the blood rush to my head making me feel dizzy.

"We're going to be using Brian's van, so we need to hurry up and leave before he changes his mind." Jeff said turning around and picking up a duffle bag from the desk besides me.

Were we leaving to a hotel? Why?

I  pushed myself off the bed and grabbed a hair brush that was sitting on the ground. I then pulled it through my hair yanking out tangles and snarls resting in my  h/c curls.

I still felt sore, I wanted to sleep more.

I stood there in thought. Staring at the chipped grey walls.

Where am I?

Why am I here?

Who are these people.

Maybe if I earn their trust I can escape.

"Y/n, let's go." I was pulled out of thought with Jeff grabbing my wrist and yanking me with him out the door.

"I- I need my shoes, and my ph-" I was interrupted with Jeff growling, "you can get your shoes on in the car. You don't need your phone."

I just shook my head 'yes' in reply. My cold feet hitting the rough carpeted floors of the manner. Watching so many doors fly by as we walked faster and faster, Jeff wanting to leave before anyone could see us.

Jeff still held tight on my wrist, As he pushed open the giant doors of the mansion. The warm rays of the sun welcoming us out into the world. Trees surrounded the manner, which made it look even more abandoned but still peaceful like.

Jeff led me to a old shed with the grodge door opened, there revealing a blue-ish van. It looked pretty decent so it would work.

"Get in the passenger side, I have to get a few more things before we leave" Jeff said opening the car door for me, then handing me the duffle bag.

I agreed and hopped in the car door, then shut  it with a sigh.

I watched Jeff then walk out of the barn through the front window. Holding the duffle bag on my lap it got the better of me and I opened it, not knowing what to expect.

Unzipping the zipper I soon found normal stuff, like my pair of shoes along with some extra clothes. I dug deeper through the luggage and I found a knife along with a pill bottle labeled  "zyprexa", didn't that cause hallucinations? Why would we need that?

Hearing Jeff's footsteps come closer and closer towards the van, I quickly put the pill bottle back at the bottom of the bag, then trying to act normal so I wouldn't cause any suspicioun going into Jeff's mind.

"Are ya ready?" Jeff asked opening the driver's door and hopping onto the seat. "Yup" I replied with a smile.

He then put the car keys into the slot and started the van, that carried on to us pulling out of the barn and onto the long driveway.

You know that weird feeling you sometimes get in your gut? For me it always makes me feel like I'm going to throw up. It's a really uncomfortable feeling but interesting emotion. My mom always told me listen to your gut, not the person. And maybe I should be listening to that right now, or I can go along with Jeff's plan and not end up dead.

I watched out the window at the green and some red leaves connected to the trees. Blooming with life and giving off their air only for us to suck it up and waste. I could feel Jeff glance over at me time to time which made me feel insecure. He can't say anything, he's ugly. Disgusting.

We soon turned onto a old road, I could see it then leading onto a not to busy highway.

I soon grew annoyed of the awkward silence and Jeff's uncontrollable chuckling, and then leaned over and went to press the button to turn on music only for Jeff to slap my hand away. Causing me to jump.

"Don't. I'm thinking right now." He muttered.

It's crazy how he could instantly change his mood from calm to annoyed. Well I mean that's what my emotions turned to quickly.

That just left us both silent in the van.


"Jeff?" I whispered, keeping my gaze on the fields outside as we zoomed passed in the sea of cars.

"What?" Jeff grumbled, he didn't bother to look over at me. "Was I in a coma? Like, gone? How long have I been gone?" I whispered, I didn't want to cry.

"Yes, you were in a coma. You were gone for two years, but your safe now... It doesn't matter because you have me now." Jeff smiled, reaching over and grabbed my hand as he turned onto a side road.

"What was I like before?" I asked, feeling more open to the topic with him.


Jeff didn't look over at me.

He ignored me.

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