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Your POV

I felt myself being carried in someone's arms, peeking my eyes open a bit I saw that hoodie was carrying me. I could see the stars and the pitch black due to the trees so  it was still night time,
He leaned down and opened a door then walked in, once we entered I heard instant chatter of the proxies and Jeff. I felt hoodie gently place me down on what seemed to be couch next to someone, opening my eyes I saw Jeff sitting at the end talking with Masky and Toby across from us on the other couch.

"I know it was a bull shit move okay! But why didn't someone come get me?! I'm one of the best God damn killers in this organization and yet you guys are trying to kill me off?!" I heard Jeff growl, trying his best not to shout. "We couldn't, our lives are dedicated to the operator. Your lucky y/n saved your ass and honestly I don't see why." Kate hissed, laying down on the bed in the corner of the room. Jeff just grunted to this, and continued cursing under his breath. The room went quite, the proxies getting situated and layed down.

Jeff just sat there, then looked over at me. "I know your awake, n/n. It will be okay, once the time comes." Jeff muttered, placing his hand on my foot and shaking it back and fourth kind of like a dad does when he's bored or doesn't really know how to show affection. "I love you." I say, poking Jeff's side with my foot. It felt as if the fire was a whole fever dream, the meeting with that man felt like a dream too... But it wasn't, I still had scars from both instances and they still burned like hell.

"Welcome to the new normal y/n, We have a hell of a ride Infront of us." Toby yawned, crossing his legs and staring into the small fire Masky had lit a flame into the fire place. I don't see why to start a fire when we just escaped one, I could see that Jeff was still fully alert due to the flames. "Yup."
I mumbled in return, staring at the flames now too. I went from waking up in a 1800's manner to practically living in a hotel then came back to the manner, All of those things having small moments that would be very fucking traumatic for alot of people. I guess the more your around it the less your affected, we all learned to live with it.

What were we all like before my coma? Life seemed so real in it. I would rather live in that fake world, at least I was happy there and didn't have to worry about dying every God damn second.

My eyes felt heavy, so then I closed my eyes leaving me in the darkness. Everyone in the cabin was asleep, Jeff had curled up next to me but it was weird because he was facing me... And his eyes were open. As far as I knew Smile and Grinny
Survived the fire, so they were most likely in the woods looking for us otherwise doing their own shit. Jeff tried killing me, now he's sleeping next to me in less than five hours. It's crazy how much can change in that short of a time period, it scares me actually. Once I was about to enter my dream I began feeling someones warm breath on my face, as if they were looking right down to me. The center between my eyes were tingling, so that obviously gave a way that something was hovering over me. Opening my eyes I was met with two glowing ones, a striped nose and black makeup appeared due to the light of the fire place.

I quickly shot up and was about to scream, but then a claw like hand came crashing over my mouth and pushed me back down on to the couch cushion. "Shut the fuck up!" A scratchy voice growled, still holding their cold hand over my mouth. My brain began thinking again, and now I could tell that it was just laughing Jack. Slowly he raised his hand off of my mouth and stepped back, his boots tapping against the old wood of the cabin. "What are you doing here?" I whispered, furrowing my eye brows in confusion.
"The children at the carnival are to loud, Plus I'm bored." Jack whispered back, almost in a pouting matter. "Don't you control them or some shit? Just smack one and the rest will get the message." I yawn, sitting up and then putting my h/c in to a bun. "No... I just wanted to see what everyone was doing, plus Jaime is already asleep and I don't wanna wake him up." Jack whispered back, walking over to the front of the couch and sitting down Infront of me. Him sitting and me sitting on the couch we were the same height now, plus I would imagine Jamie is his new playmate or he's the boys imaginary friend.

"Do you have any games?" Jack asked lightly, tilting his head following with his fluffy hair falling to his right shoulder. "No jack, they probably all got burned in the fire. Anyways why would I have any fucking games?!" I asked annoyed, rubbing my eyes with my fingers. "Sorry, I do though." Jack smiled, reaching in his long sleeve and pulling out a deck of cards. "Let's play war!" Jack said, separating the playing cards. I just shook my head 'yes' in response, reaching down and grabbing my pile of cards. I was leaning on Jeff's stomach, I could feel his heart beating on my back calming me. "Why do you seem so sad all the time? Your a child you're supposed to be happy." Jack questioned while putting his card down, me doing the same. "Just because I look like a child doesn't mean I think like one, I'm sure you have seen kids with fucked up house holds." I mutter, looking down at my deck of cards. "Oh, Well yes I have but they still have imagination" Jack responded, biting his bottom lip while playing his card after mine.

"That's nice for them." I mutter, memories of my parents popping up in my head. Yea sure they were shitty but I miss them, I miss things before the divorce. "Yup and that's why I'm here, To make children happy and then slaughter them bringing them to internal happiness!" Jack giggled, tapping the floor with his sharp nails.

"You have a weird way of doing that... But I'm happy." I sigh, looking down to meet Jack's demonic gaze. "Well you gotta turn 'em sweet! You have a weird way of showing that besides the fact you never do." Jack chuckled once more, playing down his card being the winner of the game. "Welp you win, I sleep." I yawned, plopping the cards on the floor and grabbing some of the blanket from Jeff. Jack leaned in and brought his hand up to my ear making me freeze, then he brought it back and a blue gumdrop sat in his palm. "Here." Jack smiled, holding the candy out to me. Was this poisoned? Why the fuck would I take candy from a demonic clown? I'm hungry...

I reached my hand out and took the candy, popping it into my mouth. Jack still sat there, a small smile grew on his face. Looking over at him made me question alot, Supposedly before he was like this he was actually a good... Thing.
Maybe that bit of happiness stayed, if it didn't I'm sure everyone in this room would be dead and filled to the rim with candy. "Are you happy now?"
Jack whispered, his dull eyes locking with mine.
"Yea I guess." I smile, my bones aching and my skin burning from the heat in the air.

"There was a girl like you, she was older than the rest that I usually went for but she looked and acted like you. She made me feel this funny emotion, but I killed her." Jack sighed, bringing his hand up to his mouth and began chewing on his nails. These things are just sad misfits of the world, getting their revenge in their special little ways. "We all end up cutting off the ones we love either way, don't worry about it." I whispered, Then laying down and turning to look at Jack with my back against Jeff's stomach. "Yup! That's the thing I don't understand about humans. It's funny really." Jack giggled, Focusing his gaze from his thumb to me. "Yea, hehe we sure are funny." I sigh,
Looking over at the fire.

Jack didn't respond, He just turned his sitting position towards the fire and lost focus into it.
I felt someones arm snake around my waist, pulling me closer to themselves. Jeffs body heat made me feel relaxed and tired, forgetting all of my emotions. Jeff snuggled even closer to my body, he slid down a bit and rested his head on my chest leaving me with a whole vision of snarly black hair. A sudden wave of discomfort washed over my body, his head putting to much weight on my breasts and honestly in that moment if Hoodie wasn't in the room I would've smacked the shit out of Jeff but I didn't want to get slapped across the face again.

"Jeff move." I whispered, trying to wiggle out of his grip. "What? your tits are fine plus they're comfy." The smiling man huffed, resting his head on my chest once more but lighter. "Fuck you." I hissed, resting my right hand on his head and began playing with his hair. "Yes please." Jeff chuckled, tightening his grip on my hip.

Then a sudden thought came to mind, Making me snort. Jeff looked up to me questioningly, raising his eye brow. I took a deep breath to calm myself from bursting out from laughing and locked eyes with Jeff.

By now I'm sure everyone in the cabin was half way awake from my out burst of giggling and everyone was secretly listening.

"I think you and E.J. would be the best couple on this damn planet." I peeped and then fell off of the couch crying of laughter along with Toby and Kate snickering at the thought, Masky cussing at everyone to go to bed and Jeff looking offended as fuck.

First time I have had a real laugh in months.

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