Open Eyes

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Her sleeping body was so peaceful, a part of myself didn't even want her to wake up.

Your POV

I walked up to the knife drawer, bringing out a silver blade that seemed like the answer to all of my problems.

I brought the blade up to my chest, my palms would've been sweaty but they were just cold and numb. I listened to the distant chatter of mom and dad watching they're favorite T.V show in the other room, tears swelled up in my eyes at the fact that this reality could've all been fake and I would've been living a lie, otherwise the tears were happy, I could be going back to my real home.

My real mom and dad.

I plunged the blade into my body, half of me expected to see blood gush out of my puncture wound, but nothing.

I repeated the act, over, and over, and over again untill I saw stars.

My hands let go of the knife, making it fall to the tiled flooring with no sound. I stumbled backwards, propping myself up against the kitchen table as I lost vision and hearing.

Untill everything.




It felt as if I was gaining consciousness after a long nap, I opened my sore eyes to see a black ceiling.

My throat was very dry, my body felt cold.

I slowly moved my legs, wiggling my toes and fingers untill I felt the strength to move. My arms were so fucking sore, as if I was a mummy coming back to life. My head was pounding, I didn't even realize I had managed to sit up in the bed.

Looking around, I was in a doctor's office...maybe even lab.

A red color was splashed up against the cabinets and sink behind myself, who knows what was stored inside of those. My eyes trailed back to the door Infront of myself, a sudden click was heard from outside of it.

Once the door opened, an unrecognizable face revealed itself.

A black haired man or woman, the long hair made it hard to tell. They're white sweatshirt was COVERED with the red liquid, black skinny jeans stuck to they're legs.

Did I just time travel back to the early 2000's?

He froze, dropping the tray of food he held in his hands. We kept eye contact for what seemed like forever, he knew me.

"Y/n?" His raspy voice echoed throughout the room, the slight buzz of the lights were gone from the first human voice I had heard. 'Y/n'...yeah, that's my name.


"Yes?" I croaked, my eyes widened from the inaudible voice that erupted from my throat.
"Holy shit! SHES UP! SHES AWAKE!" he suddenly shouted, the sudden yelling made me flinch. I could hear voices mixed with happiness, disbelief and non amusement from outside of the room.

I heard many footsteps outside of the door, revealing a creature in a blue mask. I couldn't help but to wrinkle my nose in disgust, the tar like liquid smelled very bad.

He came up to me, placed his claw like hands on the side of my neck and nodded to himself. I watched him walk away to a desk, picking up a pen he wrote something down.

Looking back over to the door, much more...creatures loomed over my shadow.

"It's awake? I want to meet it!" Or "That's the new proxy? Heh." Was all that was heard from behind the door, I felt instant fear rize inside of my empty head.

This moment was ruined with the chatter of two men, I watched them push by the people and walked in through the door to reveal themselves. The first man had a black and red mask on, a yellow hoodie with dark red stains. The second one was shorter, a tan coat.

Once my eyes reached his mask, I couldn't get it out of my mind.

"Do you want to forget?" I whispered at the sudden memory, his words sadistic and cruel.
My lower lip trembled at the sight of him, the cause of my fake reality, the cause of the loss of my memories.


"YOU MONSTER!" I shouted, lunging at the man, this caught all of them off gaurd. My legs took me as far as they could take me before my wrists were grabbed by a pair of gloved hands, a scowl escaped the mans throat.

The masked man.

"Get the fuck off of her, Masky." I heard a familiar voice growl behind me, it seemed that none of these people were to fond of 'masky'.

Neither was I.

Suddenly something was off, bees buzzed inside of my brain, blood erupted from my nose.

"Get out."

Time froze, everyone disappeared out of the door, I was forced back onto the rubber mattress that I had woke up on by an unknown force.

Opening my eyes, a creature sat in a chair across from me with his legs crossed. His dark suit didn't have one wrinkle on it, as if it had been sitting in a closet for years waiting to be worn.

"Good to see my proxy alive and well, I know you must have questions...some better left untold, am I right?" His deformed chuckle buzzed in my head, starting up the bees once more. "Yeah." I suddenly spoke, I had no way to go against this man.

"Once you adjust back into your position in this manner, I and the others will be able to let you know of your situation and occupation in your life. For now, I suggest you get some rest."

He seemed like a good man, or whatever her was.

What was he?

"What are you guys?"

MONSTEROpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz