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I woke up to darkness, Someone rubbing my stomach making me shoot up and look around my surroundings. Making out the pale face Infront of me on the couch was Jeff instead of smile and Grinny, It was obvious that alcohol intoxicated his mind.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" I whispered, squinting my eyes so I could see him better.             "I think, we should have a... Baby." Jeff slurred out, his hand making it's way up my thigh and under my shorts. My eyes widened at his remark, my mouth hung open in surprise. "W-what?" I whispered, soon feeling Jeff grab my hand and lead me to the door and then we stepped outside.

Jeff held a glass in his hand with a brown liquid in it, he shut the door behind us and his eyes locked with mine while I stood at the bottom of the steps.
"We, should have a baby." Jeff smiled, pushing his hair back showing his whole face as he stood on top of the steps. "are you aware of where we are?! We are murderers we can't have children!" I shrieked, feeling a light blush come across my face.

"You love me dont you? Show me." Jeff slurred, lust over flowing out of his mouth. This made my stomach turn, it made me think if I had a choice or not. "I'm not having a child Jeff, end of fucking discussion." I hissed, crossing my arms over my chest. "But I wanna have some fun, I want to show you a good time." Jeff smiled, his drink slipped out of his grip and shattered on the steps.
I slid my hand into my hoodie pocket, gripping my pocket knife with my right hand.

"You missed out on alot of things y/n, but... Me and you." Jeff began, making his way down the steps and over to me. It felt as if I wasn't scared, the thoughts I managed to push away but my brain still wanted to scream and run. "What have I missed Jeff, your small white cock in my mouth?" I chuckled, narrowing my eyes at him imagining many situations of killing him.

"Let's find out." Jeff whispered, now standing Infront of me with his hands gripping onto my hips. I hid my anger with lust, for how long I have been with this man I could become an actor in Hollywood for how convincing I became. My hands shot up to Jeffs head and pulled him to my lips, instantly letting him roam my mouth. The knife in my pocket waiting to be used, the entity waiting for blood to be on our hands.

Jeffs hands slid under my sweatshirt, gripping my breasts which made my stomach instantly turn.
I never thought I would feel his rough hands in an area like that, becoming disappointed in myself.
I could feel tears slip out of my eyes, hiding my sobs as moans which only made Jeff to continue roaming my body. Alcohol and cigarettes mixed in my mouth, soon being covered with my cherry chapstick I stole from yesterday. His hand slid down my hands, gripping my ass making me want to slit his throat right here and then.

He let go of my mouth, but pushed me behind a tree so no one could see the up coming events, atleast what he thought was coming. Jeff managed to slip my sweatshirt off, fear striking my chest as my knife was separated from my body.
Now I only had clothes on the bottom part of my frame, me shivering due to the breeze that past by my breasts that was soon replaced with Jeffs hands, his eyes fixated on my chest while he gripped them tighter with a smile on his face.
I felt myself throw up in my mouth, biting my bottom lip holding back tears.

Jeffs hand soon slid down my stomach while tracing my scars, down to my belt, trying to unbuckle it which led me to instantly grabbing his wrists. "Don't." I hissed, my voice coming out shaky. Jeffs eyes batted up at mine as he squatted down next to my abdomen, a smile spread across his face. "You have no reason to be insecure or scared darling, you will enjoy all of this." He whispered, his voice coming out low and rough. Fuck.

"No, just... I this is it. All you get to see." I stuttered, sliding out of his hands and grabbing my sweatshirt off of the ground and quickly slipped it on. Looking in the distance out to the woods I saw something blue, oh fucking shit.

He can't see right?

My hands layed on Jeff's chest as I locked "eyes" with the man- creature, my heart beating in embarrassment. "C-can he see?" I whispered, Jeff looking away from me and the direction I was looking. I swear I felt his heart stop for a slight second, he stepped away from me and pulled out his knife. "Shit." He muttered, raising up his arm and flipping E.J off which Jack responded in a low chuckle and started walking off again.

"Good thing you stopped me, otherwise we would've traumatized him even more for this life." He laughed, sliding his knife back into his pocket.
"Yea thank God." I muttered, sliding my hand into my pocket to feel my knife making me feel relief.

The events that happened before didn't feel real,
Had I really let him touch me like that?!
"Don't tell anyone about this." I growled, turning away and walked back to the cabin. "Why? Your ashamed you almost hooked up with the infamous Jeff the killer?" Jeff mocked, following behind me and purposely stepped on the back of my heals. "No, it could ruin my damn reputation in this line of work." I responded, coming up to the steps and sat down to face him.

"Oh, many bitches would be jealous." Jeff mused, flattering himself. "Yea totally, keep on believing your wet dreams." I chuckled, my eyes glued to the sky. "Don't forget what I did earlier, I'm just being nice to you." Jeff growled while grabbing my face in his hand, lifting it up to make eye contact with me. "Thanks I guess, Mr. J." I smiled, grabbing his wrist and digging my nails into it.

Jeff pulled my face to his, not kissing me but his breath hitting my neck sending chills down my spine. "Your mine, I know you are capable of playing my game. So fucking act like it." Jeff growled, licking my neck leaving a giant splotch of saliva to run down and into my sweatshirt.

"Game? Of what?" I whispered, looking to my side to meet Jeffs gaze with his breath still radiating off of my neck. "The game of life and death of course." Jeff whispered in his seductive matter, letting go of my face and sitting down next to me on left side of my body.

Those words scared me, but he was right. We were playing that game, and he knew I was going to be the winner so that only made him fight more. Trying to make me pregnant so I would have to stay with him and weaken me, making it seem as if I needed him to survive.

He's right on that though, I do need him in life but sure as hell not in death.

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