Made up date.

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Me and Jeff had found a food stand and decided to grab dinner, I got f/f and he got pizza. After awhile of walking around we were able to find a picnic table and we sat down, Jeff was pretty fixated on the pizza as if someone was going to steal it from him, probably like at the manner because anyone could just come and snatch your food like an animal.

"Do you wanna go on rides? Atleast the ferris wheel." I ask, taking the last bite of my meal.
"Sure." Jeff responded, wiping his hands on his sweatshirt and resting his face on his knuckles.
His eyes rested on the many... People? Walking past us, he watched the rides and the many lights that came off of them. Jeff almost looked sane in this moment, making me smile.

We sat there in silence for awhile, watching the people pass by. "What would happen if we were like.. the last people on earth and um like...we had to reproduce so like... We would have to have  babies together so we would have to um like would you like kiss me?" I asked, twirling my hair between my finger. See this is the weird ass shit that comes out of my mouth, istg it isn't even me talking sometimes.

Jeff just looked at me with a 'what the actual fuck' face, like out of everything in this world the words that I just said scared him. "Um... Yea?" Jeff responded unsure, raising his eye brow. "Well I sure as hell know I'd fuck me." A techno voice said besides me, quickly looking to my right BEN was sitting there eating a hot dog acting like he was here the whole time... Was he here the whole time?!

"Bro what the fuck we were on a date." I growl sarcastically, pushing BENs shoulder playfully.
"Damn the old y/n is back, I like that shit." BEN smiled, wiping his face with the paper napkin and throwing it in the trash behind us. "You guys are gay." Jeff muttered under his breath, running his hands through his hair. "O.M.G stop, that is not emo Yas slay of you Jeff." BEN chuckled while adjusting his beanie. Suddenly I felt someone kick me under the table, making me jump. Looking in front of me Jeff had a playful smile on his face, this bitch wanna play?

I then aimed my heal on his calf and darted in, Jeff let out a loud yelp and quickly raised his leg up to his seat.

"Aw did the little baby get hurt." I say in a baby like voice, soon getting a glare from Jeff.
"You guys are boring as fuck, I'm gone. BEN out." BEN sighed, then glitched and he was gone.
"Oh thank God, now we can have it just us." Jeff groaned, pushing himself off of his seat and walking to my side of the table and holding out his hand for me to take." So are we going on to the ferris wheel?" I asked, getting up and grabbing Jeff's hand while walking in the direction of the carnival rides. "Whatever you want to do." He sighed, stuffing his right hand into his hoodie pocket.

"Whatever I want to do?~" I purred, letting go of Jeff's hand and sliding my hand into his back pocket. Jeff kept his eyes straight, a light haze of pink arizing on his face. Tonight I was going to get pay back, and right now it's just the beginning of the game. I slid my hand deeper into his pocket and gave his behind a slight squeeze, to be honest this was making me want to throw up.
I leaned in closer to Jeff and whispered into his ear, "who's daddy's big boy?". Jeffs Adams apple bobbed up and down, letting a sigh escape his mouth. "Me, I am." Jeff smiled, looking down to me and reaching my hand out of his pocket, intertwining his hand with mine.

"Good boy." I chuckled in a deep voice, I was about to lose my shit because it was so funny.
"If you keep on doing this we aren't going on the ferris wheel." Jeff sad as we stopped Infront of the tall structure, looking down to me. "Okay fine." I sighed, Then we walked up to the deceased man who ran the ride and got on one of the small boxes.

As we started going up the air became light and less toxic, I felt myself being able to breathe normally again. The ride had came to a stop, where me and Jeff sat on the top of the ride in our booth, I bet if I stook my hand out far enough I could touch the moon. The orb looked as if it was depressed, the man in the moon waiting to see the beautiful women in the sun. But he never got to see her, only when she was behind him allowing her rays to shine one him. Making him shine and feel the warmth of happiness only to be left alone for another day.

"I bet if I shook the booth enough we could tip it upside down." Jeff stated, he was sitting across from me and he grabbed both of the sides on our cart, beginning to shake it. I'm the kind of person that is, but isn't scared of heights so this freaked me out. "Jeff stop." I hissed, reaching my hands out landing on his and scratching them. "Why? Let's try it out." Jeff questioned, pushing my hands away and continued rattling the cart. My anxiety started to sky rocket just how it did when the Wendigo was chasing me, I could see my vision get blurry. "J-Jeff please, Stop I-I can't..." I whimpered, reaching out to his chest and letting my body rest on it. "I forget that I'm your boyfriend sometimes..." I heard him mutter under his breath, I looked to the left of me and saw that his grip had loosened on the ride and came to rest on my back.

I then slid back on to my seat, my heart practically in my ears beating louder and louder each breath I took. My eyes felt tired, my bones ached. "You know, it would be nice if you spoke those words another time. That might come in handy." Jeff whispered in a seductive matter, resting his hand on my thigh. The feeling of disgust spreading in my heart like a toxic poison escaping into my blood stream, did he only want to get in my pants? Was that the whole point of me? Now my main purpose in life is to serve?!

I felt tears pool up in my eyes, the moon's light reflecting onto my face. I didn't want Jeff to see me weak, it would only give him more strength and power. My eyes were stuck on the ground of the cart, dam that flooring looking pretty right now. It could feel my emotions falling down my cheeks, landing on the back of Jeff's hand. With that he squeezed my thigh, I heard him take a deep sigh and him go to speak only for there to be a squeak.

"Your lucky... If you seen me before I caught interest in you I would've." Jeff paused, I could tell he had a smile on his face. Literally but it was just hiding the tears that were about to fall out of his eyes, showing that he was weak. If he didn't catch interest in me I would be living with my family, I would be able to be happy with b/f/n. But because this man wanted someone to love him he made sure that he was the only person I had after their deaths, so I would love him.

"I would've done things, but...your who I love. He doesn't really like people, but I like you. Don't cry please." Jeff grumbled, grabbing my hand and rubbing it with his thumb. "it's okay." I replied, looking back up at him with a smile plastered on my face. "All of us make mistakes Jeff, it's just life." I say, squeezing Jeff's hand. In those moments I wanted to throw this man off of the Ferris wheel, I wanted to squeeze his hand so hard it broke and then shove it down his throat. But I didn't, because I'm a...

Good Person.

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