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Your POV

I was walking in a cold tundra, my f/c shorts and f/c sweater being my only source of heat. "Help!"
I would yell ever so often, sometimes I could see people in the distance but they would just walk away.

The cold had my whole body numb, which made my eye sight very blurry with the amount of wind and snow passing by and landing on my face.
My foot hit something hard which made me fall down, my body twirling in circles rolling down the giant cliff. "Help!" I screamed as I fell, my nails dug into the ice of the tundra causing me to slow down and stay in one place. I took that as a chance to regain my breath but my lungs only stung the more breathes I took in of oxygen.

I sat there, holding on to life. "Help! Someone!" I screamed one last time, the tears on my face stung from the cold. At the top a person came into view, and leaned down as if they were observing me. "Hey! Help!" I screamed, reaching my hand up to them. Their gloved hand latched onto my numb one, Then pulled me up to the top but not fully to the surface of the edge.

I felt warm air on my ear, as if they were going to whisper something. "Leave us behind, focus on your future with those people.
They need you more." A familiar voice whispered into my ear, my dad.

"Daddy!" I screamed and reached up to him trying to hug him only for him to fight me off, he looked different. His face was disfigured, a smile carved into it and he had many stab wounds in his stomach. Out of all of his deformity's his smile was still the same. "I love you n/n, we will meet again, stay strong and don't go to sleep." He whispered, and then brought his boot up to my chest gently and pushed me causing my body to fall backwards and down the clift.

I didn't scream this time, I let the cold snow and ice bring me to the bottom. Once I hit the rocky end I layed there curled up in a ball, closing my eyes.

For awhile only the center of my body felt warm, but soon it felt as if my body was laying on sand and I felt the warm sun on my body. I quickly sprung up, looking around my surroundings to see that I was at the lake me and Jeff were once at.

In the distance I could see Jeff sitting on the sand, with Jonah playing on the sand next to him.
I felt my feet take me to them faster than I have ever ran, I felt my tears of sadness turn to joy.
"Jonah! Jeff!" I shouted while running, Jeff looked over at me and waived. Once I reached them I was out of breath, I looked down to the beautiful sand castle Jonah built. I ruffled the brown haired boys hair and sat next to Jeff, with Jonah in my lap.

"Do you like my sand castle momma?" Jonah asked, looking up to me. The warmth of my body outside began to make its way into my heart, bringing a smile to my face. "Yes, I love it." I whispered, running my fingers through the boys hair. With that Jonah was happy and looked straight Infront of him at the lake, closing his eyes.

Suddenly I felt a rough hand grab my soft/rough palm,  Then looked over to see Jeff smiling at me. But this wasn't Jeff, this Jeff had dark brown hair and olive skin. This Jeff had dark bags under his eyes but yet the center of his orbs seemed to glow, his smile was normal. No cuts, Jeff looked normal. As if nothing ever happened to him, he looked happy.

"I know alot has happened, but focus on yourself and your surroundings. It will do you good, it's better to look at your situation through what it really is instead of masking it with some Happy reality." Jeff suddenly spoke, locking his dark blue eyes with mine. "Your will get through this, your strong. Do what you have to do in order to survive." He continued on, then looked out at the sunset. I know that's what I have to do, but my head always covers it up as what it isn't.

"I know." I whispered, looking back over to Jeff.
But this time it wasn't some shy teenager it was the Jeff I knew. His eye lids were scarred, like half there but not all the way. His smile was cut into the sides of his mouth, not ear to ear like most people would imagine. The Jeff I stared at was my Jeff or that was the Stockholm talking.

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