caput in nubibus

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chapter sixty seven: caput in nubibus

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chapter sixty seven: caput in nubibus

"It's started. He got it off the ground. Let's go."

"Iwa? No fucking way!" you gasp.

Suna reaches for your hand and grabs onto you tightly. The two of you run through the airport to the gate where Iwa's been fixing the plane for the last week. However, just as you get there, you stop dead in your tracks.

"Y/N, what're you doing? Don't get cold feet on me now, baby. We're fucking out of here. Let's go!" he pleads with you.

"I'm not getting cold feet, Rin. It's Hinata. He's at gate 25. I don't think the others know where he is. I've got to go back for him," you say.

"Y/N, we can't make that fucking mistake. We'll get left behind. We have to go!"

"You go," you say, ripping your hand out of his. "I'll get Hinata and we'll meet you."

"I'm not messing around, Y/N. This guy isn't fucking waiting. He'll be gone by the time you find Hinata!"

"We're wasting time by arguing this," you shake your head as you turn away and run off. "Go to the plane! I'll be right there!"

"Y/N, I won't leave without you!" he shouts back.

"If you love me you'll get on that fucking plane, Rintaro! I'll be right there and you better be on before me!" you shout as you rush down the hall.

"I'll stall for you, but don't fuck around!" he yells back. "I'm waiting for you, Y/N!"

Even though you've lived in the airport for the past week, it's still confusing as hell to maneuver around. It takes you a good ten minutes to find Hinata. And when you do, he's curled up in the corner of the room.

"Fuck," you huff out when you finally find him. "Get up, Hinata. Time to go."

"What do you mean?" he sniffs as he looks up at you.

"Sadness is letting go, right? So let's fucking go. We gotta get up on our fucking feet again, man. And I'm serious. Iwa's got that plane goin' and Suna can only hold them off from leaving for so long. He doesn't give a shit 'bout waiting for us."

"Seriously?!" he responds as he scrambles to his feet and wipes his eyes. "Right now?"

"Yeah, right now! Let's fucking go!" you shout as you grab onto his wrist and pull him down the terminal hall.

When you finally get back to where Iwa's plane is, the damn thing is already moving. The two of you race as fast as you can down the track to catch up to it.

As you draw near, you see Suna leaning out the door and screaming your name. It gives you the last boost you need to run as fast as humanly possible before tossing Hinata up the emergency exit on the side.

"Y/N, grab on!" Suna calls out as he and Hinata work together to extend out their hands as far as possible.

"Shit, I'm coming Rin!" you cry out as you reach your arm toward theirs. "Don't leave without me."

"I'm not going anywhere, baby. Take my hand!"

And just like that, without another word or another step, the plane lifts in the air. Suna's hand that was just so close to yours floats upward and out of your reach.

You jump as high as you can into the air, your fingers finally grazing his palm. But that's all you get. Instead of him catching you, you slide right out of his grasp and begin to fall to the ground.

Just then, you let out a loud gasp, and your eyes open wide. Somehow, you're facing the clear sky with your back against the ground- a grassy field all around you. But this isn't an airfield. Not in the least. Instead, you're in a small garden with a horribly placed fence.

When you tilt your head to the side you watch as a rabbit squeezes under the fence and hops right onto your stomach, sniffing. And when you look back up at the sky, you see a large bird circling overhead.

Once more you close your eyes, hoping this is all some kind of practical joke, but the only thing that changes when you open them once more is that now a small Tailed Judy flutters past you.

Your face feels hot. Really fucking hot. But the rest of your body is freezing cold. What happened to the winter?

When you try to move your head again, you're unable to. You then try your fingers, hoping they'll twitch and move at least a little bit, but they stay perfectly still like they're glued in place.

Hot town, summer in the city

Back of my neck getting dirty and gritty

Doesn't seem to be a shadow in the city

All around, people looking half dead

Walking on the sidewalk, hotter than a match head

You begin to hear the same song you heard about a week back, but this time it's not only being played on a radio. You hear someone else singing it, too. Someone whose voice you don't recognize at first until it hits you and your eyes begin to widen.

"No fucking way."

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