chlosyne janais eruca

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chapter thirty five: chlosyne janais eruca

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chapter thirty five: chlosyne janais eruca


"Kenma!" my coworker Sora beams through my computer screen. "How's it going?"

I sigh as I see her bright face light up my otherwise dark room. "Bright," I reply as I squint my eyes. "What do you need?"

"I was wondering if you could do me a big favor," she adds as she pulls her face closer to the screen, causing her brown and green eyes to bulge out from behind her clear glasses.

"Not again," I sigh. "What is it?"

"Well," she mutters, almost about to change her mind as she slides her hands down one of her two purple braids. "I was wondering if you could talk to that Build and Sell client for me... I'm still working on the pet grooming design and I don't think I can take another case without my brain exploding, Kenny!"

"Please don't call me that," I reply as I close my eyes to prevent myself from getting pissed off at her. "I don't think I should meet with that client. I'll just lose them like I lose all of them."

"Ah geez, there you go again. You only struggle to keep clients because you say stuff like that! You gotta act more excited about the project or else they won't think you're a good fit! You gotta act the part," she attempts to explain to me as she takes off her glasses and inspects them up close to her eyes.

"What do you expect me to do? I'm a fucking graphic designer, not a businessman. I would have majored in that if I didn't want to sit behind a computer all day," I respond.

Sora shakes her head as she begins to scrape something off her glasses with her pointer finger. "Yeah, well, you do good work. Your portfolio certainly shows that. Hell, you and I both know it's ten times better than mine is. But you also gotta act the part, mkay?"

"Yeah, whatever," I roll my eyes as I watch her continue to pick at whatever's stuck to the lens of her glasses. "I'll talk to the client but don't blame me if we lose them."

"Deal!" she beams as she looks up and smiles widely. "Thanks, Kenny, I really appreciate that!"

"Sure, but you gotta tell me what's so damn interesting with your glasses," I scoff.

"Oh, I just got some dead skin cells stuck to the frame. It's all good now though! It's not as bad as the green dirt that grows on the nose pads or the random stuff that spreads throughout the frame! That stuff's the worst!" she laughs.

"That's fucking disgusting," I shake my head. "Why don't you just get new glasses?"

"Do you seriously think I've got enough money for that?" she scoffs. "I'm not spendin' any money for something I already have!"

"So gross," I whisper to myself as I reach my hand to my mouse. "Bye, Sora."

"No Kenny, wait!" she calls out before the end tone of the call cuts her off. I can practically hear her saying 'aw man' even though she's not in the same room as me.

After, I lean back in my chair and look down at my watch. My meeting with the client is tomorrow, so I've got all night to myself. That is, until I remember that I'm supposed to see Kuroo. With a sigh, I pack my things up and walk out of my room. By the front door, I left that copy of the book girls: A Paean that Kuroo wanted for whatever reason. I've never read it, but judging by the way he obsesses over it, it must be good along with his commissary money.

When I get to the penitentiary, I'm asked to sit in the visitor's room and wait for Kuroo. When he walks in, I already know the rules. I get one hug when he walks in and one when he leaves. After the two of us sit down, he smiles softly and folds his hands together on the table between us.

"So?" he asks curiously. "How's it going?"

"How's what going?" I reply, unsure as to what he's referring to.

"Work. You know, 'cause you said you were struggling to meet new clients," he responds.

"That's really what you want to talk about?"

"Well sure, what else would we talk about? You probably don't care to know I beat five guys in a game of tic tac toe and won a Snickers bar," he grins.

I sigh at his answer. "I suppose that means you're doing well then."

"As well as I can do," he then shrugs. "And you?"

"Sora found me another client. I have a meeting with them tomorrow. It's some Buy and Sell thing. I don't really think it'll be all that interesting but Sora says I've got to act that way or I'll be out of a job," I explain to Kuroo.

"She's right, you know," Kuroo then chuckles. "Girl's weird as all hell, I'll give you that, but she's smart. Besides, she's a couple of years older than we are. She knows what's up."

"Yeah, I guess you're right," I nod as I look around the waiting room. "Oh, by the way, I brought that stuff you wanted."

"No fucking way!" Kuroo gasps so loud that he attracts attention from the whole room.

"Hey! Settle down inmate!" one of the guards shouts back.

Kuroo puts up his hand to apologize before looking at me excitedly. "So you got the book?!"

"Yeah, I got the damn book. Thought you'd be more excited 'bout the money, though," I say as I hand him a prison guard approved box. Kuroo's eyes light up as he lifts up the box and holds it close to his nose.

"Mmm," he says as he takes in a deep breath of the front cover. "Thanks, Kenma, you're the best!"

"Why'd you want it so bad anyway?" I finally ask him.

Kuroo smirks as he holds open the book and slides it across to me, pointing to one of the pages. Within, holds the most disgusting content. But really, I shouldn't be surprised.

"Porn," I shake my head. "It's fucking porn."

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