uligo papilio

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chapter forty one: uligo papilio

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chapter forty one: uligo papilio

Y/N'S P.O.V.

After you're kicked out of your own camp, you wander around town for the rest of the morning. You lose all track of time as you do, not even bothering to pay attention to when it gets dark and light again the next day. It's only when you wake up to a bottle of water being splashed on your face do you even know you had passed out at the side of a tree.

"What the fuck?" you curse aloud as your back springs off the tree. You quickly wipe your eyes dry and look up, ready to curse out whoever is messing with you. But as you do, you hear the familiar laugh of Oikawa just in front of you.

"Oikawa?" you mutter tiredly. You did just get abruptly awoken from your nap, after all. You then stand up and clean yourself off as you face him. "What's wrong with you?"

"Me?" he scoffs as a smirk begins to sneak out from between his lips. "You just looked like you were about to kill me over some water."

"It's not funny," you reply as you narrow your eyes at him. "I didn't want all that shit to happen. I didn't want him to die."

As Oikawa watches as the expression on your face begins to sadden. "Hey, look, I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to-"

"I know," you shake your head. "It's just a fresh wound. I can't not think about it."

Oikawa sighs as he walks over to your napping tree and sinks down to the ground. "Well, it's just the two of us here. If you want to talk about it, I'll be happy to listen."

As the smallest of thankful grins creeps up one corner of your lips, you nod and sit down beside him. He listens carefully as you explain the whole thing- everything Atsumu said and everything you did in response.

"I'm really sorry that happened to you," Oikawa says quietly once you finish talking. "Life really is a shit show, isn't it."

"You actually believe me?" you hum as you look over at him. Oikawa smiles and wraps his arm around your shoulders.

"Of course I do," he replies. "I don't know what I would've done in a situation like that, but I think you handled yourself alright."

"Thanks," you whisper as you lean your head against his and let your eyes begin to gently close. "You know, I had you pegged as the biggest asshole out of everyone. How come it's you who came out here?"

"Ouch," he gasps as he puts his hand to his heart. "I'm hurt you think so little of me, Y/N. Would you rather it have been someone else?"

You think about your answer for a second before responding. "No."

"Not even-"

"No," you say more sternly. "I'm sure. Thanks for coming out here."

"So that's it then. You're not going back to camp?" he then asks. "It is rightfully yours, you know. The two of us could go back there and kick all their asses out."

{2099} Haikyuu! x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now