helicopis cupido

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chapter forty three: helicopis cupido

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chapter forty three: helicopis cupido

When you turn slightly to see the stranger, he begins to stand up from his seat. "Y/N," Oikawa calls to you quietly. "Do you remember how I said my protégé sent me to jail?"

"Yeah, you told me that today. What about it?"

Oikawa closes his eyes as he takes a moment to gather his thoughts. "He's right behind you. Kageyama."

"I heard you were looking for me," Kageyama responds. "So what do you want, you fucking criminal?"

Oikawa stands up and you move out of the way. Though you know you should break it up before it escalates, you don't want to get in the middle of what could turn into a gunfight.

"I want to know why you did that, you piece of shit! Why the fuck did you turn me in?! I fucking trusted you! I did everything for you, you stupid shit!" Oikawa begins to curse him out.

"Seriously?! You're the one who was keeping the casino funds for yourself. That place went to shit because of you singlehandedly and you know it!" Kageyama continues to shout.

The two of them go back and forth for a few minutes until Oikawa caves. "Fine, you fucking win," he scoffs as he throws both of his hands up in the air. "The fuck do you want, coming after me?"

"Jesus, Tooru, you know what I want," Kageyama sighs as he takes a step back and sits in the same chair as before. "I had no idea what was going on with you. I was worried, okay?"

"Worried?" Oikawa repeats, shocked by what he just heard. "You're the one who fucking turned me in!"

As Oikawa steps towards Kageyama, you intervene and slide right between the two of them, unpurposefully putting yourself chest to chest with Oikawa. He looks at you for a moment, his eyebrows narrowing, before his posture finally softens and he takes a step back.

"I'm confused," you say to Oikawa as he sits back down on the bench. "What's going on?"

"Before the outage, Kageyama and I still talked. Yeah, I hate his fucking guts but the asshole kept on visiting me every goddamn Saturday," he shakes his head. "I told him 'bout the other inmates, the other gangs, and how they were all planning to riot just before the outage happened."

"So he's worried because of what happened before the outage? I still don't get it," you shake your head as you look between the two men.

"Look, what I'm trying to say is that I know who did it. I knew Atsumu back in jail. I know why he killed himself, but damn I never thought he'd actually do it," he tells you as though he was reminding himself of what happened.

"When you say you 'know who did it', are you referring to Tsukishima? Oikawa, I didn't even know you then. Unless it's a direct confession or you happened to be there that night and didn't say anything to me-"

"Look will you just... God, what the fuck am I saying, you need to hear this from start to finish, okay? Can you just sit down and take a deep breath?" he asks you.

You nod quietly as you take a seat behind him, sitting up perfectly straight to keep on your toes for whatever comes next. You look over at Oikawa, ready for him to start his explanation, but it's Kageyama who speaks up first.

"Tooru and I worked together at the casino he owned on the strip downtown-"

"Bunny Slots," Oikawa interrupts, earning a confused look from you and another annoyed look from Kageyama. "It was called Bunny Slots."

"Anyway, Oikawa was Owner and President, and I, his VP of Casino Operations..."


"Tobio, come in," he called me into his office one day. When I stepped inside I saw him shuffling a whole bunch of papers into one of the drawers of his desk. "Come in, how can I help you?"

"Were those statements you just put away?" I had foolishly asked him. I should have never inquired. Once I did, not turning him in to the proper authorities meant that I was an accomplice. I couldn't let that happen. I had just gotten into a good place in my relationship with my partner. We were about to buy a house.

"Yeah, you know, Tobio, big changes around here," he chuckles awkwardly.

"Really? I didn't know we made any new additions. If you wouldn't mind, I'd like to look over what I'm missing-"

"Will you just keep your voice down," he groans, putting his hand on his head as he leans back in his chair. "God, I don't know why I keep you around sometimes." He then sits up in his chair and rolls it closer to his desk. "If you really want to know, it's not for any new additions around here. It's for me instead."

"What are you trying to tell me?..."

It was then that he explained his whole method to me. How he was taking the money from his own company. How the co-owner of the casino had no idea about anything that was going on. I was so damn confused at the time because I knew how close the two of them were. But I also knew I had to do what was right. I can't go down for something I'm not doing. I mean, shit, it was either turn him in or work with him and I knew better than to do that.

A few days later the cops came to the casino and read Oikawa his rights. They arrested him right then and there. Even though he had his big fancy lawyer, he had his co-owner and I fighting against him. By the end of the week, he was eating, sleeping, and shitting in prison.

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