siproeta stelenes

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chapter twenty four: siproeta stelenes

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

chapter twenty four: siproeta stelenes

After you finish collecting the food you needed to get, you and your group follow Tsukishima to the home he first stayed at after the outage occurred. He explains that it was his friend's parents' house. They were staying there, hoping that his parents would one day return, but apparently, they never have.

"Let's split up and look around," Kuroo nods to the group as you walk through the front door.

"Good idea," we can check out the scene better that way.

"Oh, by the way, Tsukishima, what was your friend's name?" Bokuto asks. "You know, in case we run into his parents or a family member sleeping in one of the rooms."

"Yamaguchi," he replies. "Tadashi."

"'K, let's go!"

You split off from the group and walk straight back into the yard. You slide open the glass door and cautiously step outside into the grass. From where you are, you don't see anybody, but you aren't going to drop your guard. Instead, you grab a shovel from the shed beside the house and walk out further into the yard.

About halfway, you turn the corner of the house to peek down the side. Luckily, nobody is there. Finally declaring the outside of the house safe, you put the shovel down and make your way back to where you came. However, just as your fingers reach the door handle, the sound of a gun echoes through your ears. You quickly pick back up the shovel and run into the house. Inside, you bump into Bokuto.

"Did you hear that?!" you gasp as he reaches his hand to your shoulder to calm you down.

"Yeah, sounded like it came from in the house."

"Shit, let's go check on Osamu and Tsukishima. They both have guns on them. Hopefully it's nothing serious," you say with concern as you pull Bokuto along with you, almost forgetting about his crutches.

On the opposite side of the house, in what appears to be Tadashi's room, you find Tsukishima lying on the ground. You let out a loud gasp as you rush to his side and lift his body into your arms.

"Tsukishima?! What the fuck is going on? What did you do?!" you cry as you look down at the gun in his hands and the blood pouring from his chest. "God, what the fuck?!"

Bokuto stares down absolutely speechless as he watches the scene unfold before him. "Tsukishima... he, he was fine just a few minutes ago," he mutters to himself. "What happened in here."

Just then, Kuroo bursts right past Bokuto and slides on the ground beside you. "What's going on in here?!" he asks. "Who did this to him?!"

"I dunno," you shake your head slightly as you try to wrap your head around the whole thing. "It's like Bokuto said. He was fine just a few minutes ago."

"You didn't see anything, did you, Y/N?" Atsumu, who has just entered the room with his brother, asks.

"No. You didn't happen to hear anything did you?" you ask. "May- maybe someone came in, shot him, and ran off," you sniffle as you try to come up with a reasonable explanation for this whole thing.

"He wouldn't kill himself, would he?" Osamu mutters, not wanting to say the wrong thing.

"No," you shake your head. "I don't think he would. He never even expressed being upset or anything. I always thought he was just like that, ya know?"

"Well, what do we do now?" Bokuto asks.

Your eyes catch on the shovel sitting on your left side. "There's only one thing we can do right now. He's dead. I can't help him in any other way."

"So we bury him?" Kuroo asks as he looks down at Tsukishima's lifeless body.

"I can't think of a more appropriate place to do it than here. I think he'd want it that way, too," you admit.

"Kuroo, Y/N, take a step back. Osamu and I can take care of it," Atsumu offers after watching the two of you grieve. "I may not have known him very well, but I can promise you we'll give him a proper burial."

"We'll come along," you say as you stand onto your feet with Kuroo's help. "I want to be here."

"Me, too," Kuroo nods.

Bokuto bends down and hands the shovel to Kuroo. "Agreed. I do, too."

The three of you follow along as Atsumu and Osamu pick up Tsukishima's body and carry him to the backyard. They dig a hole about six feet deep, a proper burial just like Atsumu promised, and carefully lay him down. You squeeze Bokuto's hand tight as you watch Tsukishima's body disappear under the dirt.

"The day I met you guys I promised Tsukishima that if anything ever happened to me, I'd give him my bus. What the hell am I supposed to do with it now?" you ask, only to receive no answer back.

"Tsukishima may have been closed off at times, but he was a good friend. I didn't think I'd ever bond with someone over catching fish in the middle of an apocalypse, but he was a good dude," Kuroo nods.

"He was," Bokuto agrees. "It wasn't hard to see how much he cared about you, Y/N."

"That's for sure," Kuroo chimes in. "Remember, he was supposed to leave after you met me."

"Yeah," you smile softly as you think about the day you met Tsukishima, Bokuto, and Kuroo, "but he stayed because he didn't trust either of you."

"Safe to say that opinion changed," Bokuto grins slightly.


Your walk back to the bus is silent. You have no idea what you're going to tell the others, especially since you have no idea how he died. It could have been from an outside person, a suicide, or even a murder committed by one of the four others at his funeral. Your only hope is that it isn't the last option. You don't want your trust in the others to change, but if you don't come up with answers soon, you know this isn't going to end well.

{2099} Haikyuu! x Fem!ReaderΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα