graphium weiskei chrysalis

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chapter thirteen: graphium weiskei chrysalis

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chapter thirteen: graphium weiskei chrysalis

Once you are finished saying your goodbyes to Kiyoko, Tanaka, and Nishinoya, your group takes advantage of the bathroom one more time. After you finish, you walk outside and notice how much colder it has gotten since earlier in the day. You fold your arms in front of your chest and wait outside the bus for the others.

The first to come outside is Tsukishima who, just like Osamu, is ready to keep moving. However, he's a bit more considerate since the two of you have gotten closer over the past couple weeks.

"Are you alright?" he asks concerned, though he keeps his straight face. "Cold?"

"Yeah, guess we'll have to go buy some warmer clothes soon," you say back.

Tsukishima nods as he approaches you. Then, wordlessly, as if on some sort of instinct, you wrap your arms around his slim waist and hug him. You instantly feel warm which has you relaxed despite his almost frozen state of shock.

"I really don't want to leave her," you explain to him. "I hope they'll be okay together. If they lose her again I'll be so pissed off."

"I don't think they will," he explains, "and it is for the best. She belongs with her husband like you belong to-" he begins before coughing to interrupt himself. "I mean like the bus belongs to you, you know?"

"Yeah," you nod softly, almost thinking he was going to say something else instead. But it's probably just your mind playing tricks on you. You've only known Tsukishima for about two weeks. There's no way he'd want to stay with you forever.

Just then, Osamu walks outside and clears his throat. "Am I interrupting something?" he asks.

"No," you shake your head as you back away from Tsukishima and instantly feel a wave of goosebumps down your body from the lack of heat. "I was just about to tell Tsukishima that we're ready to find your brother now."

"Finally," he grumbles. "Why did we even stay here for so long? She's not your sister or anything, is she?"

"No, of course not. Kiyoko is pregnant so I just wanted to make sure she was settled in before I left her here forever," you explain.

"So now what? You deem the husband worthy and you're giving her away?" he then asks.

"Hey man, why do you have a problem with every little thing?" Kuroo interrupts as he and Bokuto walk outside. "Chill out, we agreed to help you find your brother and we're not breaking that promise."

"Whatever," Osamu shakes his head. "Let's go then."

As your group climbs aboard the bus, you give Kiyoko one last hug goodbye. "If you ever need anything, you'll know where to find me," you smile.

"Of course and I will," she grins back. "Good luck with everything, Y/N."

"You too," you wave as you step towards the bus. "Bye Tanaka. Bye Noya!"

The three of them wave goodbye to the bus as Tsukishima drives off with Osamu at his side instead of Kuroo this time. Osamu leads him to different places around the town such as the old high school gym, a convenience store, and a stadium. He runs inside with Kuroo, only for the two of them to return alone each time.

"What now?" Bokuto asks after about a dozen failed attempts.

"We can't keep going like this. We're going to run out of gas," Tsukishima adds.

"I agree. We need to come up with a better plan," you say to Osamu.

"We could get a radio," Osamu then suggests. "Maybe someone around here has seen him."

"Or better yet, maybe your brother has a radio and can meet up with us!" Bokuto beams hopefully.

"This sounds like a solid plan. First thing in the morning we'll go. It's too dark to do anything about it now," Kuroo says.

Tsukishima leaves the bus parks in the lot of the stadium and your group sleeps in the bus tonight. Tsukishima falls asleep at the wheel with Osamu by his side. Normally, you'd be a bit worried about Osamu so close to your gun, but having Tsukishima practically sitting right on top of it makes you feel way better.

Bokuto, of course, keeps to the couch which he shares half of with Kuroo. And finally, you are able to sleep in your sleeping bag again. Though you'd think sleeping in your normal spot would make you feel better, all you can think of is how Kiyoko is gone and you've got no idea what's happening to her right now. You stay up almost all night again just worrying like always.

In the morning you wake up to a silent bus. Usually, you hear someone clattering around in the kitchen or Bokuto snoring, but today there is absolutely no noise. You sit up and look around. No wonder it's quiet, you're the only one on the bus.

You throw the top layer of your sleeping bag off and run out of the bus. You stop and look around. You don't want to leave the bus, but you have no idea where the guys went. It's so unlike Tsukishima to just leave you all alone.

"Finally awake, huh?" a familiar voice rings out. Standing against the bus is Tsukishima slicing an apple into bite-sized pieces.

"I thought you guys ditched me," you sigh as you approach him.

"We wouldn't do that," he smiles as he hands you a slice of the apple. "Kuroo and Osamu went back inside to look again for his brother. It is a pretty big place, after all. Osamu was worried maybe they missed him."

"And what about Bo?" you then ask.

"Bathroom run. Well, more like a slow walk for him. Don't worry, that guy is too attached to you too. He wouldn't leave."

"Too?" you question, wondering hopefully what he meant by that.

Tsukishima freezes and stops cutting the apple. "Yeah, whatever. Here. You can have the rest of this," he explains vaguely as he tosses the fruit your way. "I'm going to the bathroom. Now that you're awake I don't need to keep watch. I'll be right back."

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