abaeis nicippe eruca

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chapter twenty five: abaeis nicippe eruca

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chapter twenty five: abaeis nicippe eruca


(Backtrack to about seven months ago when the power just went out... Before Tsukki met Y/N!)

After the power had gone out, I was living at a park on the north side of the town where I knew nobody was around. I'd raid the houses around there, too, knowing that the mansions were now uninhabited. However, as the days go by, food becomes harder and harder to come by. So, eventually, I decide to venture out to other parts of town at night when I assumed people were asleep.

One day, as I walk around, I find myself nearby the street where my old friend grew up. I decide to take a detour and head over just on the off chance that anyone was around. But I definitely wasn't expecting to see my green-haired friend standing on the other side of the door just as I'm about to let myself in.

"Yamaguchi," I almost gasp as I see him there.

His resting face immediately lifts into a bright smile the second he sees me. He throws his arms right around me and pulls me into a tight hug that I wasn't expecting whatsoever.

"Tsukki!" he beams, "I can't believe it's you! I can't believe you're here! How?! Why?! What's going on?!" he asks repeatedly.

I explain to him how I happened to stumble by and he whisks me right into the house. He explains to me how he's been staying here, waiting for his parents to come home. He has absolutely no idea what has happened to them since the outage, but he's waiting in case they do happen to return.

I didn't plan on staying with him forever, but how could I just leave him there by himself? Besides, a group of two in a world as crazy as this one is better than being alone. So, I decided to stick around.

"So, how have you been Tsukki?" Yamaguchi asks me as he hands me a homemade cup of tea from a mug that he must have made in the third grade.

"Oh, you know, good..." I lie. To be completely honest, I'm a stockbroker who lost my job after fighting with my boss. I wasn't exactly honest as Kuroo's already made perfectly clear. I had been making shady deals with my clients. I was a douche in my life before all of this, but perhaps finding Yamaguchi again made me reevaluate my previous decisions. That, and, well, he had the food I had been looking for.

After that day, Yamaguchi and I went everywhere together. It wasn't until that fateful day that we went our separate ways. We had walked out our front door at the exact wrong time. In the middle of the road, a group of thugs was walking and destroying absolutely everything in their path. When they see the door fling open and our two bodies step out, they immediately rush to us.

One of them, a man with short blond hair and two black stripes running vertically down his head, gets right up in my face. The asshole grabs right onto my shirt and pulls me close to him.

"Who the hell are you fuckers getting off looking at us like that?!" he snaps as though he was absolutely insane.

"Yo, Maddog, I think this is their house," a girl snickers as she walks up to us. A man who looks eerily similar to me follows right behind her.

"Oh really?" another member interrupts. He approaches Yamaguchi with a pistol swinging around his pointer finger. "They must be hiding some good stuff in there then. Care to share?" he asks Yamaguchi.

"There's nothing," Yamaguchi frantically shakes his head as the man points his gun at Yamaguchi's head. "I swear!"

"Yeah, yeah. It's not like you'd tell us anyway," the man with the gun scoffs.

"Come on Maddog, Hanamaki," a new voice calls. "It's not worth it."

"Matsukawa's right," the girl nods as she backs off. "Let's keep going."

"Nah, no way," Hanamaki shakes his head as he turns the safety off his gun. "They've got to have somethin' in there. Remind me, Kyotani, how many people does it take to give us an answer?"

"One," the man holding onto me grins as he pushes me away.

Just then, Hanamaki's gun lets out a bullet and Yamaguchi falls to the ground. Like the coward I was, I ran. I took the moment when Kyotani let me go to get myself the hell out of there. I didn't go far, though. I stayed in the forest nearby until I watched them leave. For the next day or two, I stayed close by. Though I couldn't manage to pick up Yamaguchi and bury him, I watched as that group of thugs came back for him eventually and threw him into their car.

Eventually, I was so thirsty and hungry that I decided I needed to move on. I ran through the forest until I found Y/N's bus on the other side. I thought I'd raid it quickly and make my escape before anybody showed up, but when she found me instead, my whole world was once more flipped around.

If I could do one thing over, I would have never let Yamaguchi die alone like that. I ran away like he meant absolutely nothing to me. Looking back now, I can't believe I did that to my closest friend. After it happened, I completely fell apart until Y/N, somehow, built me back into a functioning human. If I never met her, I don't know what would have happened to me. I definitely wouldn't be the person I was in the end. That much is safe to say.

"See anyone?" I asked him when he stepped into the same room as me. As much as I don't trust him, Y/N did have a point the other day when she said we should all get along. She seems to be a good judge of character anyway.

"Nope," he shrugs. "But I did find your backpack."

"So?" I ask, watching as he tosses it in my direction. When I look up, I see he's got my gun in his hand.

"Sorry, man, but you're getting a little too close to Y/N for my liking. I don't appreciate your influence on her. You've made her way too skeptical. It's not really a pretty trait for a girl like her to have."

"Jealous of a smart girl, are you?" I scoff.

"Now's not the time for jokes, Tsukishima. Got any last words?"

"She'll figure out it's you. You won't be able to trick her for long."

"I've got all the time in the world."

The last thing I see is his wicked grin before I hear the sound of a bullet and the pain of it lodging straight into my chest. I immediately fall onto my knees as my eyes close and I land on the floor with a thud.

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