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chapter nine: monimiaceae

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chapter nine: monimiaceae

You and the guys walk outside of the bus, the doors closing behind you to give Kiyoko some space.

"Sooo, who the hell was that again?" Kuroo asks as though he was hit on the head and forgot the whole introduction you had inside.

"Her name is Kiyoko and she just appeared out of nowhere when I was in the lake," you explain to them.

"While you were in the lake?" Tsukishima pipes up. "Was she spying on you?"

"No, well, I don't know... I don't think so. She seems nice enough," you shrug. The four of you then look at each other, not really sure of what to say next.

"I want to take her to Monimiaceae," you finally chirp, wondering what their reactions will be.

"Sure, why not," Kuroo says with a smile. "We've got nothing else goin' on, do we?"

Tsukishima shakes his head in slight disagreement but doesn't verbally announce his opinion.

"What about the garden and all of your stuff?" Bokuto asks.

"I'll lock everything up and it should be okay. I'll even leave out a sign in case any of my patients come by and wonder where I went."

"Alright, so then we're going!" Kuroo beams.

The three of you nod, but Tsukishima remains quiet.

"What do you say?" you ask him hopefully.

"I don't particularly think it's wise to leave all your things here unattended. They could be raided and destroyed while we are away. However, I did promise you that I will stay," he says as he fixes his glasses.

The next morning, the guys pack up the two tents and stuff as much as they can into the bus, prioritizing necessities first. You and Kiyoko walk to the garden to pick fruits and vegetables from the garden as food for your trip. However, you haven't exactly told her about the trip yet.

"What are we doing with all this food, Y/N?" she asks as the two of you reach the garden gate with two baskets full of fruit. You stop outside the gate and make sure to lock it behind you as you step out.

"Last night we decided we'd like to take you to Monimiaceae... if you're alright with that," you smile kindly at her.

"Really?!" she gasps. "You don't mind? It's a few days' trip."

"As Kuroo put it, we've got nothing else going on. We're not busy so we'd like to help. Besides, how can I just let you walk off on your own?"

"Well is there anything else I can do to help then?" she asks.

"Next I'm going to fix up my garden to make sure no critters sneak under the fence and ruin the whole thing. You can clean the vegetables and make some salad if you don't mind. All you've got to do is cut and pack it into a large ziplock bag if you can find any."

"I'm sure I'll manage. Thanks, Y/N," she nods as you hand her your basket of fruits and veggies.

"You're welcome. Let me know if you need anything else!" you shout as she walks off.

You then walk to your shed and grab a few loose tent stakes and a scat mat to cover your plants, protecting them from begin chewed or destroyed. You walk back to your garden with the mat and begin to cover up some of the plants. You don't want them to get ruined while you're gone. It's already a lot to feed the four of you, well, now five, with what you have already. You also add the leftover bits of the mat to the outside of your fence, blocking off the dirt and critters from tunneling under.

"That should do it," you say to yourself as you stand up and admire your work.

"Looks good to me, too," another voice adds. "It's probably overkill but still good."

You look just behind you on the other side of the fence and see Kuroo standing there.

"Thanks, this is the longest trip I've taken in the past six months so I don't really know what will happen to my garden when I'm gone," you admit to him.

"Really? So what Tsukishima said was true? You only go out when you absolutely need to?" he asks.

"I practically live on call so how could I just up and leave?" you point out.

"Fair enough," he nods. "That makes sense. Well, I hope you enjoy this trip at least."

You smile sadly, knowing an enjoyable trip won't be as same as the ones you took when you were younger. There certainly won't be any crowds to worry about. Maybe that's the one good thing.

"Are you ready to head out?" Kuroo continues.

"Almost. I just want to leave something for my patients and then yes, I'll be ready."

Kuroo nods as you step out and lock your garden one last time. You then walk away and notice Kiyoko heading in your direction.

"I finished the salads," she says with a smile.

"Great, thanks so much for that," you say as you return the gesture.

"Of course. Any time."

"Do you think you could do me one more favor? Could you grab some medical supplies from the bus? Just a little bit of everything if you could," you ask politely.

"Sure," she nods before turning back to where she came from.

Back at your small shack, you empty out a small tackle box and pull out a sharpie. In big black lettering, you write, "BE BACK SOON. TAKE ONLY WHAT YOU NEED!" By the time you finish, Kiyoko comes walking back with her arms full of supplies. Inside the box, you begin to stuff supplies.

"Are you sure your husband will be in Monimiaceae?" you ask Kiyoko, mostly thinking aloud, as you work on your makeshift emergency kit.

"I'm sure of it," she nods. "He wouldn't forget our plan. He'd never leave me. It was all my fault for wandering off and getting lost. Besides, we only just got married, too."


"About a week before the outage," she nods.

"Congratulations. I hope we can find him... I'm sure we will," you smile.

"Thanks, Y/N."

"BY the way, what do you do? I mean, for a living?" you then ask.

"I worked at a sports store," she replies.

"You ever do any kind of sports?"

"I used to run track," she admits to you with a bit of a grin.

"Wow, that's impressive! So you're pretty quick then?" you chuckle. Kiyoko nods back, but before either of you gets the chance to say anything, you hear the sound of Bokuto's crutches drawing near. He notices the little package you're leaving for your patients and he smiles.

"Wow, is that in case anyone comes looking for your help?" he inquires.

"Yep," you smile up at him. "I don't know what kind of condition they'll be in so I want to make sure I can help at least a little bit. As for you, Bokuto, you should be resting. We'll be on the road and I won't be able to make trips to get medical supplies. Please don't hurt yourself."

"I'll be fine," he assures you with a cheesy grin. "I promise."

You and Kiyoko pass each other a worried glance before you stand up with the kit left behind on the ground. "Alright then let's go to Monimiaceae!"

You then look down at Kiyoko who seems to be struggling to stand. She uses both of her hands to help her as though she was out of breath and struggling. She seems pretty short-breathed for a girl who runs track. It's not your business though, you think as you look at her with a smile and walk off with the two of them on either of your sides.

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