profugus papilio

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chapter thirty nine: profugus papilio

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chapter thirty nine: profugus papilio

You run all the way back to the camp, burst open the front gate, and fall straight to your knees on the other side. Your hands get scratched up as you catch yourself with them on the ground, and you dip your head down to silently sprinkle small tears on the soil below.

In almost an instant, Bokuto approaches you. Now able to run, he quickly makes it to your side. "What the fuck is going on?" he asks. "I heard a gunshot? Was that you?"

As he asks you the questions, the others begin to draw near.

"It was Atsumu," you shake your head. "I don't know it all happened so fast. He told me to kill him but I refused so he shot himself," you explain to the group as your head spins out of control. You think you are about to throw up, only to feel even more nauseous a second later when Osamu grabs you by the hair and pulls you to stand on your feet.

"And you did what?!" he shouts in your ear at the top of his lungs.

"Please," you beg with watery eyes. "I didn't kill him, I swear."

"Then what's this you got on you, hm?" he says as he grabs hold of the gun attached to your hip. "You're the one with the fucking gun. Feels warm, too."

"Osamu, I-"

"Shut the fuck up!" he shouts, his free fist balling up in a tight knot. Your stomach does the same as you prepare yourself for impact. It's only a moment later when his fist does make contact with your face. He beats you straight down into the ground, then hovers over you to take some more shots at your bloody face. "I'll fucking kill you. I'll kill you with my bare fucking hands!" he shouts.

Bokuto then intervenes, catching one of Osamu's punches before they land on you. Osamu's face twists into disgust as he backs off of you and stands up to face off with Bokuto. "Why the fuck are you stopping me? Just 'cause you're fucking her every night? Got yourself special privileges with your doctor, huh? How's that leg of yours, feeling better, isn't it? Why don't you get the fuck out of here, too?"

"That's enough!" you shout as best you can, your dry voice cracking as you interrupt their fight. "Just stop. Bo isn't the one who needs to leave. I'll go if it's what we all agree upon."

"I'm not going to let you-" Bokuto begins before you lift your hand up to stop him from protecting you.

"Alisa. Lev. Yachi. Kenma. Oikawa. It's your call," you tell them.

The five of them stand in silence, not sure what to say. You've all been together for so long. You brought them all together- even saved some of them when they were sick.

"We can't make her go," Kenma scoffs. "Are you guys forgetting this is her place? She's the one who let us all stay here!"

"Yeah, I agree. She took us all in even when we didn't deserve it..." Oikawa nods in agreement.

"Y/N, please don't go," Yachi whispers.

"Seriously? You're all gonna side with the fucking murderer?" Osamu shouts as he pulls himself out of Bokuto's grip. "You better get your shit out of her before I kill you next."

"Why don't you just get the fuck out?!" Bokuto replies as he pushes Osamu.

"It's alright," he shrugs as you stand up slowly. "I'll go. I'm sorry, Osamu." Osamu scoffs as he watches you walk past him. "I'm just going to grab a few things and go."

Nobody has anything left to say as you walk past them and your home. You pull your things together and step outside. Luckily for you, Osamu is nowhere to be seen. So, remembering what Atsumu said to you only a few minutes prior, you sneak into his camp and begin to rifle through his things.

Under Atsumu's bed, you find the box with his shoulder brace in it. You quickly stuff it into your backpack and run out of the small home. It's then that you make your way back to the gate. You look back once and still see nobody around. You suppose they're either taking care of Atsumu or hiding. Goodbyes are hard for you, too, so you leave without even bothering to look around. Besides, you can take a hint.

You walk around the edge of the forest, careful to steer clear of where Atsumu lays in fear that Osamu might come after you again and Bokuto won't be around to help. You keep on walking until you reach the other side and find yourself on the same road where Kuroo ended his life.

You walk over to the burnt-down store and sit down on the ground nearby. It's cold now, and your ass on the ground is absolutely freezing, but it's your first time catching your breath since the wild events of today started.

When you pull off your backpack, you open it up and take out the box with the shoulder brace. The brace is in there now that Atsumu no longer needed it, along with a well-written note explaining his whole situation in detail to you.

You find out about his lover, Sakusa, who he loved with all his heart.

You learn about his shitty car business that landed him in jail.

You know about his gang that he joined which went sour once the outage and jailbreak occurred.

Even the high school friend he was spending time with before he met you.

Atsumu's life sure was wild, almost the opposite of your own, but you can't help but empathize with him. The one thing everyone has in common nowadays is that no matter who you were before, you're a whole other person now.

As you read the letter, you cry for Atsumu. You wish you could change his story and give him a better ending. Hell, you wish you could do the same for Kuroo and Tsukishima, too, but for some reason, this death is just different. You almost feel as though you're on the edge of a major breakthrough.

It's almost as if you skipped a chapter of a book that would have made everything make so much more sense. As if everything is, in a way, connected, but you just haven't put it all together yet.

If you ever do read this, please remember that my brother and I do try to be good people. It may not always look that way, but I promise I did try.

The line eats at you. Kuroo had mentioned once that he couldn't tell whether the two of them were close and sticking together, or if Atsumu was hinting at accusing his brother of murder. But now, after reading this, you're sure it's the former.

Which leaves Bokuto the only one left at the scene of the crime, but then...

One more thing. There's someone amongst you who isn't who they say they are. I don't want to give them away because, at one point, they were my friend.

Before the outage, Atsumu was in jail. Bokuto made it very clear that he was not. He was just a broke college kid whose parents left behind. So if it's not Bokuto either then does that mean someone else was there with us? Someone else was at Yamaguchi's house that day? Is it possible that the house we barged into was being lived in?

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