internum sanguinem

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chapter fifty six: internum sanguinem

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chapter fifty six: internum sanguinem

Despite the little hiccup, the three of you get back into the bus and continue on your journey to the airport. This time, however, Suna and Osamu sit in the front together while Oikawa walks to the back of the bus. He doesn't look so good. Paler than normal and almost as if he's out of breath for no reason. You, being the doctor you are and insinuating that something bad is about to happen, go after him.

"Are you okay?" you ask him as he sits down on your old couch which could definitely use a bit of cleaning.

"Fine," he wheezes out before coughing. Then, his eyes begin to water as if he's not being completely truthful about the pain he's in.

You sigh as you sit down beside him. You extend out his arm, the one he just coughed into, and see a few small blood stains. "Jesus, Oikawa," you groan, "How long has this been going on for?"

"I dunno, a few days probably," he shrugs. "I didn't want to worry you."

"It looks like the same sickness I got from Lev, Alisa, and Yachi," you tell him as you begin to run through diagnostics in your head. Unfortunately, you haven't picked up a medical book recently, so your memory is a bit jogged.

"Do you think it is?" Lev asks as he peers over your shoulder.

"Maybe it's the same but like on the inside," Alisa adds, thinking aloud.

"You don't have any other pre-existing diseases or any complications of your liver, do you?" you ask Oikawa worriedly.

"No," he shakes his head, "not that I know of."

"We don't know much about that illness the four of us contracted, but maybe there is some kind of variation where it makes your insides bleed instead of the outside of your skin. Shit, I have no idea. It's not like I can test any of this. It's all just speculation. Dangerous, too. But what I do know is that coughing up blood is not a good sign."

"Way to tell it to me straight, doc," Oikawa sighs as he looks down at his lap.

"I'm sorry, Oikawa. It's also possible that you got a cold and have a respiratory tract infection," you say to dispel his worry. Unfortunately, the look on his face shows that he's not relaxed in the least. "Do you have chest pain? Dizziness or light-headedness? I can tell you're already short of breath. Could be a possible sign of a respiratory tract in-"

"Fuck, I don't know? What are you going to ask me next? Do I have a fucking high temp? How the hell am I supposed to know," he grumbles as he leans back against the couch and stares up at the ceiling of the bus.

You sigh as your eyes look around and land on Kageyama who just shakes his head and rolls his eyes as though his friend is just being dramatic. However, you know how annoying that illness was when you got it. So, if that is what Oikawa has, you can't blame him for being cranky.

"Rin," you call out to the two guys in the front as you get up from the couch. "Think we can make one more stop?"

"What now?" he groans.

"Don't say it's another bathroom break," Osamu shakes his head.

"Don't worry, it's not. Wouldn't want to run into any psychos with guns waiting outside," you smile softly at Osamu. "Oikawa's coughing up blood. I wanted to stop at a pharmacy, maybe Seiyu, and get him some Pulmozyme or Nebusal and another shirt to wear," you explain to the two of them.

"Too bad. He can tough it out to the airport. Besides, if we do and there is someone to take us out of this god-forsaken place, he can go to a hospital somewhere," Osamu tells you.

"I think there's a Seiyu down the road a bit," Suna interrupts.

"Thanks, Rin," you smile. "I really appreciate it."

"You're shitting me," Osamu groans as he looks over at Suna. "Seriously?"

"Yeah, why not?" Suna shrugs as he looks back at Osamu. "He's sick. If he doesn't get better the rest of us could end up that way, too. And what if there is no magical airplane waiting to take us away? We just let him get worse?"

Osamu shakes his head as he looks back at you for a moment before returning his eyes to the road. He is in the passenger seat, after all. Suna's the one driving.

Like Suna said, there is a Seiyu down the road a little ways. He drives the bus to just outside the front door and parks it. He then looks back towards where you are with Oikawa again. "Ready to go, Y/N?" he then asks, waiting for you to back off from the sick passenger.

"Yeah," you nod as you look over at him. A worried look overtakes your face as you grab your rifle and walk toward the front of the bus. "I'll be right back."

"You're going in alone?" Kenma asks as he, too, stands to his feet.

"No, I'll go with her," Suna adds while he pulls the key out of the ignition and puts them in his pocket. We'll be right back.

You wait by the front door of the Seiyu while Suna steps out of the bus and makes his way toward you. "Let's go then," he nods as he steps near the broken automatic doors.

The two of you walk into the store side by side quickly. You almost tip-toe to the middle of the store where you then look around for the pharmacy. Luckily, when you spot it, it's not too far away. You and Suna run over and begin rummaging through the different prescription medicine bottles.

"What're we looking for again?" Suna asks as he picks up a small red medicine bottle.

"Pulmozyme or Nebusal. For Oikawa's coughing up blood. I think it might be a lung infection or something like that."

"Shit, I don't even know how to spell that let alone find it in this mess," he grumbles to himself.

"Well keep looking. If you see something else that says cystic fibrosis, we can take that, too."

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