Big brother

927 23 12

Little(s): Tommy
CG(s): Lovejoy, and James and kinda rue
TW: pure fluff
Relationship: platonic
Irl or DreamSMP: Irl

Tommy's POV
(If I'm being honest I don't know how to start chapters)

Tommy sighed, he had been editing all night and it's starting to get to him. It's 3:45 am, I'm on my desk with my eyes starting to hurt from staring at my pc's bright light. My head hurts and I finally finish editing, I don't have the energy to get up so I fall asleep in jeans on my desk. The most uncomfortable feeling.

Wilbur POV
I'm waking to Tommy's house, I had woken up an hour or so ago and had gotten ready to go to pick Tommy up and go my practice. I knock on his door and when I get no response I knock one more time, rue opens the door this time looking as if she had also just woken up "sorry I took a sec I thought ash was still here but he probably already left, u here for Tommy?"
She apologizes.

"It's alright, and yep, u mind if I come in?" I ask, rue nods and walks back into the house leaving the door open. I walk inside and head over to Tommy's room, I open his door and to no one's surprise he's asleep on his desk.

I walk over and gently grab his shoulder "Tommy? Time to wake up" I whisper, Tommy's eyes open slightly "Wilby" he mumbles while rubbing his eyes gently. "Mhm, are u little today? Or just tired" I ask gently as Tommy's adjusts to being awake and nods his head slowly "think 'm small" Tommy answers truthfully "ya I think so too bud, we're U up late again bud? Ur still in ur jeans, let's get u dressed so we can go to our practice"

Tommy gets up and we walk to his closet, I grab his technoblade hoodie, some plaint black basketball shorts, some gray ankle socks with stars on them, and his white converse. I get Tommy dressed quickly and I grab his little bag.

We walk into the kitchen we're rue is sitting on the counter with a Arizona tea in her hand and phone is the other. She glances up at us "hey guys, u small today tom?" She asks calmly, Tommy's nods and smiles "m' fouw" he replies "that's awesome! Are u hungry?" She asks nicely, Tommy nods his head "a little, but dada's takin me ta beakfes!" He explains excitedly, "speaking of, we better head out, it was nice seeing u Rue" I speak, rue waves bye to us not looking up from her phone and we walk out.

We start walking to our studio and Tommy's trying to contain his excitement, now that he's woken up he remembers where we're actually going. He's been smiling for a long time and his hand starts to react for mine, I take it gently and we continue to walk.

We reach the studio and we walk in, we walk past the other studios and find ours. I knock on the door and mark opens it with a smile on his face "hey guys! Hey Tom, u feeling a bit little today" he asks thoughtfully, "mhm! m bigger today tho, m four!" He exclaims happily holding up four fingers.

Mark walks back to the couch we're ash is sitting and joe is sitting on the floor eating subway. Ash waves at us and Tommy's looks around overwhelmed, i notice this and I whisper to him "how about u go sit on the beanbag chair, I'll grab ur coloring book and u can color while we set up" I offer, Tommy nods and I grab the paw patrol coloring book from his back back along with a a small container of crayons.

I walk over to Tommy and hand him the book and crayons, he immediately flips through the pages and find one with Everest (his favorite character) he picks up the teal crayon and starts coloring.

I walk over to the band "hey guys if u couldn't already tell, Tom is little, just letting u know" I tell the band, they nod their heads calmly, toms has been small around them before so it's not that big of a deal.

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