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Little(s): Karl, quackity
CG(s): sapnap
TW:  cat-calling, yelling, swearing
Relationship: dating
Irl or cannon: irl

Karl and quackity like to crossdress (same tbh) sapnap takes them to the mall and they get cat-called before sapnap comes back and rushes the boys away.

Karl POV
Me, sapnap, and quackity were all going to the mall and I still had to get ready. I walked over to my closet and picked out a collared dark purple sweater and a black skirt that went a bit lower than mid-thigh, along with some regular tights, and since it's a bit cold out I put on some knee-high black socks. I walked to my jewelry box and picked out a few rings, a necklace with a small purple heart that matched necklaces that sapnap and quackity had, and a simple black choker. I walked towards the closet once more and grabbed some purple high-top converse and my black mask.

Quackity POV
I was running a bit late on time since sapnap had already texted me that him and Karl we're already ready, I rushed to my closet and threw an oversized black hoodie that had blue stripes coming down the sleeves, a white skirt that went right above my knee but the hoodie mostly covered it anyway, fishnets, my necklace with a blue heart, some platform shoes that went up to my calf, and a black mask. I rushed downstairs to see sapnap helping Karl with his small backpack, sapnap was wearing baggy ripped jeans with a chain that hung on the belt loops, a regular black shirt, a jacket with orange accents, and his orange necklace. Once sapnap was done helping Karl with his backpack he turned to me and smiled "took you long enough" he exaggerated while I rolled my eyes, me and him glared at each other but after a minute Karl spoke up "hurry up! You guys can glare at each other at the mall" he spoke in a fake-annoyed tone. We both chucked and finally opened the door to exit the house.

Car time skip because plot is hard

We arrived at the mall, and it was my turn to sit in the backseat. Sapnap got my door for me and I crawled out before huffing and crossing my arms "why do I always get the backseat!?" I spoke lightly mumbling "you don't always get the backseat, I was there twice in a row this week!" Karl spoke out, I opened my mouth to day something but realized that he was right. Sapnap grabbed my hand and Karl grabbed his other, we all approached the mall and karl instantly ran towards the build-a-bear, we didn't say anything and kinda just followed slowly

Karl POV
I entered the build-a-bear and smiled at the nostalgic feeling. I walked around the shelves and was instantly pulled towards a white kitty, I looked at sapnap and quackity who had just caught up "well if you get one we all should get one" sapnap spoke while shrugging his shoulders, I and quackity smiled and ran to the shelves where I grabbed the white kitty and quackity looked around.

A little bit later, w3 had all picked out our stuffed animals, sapnap had a black bear, quackity had a gray bunny, and I was practically hugging my white kitten to death. The person at the stuffing machine filled them up with stuffing and asked what heart we wanted to put in them, we all picked out the hearts that beated when you pushed them and the person had us do the whole kissing, hugging, whishing bit after they were done we instantly went over to the clothing and accessories part. I picked out a purple dress to match mine, a pair of black shoes, and a black bow to put in her hair, quackity put a light yellow t-shirt on the bunny, a pair of light blue overalls, and gray shoes, sapnap dressed his in a black hoodie, gray shorts, and red shoes.

We went over the the certificate computer and put in the names and the other questions, I named mine asher, sapnap named his Henry, and quackity named his Carmen.

Quackity POV
We walked out of the shop and me and Karl we're hungry, sapnap offered to get us food and we agreed after kissing him on the cheek. We went to go sit at a bench and continued to talk about random topics. But not long after we got up from our seats and while we were walking I dropped my build-a-bear and bent over to pick it up but before I completely stood up again a group of people whistled and started yelling "do that again!" one of them yelled "what sluts!" another talked "nice ass pretty boy!" another spoke. Kalr flipped them off and we kept walking but they kept yelling "fisty are we!" and "we could give you a good time" I had tears in my eyes and Karl finally pushed us far enough away, we started walking to the food court and ran into sapnap "what the fxck happened" sapnap spoke while taking me from Karls's arms and holding me in his own "we was waitin for chu an some people kept bein gwoss an mean" sapnaps expression softened and he frowned "everyone in the car lets go home" he handed the take out bag to me and held quackity on his hip while holding my hand and we walked out that mall and straight to the car.

Another car time skip

Sapnap POV
We got home and quackity was most likely in babyspace and Karl was sleeping, I got out and lifted quackity and brought him inside first setting him in the small playpen, I then went back out to see Karl still sleeping but now curled up in a different position, I carefully picked him up and brought him in and over to the couch. I focused on quackity and grabbed some more comfortable clothes. I grabbed one of my hoodies and some knee-high socks, and the same for when Karl wakes up. I then when back downstairs and over to quackity, I took off the fishnets, the shoes, his socks, and his hoodie before replacing it with the socks and my hoodie. I smiled as quackity clapped and started messing with a sensory toy.

i watched quackity play with different toys until I heard Karl moving around and waking up "hey darling, how was your nap?" I questioned "was good, an how is quack?" Karl spoke quietly "quack is doing just fine, I think he's still pretty young tho" i explained. "Come sit over here, sweetie" I asked while patting the seat in front of me "otay, dada" he responded while walking towards me and sitting down "lift your arms up, baby" Karl lifted his arms and I pulled of the sweater before replacing it with my hoodie, I also took of his tights, socks, and shoes before replacing them with the socks "fank chu dada!" Karl spoke before crawling over to the playpen "I go inside?" Karl questioned "of course sweetie, but before you do that, how old are you?" I replied smiling "is 4!" He exclaimed while holding up four fingers "thank you for telling me! Now you can go in the pen" I explained, Karl smiled and happily crawled into the playpen with quackity and started playing with him.

They played for maybe an hour before Karl insisted that they should take a bath, I agreed and lifted quackity and put him on my hip before a grabbed Karl's hand and brought them upstairs. I sat Karl on our bed and kept quackity on my hip as I started the bath, as the bath filled I sat quackity down next to Karl "how old are you both feeling?" I asked gently "m still 4!" Karl spoke first, I then looked over at quackity who held up one finger shyly, I smiled cooed at both of them. We sat their for a bit until the bath finally filled up "what bath bomb today?" I questioned holding up three of them, Karl looked over at quackity and he pointed to the purple one "me an quack wan da puwple one plz!" Karl spoke since quackity was most likely non-verbal, I nodded and undressed the two littles before Karl practically jumped in the bath and I helped quackity into it "do you want to put the bath bomb in?" I asked "yes plz" Karl replied "good job on saying please" I praised while handing him the bath bomb. Karl submerged the fizzy bomb and watched as it exploded with color, quackity sorta watched but was too busy playing with a toy boat.

After a bit I washed their hair and they considers themselves done with the bath, I lifted quackity out of it while Karl got out by himself. I grabbed a frog towel with a hood for Karl and a duck one for quackity, I dried them off before bringing them to our room and picking out clothes for them. Karl put on a hoodie and pajama pants, and I put quackity in a hoodie and shorts. We all sat on the bed and I grabbed the remote "what do you want to watch?" I questioned "gavity fall!" Karl spoke exited while quackity nodded, I turned in gravity falls and pulled the blanket on top of us, Karl watched the show with his head on my shoulder, and I played with quackity hair while we all slowly fell asleep.

Not my favorite chapter I've written but maybe you enjoyed and stay safe <3

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