Insomnia sucks

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Little(s): Ranboo
CG(s): Tommy and Tubbo
TW: I don't think there's any (plz point out if I'm wrong)
Relationship: platonic
Irl or Cannon: Irl
Requested by: Epic_Failure

Ranboo can't sleep and he goes to Tommy and Tubbo who baby him into little space to try and help him fall asleep (they all live together)

Ranboo POV
I lay in my room tossing and turning in my bed, I couldn't fall asleep. I tried turning my fan on, I tried having the tv in the background, I tried the covers on and off, and I even tried reading. None of it was working, I just laid In bed staring up at my ceiling and waited for my thoughts and energy to die down. I didn't want to wake up Tommy or Tubbo, I didn't want to bother them or cause them to be tired until morning. I eventually sighed and got up from my bed before grabbing my blanket and wrapping it around my shoulders. I walked down the hall and opened Tommy's door first, I saw him slightly snoring and sprawled all across his bed with his sheets and hair messy. I walked towards him and shook his shoulder lightly, he groaned and opened his eyes slightly before flinching back "WHAT THE HECK MAN?!" he yelled out "Jesus, ranboo you scared the shit out of me!" he whisper yelled "sorry- sorry, I can't sleep" I explained while he stretched his arms and yawned "okay, what do you want me to do about it" he questioned still a little agitated "I don't know, I thought chu could help me" I watched as his eyes widened a bit "ya okay I guess I can help you" He finally agreed.

"F-thank you Tommy" I spoke correcting my slip up. "How about we go wake up tubs? Maybe he can help" Tommy questioned in a soft tone "but won't he be mad dat we woke him up," I asked confused "what? No, he won't care and you need sleep just as much as us" he explained softly while getting out of bed. We both walked out of Tommy's room and headed down the hallway to tubbo's room, Tommy opened the door while I trailed behind timidly. I stay in the doorway and Tommy goes over to Tubbo and practically rips him out of his bed, Tubbo landed on his back with a thud "OW WHAT THE HECK, TOMMY" he yelled in an annoyed tone "calm down man, Ranboo needs help falling asleep and-" Tommy semi-apologized before dropping his voice to a whisper so I couldn't hear them.

After a minute of them whispering, they turned back to me and started walking towards me. Tubbo scooped me up in his arms (I'll make Ranboo 6ft bc why not) "what are you doing?! Put me down!" I questioned confused "noo I don't think He will, how about we do a bedtime routine? How does that sound prince"  my eyes widened at what Tommy said, I wasn't against the idea it's just that I haven't regressed around them in a while. I nuzzled my head into my blanket and tubbos shoulder and wrapped my legs around his torso, he brought me to the kitchen with Tommy following closely behind. Tubbo handed me to Tommy and started to put apple juice in a sippy cup, and while Tubbo did that Tommy lightly bounced me.

Tommy POV
I watched as Ranboo yawned a few times before Tubbo tapped me on the shoulder and gestured to follow him. I followed Tubbo to Ranboo's room and Tubbo told me to lay Ranboo in the bed "hey prince, can I set you down for a sec?" I asked quietly to which he nodded yes before un-hooking his legs and arms from my body. I laid him down and Tubbo came over to me before handing me some comfier clothes, I slipped the shorts onto Ranboo and sat down next to him

Tubbo POV
I took Ranboo in my arms and started feeding him the sippy slowly making sure that he doesn't choke, Tommy went to go grab something and I hummed a random lullaby while waiting. Tommy came back a bit later holding a black and white paci with a crown on the button along with a fuzzy blanket, a heating pad, a fuzzy blanket, and went to the closet before grabbing a kitty stuffed animal and walking towards us. Ranboo just finished the sippy and I set it on the end table, Tommy held out the paci to Ranboos mouth and he gladly excepted the little gear. Tommy handed the stuffie to him and laid in bed with both of us before draping the blanket over us and placing the heating pad under the sheets. Tommy Hummed the able sister's theme and I stroked Ranboos hair for a bit before we all drifted off to sleep.

Who needs sleep when you can make agere stories about needing sleep.
Anyways thank you for the request sorry it was short, and stay safe <3

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