Bad kitty

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Little(s): Sapnap
CG(s): Dream
TW:  crying, blood, scratch
Relationship: platonic friends
Irl or DreamSMP: Irl
Requested by: leena303

Sapnap is playing while Dream is finishing up work, sapnap finds patches and patches is in a bad mood and scratches him

Sapnap POV
I was sitting in the living room watching Paw Patrol and playing with my toys, Dream was upstairs in his office and apologized for not being able to play with me right now, but I didn't mind. I continued to play with my cars but eventually before got bored and crawled onto the couch where I could just watch Paw Patrol, i fidgeted with my paci clip as I watched  the tv show, Dream said he'd be done when the clock said the numbers 7:30, the numbers on the clock right now where 6:45.

That's so far away tho! I thought to myself as I hopped of the coach and climbed to the stairs, I slowly but surely got up them and ventured off to my play room. I entered the room that carried all my little gear and saw patches sleeping on one of the beanbag chairs, i gasped excitedly and stumbled over to Patches, I went to pet her and she sprung up and scratched me before hissing and running off.

I felt tears rush to my eyes and my cheek was stinging, I reached up and felt a small amount of liquid on my fingers, I was bleeding. I started crying and I heard someone open the door, "sap? U okay sweetheart?" I heard Dream ask and I turned around and rubbed my eyes trying to stop the crying.

Dream POV
I sighed and walked over to sapnap, I hugged him and wiped away his tears, "let's get u a band aid, I have some old ones I think you'll like" I explained and Sapnap nodded with a pouty lip. I held sapnaps hand and led him out of the playroom and into the bathroom. Sapnap sat on the toilet seat and I looked around in a cupboard and finally saw the box I was looking for, it was a box with star themed bandaids.

I stood up and showed sapnap the bandaids, "ooh Dey awe staws!" He exclaimed happily, "that's right! Now tilt your head towards me so I can put one on your owie" I questioned and Sapnap tilted his head to the left and I quickly put the bandaid on, "now how about u come and play in my room until I'm done streaming" I offered and Sapnap nodded as he followed me out of the bathroom and into my office.

I sat in my chair and told chat that I had returned, sapnap sat next to me for awhile before tugging on the hem of my shirt and making grabby hands, I chuckled and lifted him up, he buried his head into my shoulder and stayed content as I finished up streaming. I said goodbye to chat and clicked the end stream button, I ruffled sapnaps hair and he lifted his head from my shoulder smiling  through his paci before yawning and rubbing his eyes "I think that crying tired u out, let's get ready for bed" I explained as sapnap shook his head no, "come on sap, it's bedtime" sapnap shook his head no once more and crossed his arms, "I'll make u angel milk" i offered as my last attempt at getting sapnap to sleep.

Sapnap looked down for a second as if he was thinking before finally nodding his head yes, I sighed in relief and lifted him up and walking back into the playroom. I sat sapnap on a play-mat and looked through his little closet, I grabbed a panda hoodie and some pajama pants before walking to the pacifier case and opening it, sapnap crawled over to my and I took his decorated paci out and replaced it with a plain sleeping paci.

I changed sapnap into his pj's and held his hand down the stairs and into the kitchen, I lift sapnap onto the counter and get out all the ingredients to make angle milk, I put the milk into a sippy cup and warmed it up for around 40 seconds before taking it out and putting in a few drops of vanilla extract and a teaspoon of sugar, i stir everything around and put the lid on before taking a sip to make sure it wasn't to hot and making sure it was good, I handed it to sapnap who also took a sip mimicking me.

"Ice cweam milk!" Sapnap exclaimed lifting his arms in the air happily, I chuckled and lifted up sapnap once more and bringing him to the living room, patches was sitting on the couch sleeping and Sapnap squirmed out of my arms and backed away from patches, it took me a second but I realized that he was scared of her since she scratched him, "there's nothing to be scared of hun, u just startled her, she didn't mean to scratch u, look!" I walked over to patches and said her name, she walked over to me and let me pet her, sapnap slowly inched closer and started petting her too, she started purring and Sapnap giggled before patches ran away again.

I grabbed a light soft blanket from on top of the couch and laid on it waiting from sapnap to lay on top of me, when he did I placed the blanket over us and turned on Mulan, sapnap cuddled into my chest as the movie went on, and we cuddled until we both fell asleep.

Sort of short, and in my opinion my writings been kinda dry lately, so maybe u enjoyed and stay safe <3

Ps: I dyed my hair purple! I luv it lots!

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