I'm not a skeleton

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Little(s): Tommy
CG(s): Wilbur
TW:  body shaming, body dysmorphia, intrusive thoughts
Relationship: platonic friends
Irl or DreamSMP: Irl

Tommy and Wilbur are hanging out and a hater comes and body shames Tommy

Tommy POV
I was hanging out with Wilbur's band while they were rehearsing and I was sitting in the back messing with Wilbur's fidget ring. I swayed to the music as it vibrated the floor, and i mouthed along to the lyrics that I liked. I sat on the floor as my favorite song Perfume ended and the upbeat music stopped, Wilbur talked with the rest of the band for a bit longer before he walked over to me and reached out his hand to help me up which I gladly accepted. "Do you want to go to Tesco with me? I need to pick up milk and cat food" (I gave Will a cat, because why not) Wilbur questioned as he waved goodbye to the rest of the band, "sure, I need more soda anyways" I replied shrugging my shoulders.

We walked out and strolled through the different streets, I shiverd a bit as the cold breeze ran through my hair and stung my face. Me and wilbur walked and talked while getting closer too our destination, we walked past a cafe and I stopped for a minute sensing the smell of sweet tea and watching as they put a pastry in the display case that smelled strongly of strawberry icing. Wilbur seemed to notice that I stopped walking and came back too see what I was so interested in "you've got a bit of drool there Toms" wilbur spoke teasingly while wiping the imaginary drool off my chin, I chuckled and mumbled a shut up while pushing his hand away, "I'll buy you one if you want" Wilbur offered, but I just shook my head and thanked him anyways.

We eventually made it to Tesco and we pulled up our masks before walking inside the semi-crowded store, Wilbur ventured off while I walked to find the soda. I went through the different isles before finding it, I smiled and picked up a case before getting tapped on the shoulder, I turned around and was met with a kid that looked too be in middle school "are you Tommyinnit?" the kid spoke in a slightly grossed out tone, I was slightly confused but nodded my head "yes I am! Do you want a picture?" I questioned trying to make my voice more energetic, "no, I just wanted to tell you how annoying u are" I was definitely caught off guard but didn't really care as I've gotten hate before. "Well I am pretty loud aren't I" I tried to brush it off "Your the most annoying YouTuber I've ever seen, no wonder all your friends pretend to be nice. Oh and try and eat something for once, you look like a skeleton" (why do I want to punch this non-existent kid)

Okay that one really hurt I thought to myself while the kid flipped me off and ran away giggling. I felt tears pierce my eyes and everything around me was starting to grow, the store became stuffy and my throat started closing up, the noise of squeaky trolly wheels and the chatter of many people made me want to curl up into a ball right then and there, I threw my hands over my ears and I ran outside.

I was finally able to breath a bit when I ran outside, I sat on a bench and contemplated everything that had just happened. I sat for a while longer with my eyes closed before I felt a hand on my shoulder, I jumped up and looked at the figure to see a worried and confused Wilbur.

I stood up and hugged Wilbur without a second thought, he hugged back "what happened?" He questioned as he rubbed my back. I couldn't find myself to make proper word and could only hic and choke back my tears, Wilbur waited patiently for me to calm down while he held me in a overprotective but comforting way.

I could eventually make small slurred sentences and I told Wilbur what happened, Wilbur was very obviously trying to hide the fact he was pissed and he hugged me tighter, "Wilby I can't bweath" I coughed out "oh shoot sorry toms" wilbur apologized instantly letting me go "lets go back home, i think we've had enough adventure for today" Wilbur suggested trying to lighten the mood, I nodded and we started walking to his flat.

We made it to Wilbur's flat, he jingled his keys and unlocked the door. We walked inside and daffodil (the cat) brushed up against my leg, I kneeled down and started petting him "hewwo daffy! How is chu?" I questioned like he could understand me, he meowed in response and nuzzled into my hand.

Wilbur came back into the room "hey sunshine, let's put on some comfy clothes" Wilbur insisted "nuuu! I don wan to!" I responded truthfully, I wanted to stay with daffy. "Please toms! If you stay in the big boy clothes your gonna be cranky when you wake up" Wilbur explained, I thought about it for a minute before I complied "fine"

Wilbur POV
I smiled as Tommy agreed to putting on the comfy clothes. I gestured for him to crawl over to the couch, he came and crawled onto the couch before snatching the clothes "Tuwn awound Wilby" he beckoned, I was turned around for a minute or two before Tommy told me to turn around now "aww you look adorable!" I praised as I gazed upon the small boy in a light blue jumper with a flower on the center messily tucked into light gray shorts that were embroidered with lady bugs around the pockets.

Tommy looked away shyly and mumbled a thank chu, "your very welcome, sweet boy" I replied messing up his hair to which he swatted my hands away and stuck his tongue out.

Tommy yawned and looked sleepy so I swooped him up into my arms and walked down the stairs to the guest room. By the time I slayed him down he was already passed out and daffy jumped up and snuggled into his arms. I tried to think of a way to cheer him up and I remembered the cafe, I figured toms would be asleep for a bit longer so I grabbed my wallet and headed out.

~time skip~

Tommy POV
I woke up to the sound of the door opening and I wrapped my blanket around my shoulder before getting up and waking down the hallway.

Wilbur was standing in the doorway holding a small bag and a drink in his hand, he looked over to me and smiled "sorry strawberry, didn't mean to wake you" he apologized taking off his shoes and kicking them to the side "it oki, still sleepy tho" I responded rubbing my eyes, "I have a surprise, if your hungry" Wilbur walked to the coffee table and I joined soon after. As if on cue my stomach growled "m vewy hungwy" I responded waking up a bit more, Wilbur handed me a box from inside the bag and went off to go put the drink into a different cup.

I waited for Wilbur to walk back before i opened the box, "good job waiting patiently sunshine" he praised sitting down once more and setting the sippy cup on the table. I looked at him for the sign to open it,  he nodded and I opened the box to find the strawberry pastry that smelled so heavenly when I first walked by it. I widened my eyes and thanked Wilbur multiple times before actually taking a bite, it tasted better than I could imagine and i gobbled it down in seconds "slow down bud, your gonna choke." Wilbur warned while handing me what I assumed was hot chocolate.

Wilbur POV
I watched as tommy ate the dessert and pointed at the sippy cup, I handed it to him and he slowly drank it down, his eyelids got droopier and droopier until his head fell onto my shoulder. I took the hot chocolate and set it on the table before laying my head on top of Tommy's, i small nap wouldn't hurt right.

I started hormones! My period is going to vanish and my arm is very sore but I'm still so happy! I hope you enjoyed and stay safe <3

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