Little goat boy

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Pet(s): Tubbo
CG's: Tommy, Ranboo (little bit of Lani)
TW: Hate comments
Relationship: platonic Friends
Irl or cannon: Irl
Requested by:

Tubbo revives hate and gets overwhelmed until he regresses, Tommy and Ranboo find him

I was streaming Minecraft and Ranboo and Tommy were in the VC while I played. We weren't doing more or anything, we were just messing around and all of a sudden I got a donation "why do you laugh like that? It's so annoying" my smile fell and I thanked the person for the donation before unmuting on discord. Ranboo and Tommy were talking about what was better cats or dogs, "Tubbo what do you think?!" Tommy yelled in his streamer voice, I thought for a moment before finally answering "Bumblebees" I spoke pretty quietly "what! No all they do is fly and like flowers" Tommy once spoke again "Tommy, our duo name is literally allium duo" Ranboo explained before Tommy erupted with insults. After calming Tommy down another donation came through "why do u have so many stuffed animals in the background? Your not a child, grow up" that one stung "why should I have to act like an adult? I'm gonna enjoy being young till the last of it" I mumbled quickly, chat was really bad, some people were agreeing and some were defending but it all became too much and I eventually just turned chat off altogether "hey tubs? You alive?" I heard Tommy question as I unmuted once more "ya I'm fine, I'm probably gonna end stream soon tho" I explained before Tommy and Ranboo went back to their conversation. "Are you really gonna end stream because someone told u their opinion, how much of a baby are u?" Everyone in the VC went silent, I got distracted and didn't mute in time "WTH, get out of his stream he's not doing anything wrong" I heard Ranboo spoke but my mind was elsewhere, I sat in my chair slightly shaking and really quiet.

I heard Ranboo leave the call and a minute or so later, Lani came into the room and turned off my stream. She looked at me and hugged me rubbing my back "don't worry Tommy and Ranboo are gonna be here soon" she spoke quietly before pulling away and going to grab something.

She came back with Ranboo standing next to her and a glass of water in her hand, Ranboo rushed over to me and Lani followed close after setting the glass on the desk "stay safe, Toby" she smiled while ruffling my hair and walking off. Ranboo kneeled next to me and grabbed my hand comfort "it's going to be ok" he spoke in a low and calming tone that made my head feel fuzzy "I know" I spoke but it came off quieter than I wanted. Ranboo frowned "you're none of the things the haters told you" he explained "m sorry, and I'm sorry u had to quit your plans" I whispered trying to push the fuzzy feeling away.

Ranboo kept ahold of my hand and led me to the couch, my legs felt like jelly and my head pounded. I sat on the couch and Ranboo grabbed the water from the desk before gesturing that I should take a drink, the fuzziness was taking over at the thought of being cared for and I shook my head while moving my legs up to my chest and burying my face into my knees. Ranboo frowned at this "Tubbo. Come on you need to drink it, Lani told me you were streaming for six hours and you don't have a bottle on your desk" he spoke in a stern but worried tone. I shook my head once more and got up to go to a different room but ran into something in the doorway, it was Tommy.

"Hey man, you okay?" He questioned, I just looked at him and huffed before moving out of the way "he's non-verbal and trying very hard not to regress, he's also refusing to drink water" Ranboo explained, Tommy made an oh shape with his mouth until Ranboo mentioned the part about water, then he turned towards me with a concerned and very slightly disappointed look on his face "tubs, you streamed for six hours and you need something to eat and drink and you should probably sleep" he exclaimed while coming over to wrap his arms around me "now drink the damn water." Ranboo spoke, I finally complied and took a sip before drinking the whole thing.

Both of the other men smiled and praised me and I fell into a deep DEEP headspace. They both seemed to notice this and started smiling.

Ranboo POV
I smiled as I saw the obvious switch between his headspace, Tommy seemed to notice it too and we both looked at each other happily. Tubbo sat down on the ground and nudged Tommy with his head "not right now bud, it's eating time" he spoke while ruffling tubbos hair, Tommy stayed with Tubbo while I went to grab some stuff to eat. I just grabbed grapes for Tubbo and we ran out of Coke so I settled on Fanta for Tommy.

I walked back into the other room to see tubbo playing tug of war with Tommy (Tommy wasn't really trying tho-) when I walked in Tubbo stopped playing with Tommy and pranced over to me, he sat on the floor in front of me while I sat on the couch. Tommy joined me on the couch and I handed him his Fanta he thanked me before both of us turned our attention back to Tubbo "hey tubs, I didn't find much in the fridge, we need to go shopping soon" I explained before holding out one-two grapes at a time.

After he finished eating Tommy grabbed a fuzzy blanket and gestured to Tubbo to climb up, when he did Tommy laid the blanket on top of all of us and turned on gravity falls in the background, Tubbo cuddled up next to me and I scratched his head while he melted into my hand. Tubbo had fallen asleep first while me and Tommy quietly talked, soon enough Tommy fell asleep and I whispered goodnight to both of them before falling asleep as-well

WOOO I'M NOT DEAD! Sorry for the unannounced break, but I hope you enjoyed it and stay safe <3

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