Undercover Duck

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Little(s): Quackity
CG(s): Sapnap, Karl
TW: crying
Relationship: platonic
Irl or DreamSMP: Irl

Quackity hasn't regressed in ages and he thinks he has the perfect time to when sap and Karl go shopping and comes back to a regressed and scared Quackity.

Quackity POV
It was around 10:00 am, sapnap had woken me up with brunch and a kiss on the top of my beanie "good morning, luv" he whispered i grumbled a simple "morning" back. As I slowly woke up He told me that him and Karl are going to go run errands and asked if I had wanted to come with, I internally squealed at the thought.

I told him that I didn't want to go and to tell Karl goodbye for him, I smiled as I realized that I was going to have the whole day to regress!! Sapnap left the room and I quickly ate my brunch.

When I finished eating I could feel myself get closer to slipping, I waited patiently in our room until I heard the front door close. I hopped out of bed excitedly and grabbed my stuffie from under the bed, it was a duck stuffie (obviously) and her name was Olive.

I hugged her close since I hadn't gotten to see her for two whole weeks, I continued to hug her with one arm while I walked over to the closet, I grabbed one of sapnaps hoodies. It smelled like pine but other than that I grabbed a pair of overalls and some fussy socks. I changed and then walked back to the closet, there's a small crawl space behind the dresser.

I pulled the dresser to the side with minimal strength and stimmed happily as the blue space themed box was revealed. I grabbed it happily and pulled the decorated lid off and dumped all my little gear onto the closet floor.

It contained a blue sippy cup, a yellow duck themed Bottle, a quilt with stars on it, a simple blue paci with a duck themed paci clip. It wasn't much but there was only so much space in the crawl space.

I clipped the paci to sapnaps hoodie, I grabbed the quilt and the sippy cup but put the bottle away. I was around three or four so I didn't need a bottle, I wrapped the quilt around my shoulders and placed the paci in my mouth before slowly walked down the stairs.

I walked into the kitchen and set my sippy on the counter, I opened the fridge and stood on my tiptoes to grab the orange juice. After I had successfully obtained the juice with one hand I opened the bottle and poured it into the sippy.

I spun the lid back on and quickly crawled back up the stairs. I walked over to our mostly shared pc and turned on Netflix, Karl had recommended this show called Dead End: paranormal park, and I had gotten attached (Courtney is my favorite character)

Time skip /\^•_•^/\ (it's a bat!)

Sapnap POV
I checked my watch, 2:00 pm, me and Karl had just finished up shopping and we're on our way back home. Karl had been ecstatic about the fact that he had found a BMO keychain for only three dollars, he ranted to me about it for a good five minutes despite the fact that I've seen the show.

We eventually entered our driveway and I open the trunk to get the groceries, with Karl's help we were able to grab all of the bags at once and bring them inside. As we set them down on the counter we heard footsteps coming down the stairs, we look over to the steps and what we saw confused us.

We saw Quackity with a pacifier in his mouth, his stuffed animal in one hand and a sippy cup in the other. Quackity froze and stared at us with fear in his eyes before dropping the sippy cup and booking it up the stairs.

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