Even more Headcanon's

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So sry about not being consistent!! I'll have a new chapter out in two days or so!! Thank you for being patient luvs <3

(Btw if I don't specify au/Smp/Irl, it just means all of them in general)

Tubbo HC
Origins!L!tubbo loves uppies, and when he gets exited he sights buzzing happily. He also loves honey snacks, like honeybuns, and flower based tea with extra honey, etc.

C!Tubbo has a weird relationship with Aimsey, he doesn't hate him, he's just grieving in a terrible way.

L!tubbo is somewhat bratty, he's more sassy than bratty.

Pillow fights. Many pillow fights. As a CG and little

Ranboo HC
Cg!Ranboo since this man's character's (and not in character) are always incredibly tall, he picks up his littles and gives them piggy back rides and puts them on his shoulders and the littles usually pretend their flying.

Irl!Cg!Ranboo is very protective if one of his littles regressed in public, he won't hesitate to stare someone down if they start judging the little for skipping next to a 6'6 man. (Originally from cloudy-agere on tumbler)

L!Ranboo is a chaotic natural, he's quiet and calm but won't hesitate to cause some trouble with tubbo and tom's.

Wilbur HC
Origins!L!Wilbur will go ghost and sneaks up on their cg's, scaring the life out of them. he's ultimately the king of hide and seek, and he goes on play dates with shubble a lot.

Wilbur loves baking with Nikki, he's not great at it but it calms him down.

L!wilbur has a lion stuffie that is named kitty.

Cg!wilbur is great at comforting littles, wether it be by songs or surprise snacks, he's amazing at taking care of emotional baby's.

Tommy HC
L!Tom when regressed from babyspace to 2 is usually very quiet or nonverbal, but 3-5 Tommy is very energetic and chaotic.

Origins!L!tom loves to ride on Phil's back when little, he loves feeling the breeze in his feathers and hair.

Dsmp!L!Tom has eating issues from exile, luckily Phil, Ranboo, and Aimsey has been helping him with them.

Irl!L!tom has lots of animal crossing little gear.

L!tom loves bugs and mud, the mud is a good sensory item for him, so is sand, he visits beaches and ponds because if it.

Cg!tom acts very tough but as soon as his little gets hurt, he's crying along with them.

Aimsey HC
Irl!L!Aimsey loves going shopping with Ran, he loves going shopping when big too, but when he's little he can usually convince Ranboo to buy him a stuffie.

Dsmp!L!Aimsey sometimes sees a person with wings and a person that looks like Micheal but bit older when they look out the window, Micheal tells them that it's his godfather and grandpa. Aimsey doesn't know why she can't meet them, but Ran says they know best to not introduce them.

L!Aimsey hasn't had a Cg since the bear smp

Irl!L!Aimsey loves when the cricket crew meets up, she sometimes gets so exited that she regressed in accident but the rest of the crew have no problem taking care of her.

Karl HC
L!Karl isn't aloud monster before 10:00 am or after 11:00 pm according to Quackity or sapnap, but sometimes corpse and Tina sneak him some.

L!Karl absolutely LOVE'S "childish" cartoons, he loves them when he's big too but it's an absolute must have when he's little.

Cg!karl gives the best cuddles, and both him and the little both love them. He also has a weighted blanket that him and his little both use when having anxiety or sleep troubles

L!karl has those glow and the dark stick on stars on his ceiling.

Techno HC
Origins!L!Techno hides his eyes with his ears when embarrassed (kinda like eeyore from Winnie the Pooh)

Cg!techno is pretty stern but only because he cares a lot and is always worried about the littles safety.

Origin!L!techno has one of those baby chew toys, except it's shaped like a carrot.

L!techno is very quiet like Tommy.

Nikki HC
Origin!L!nikki gets really upset that she can't go on land and play with the other littles. Tommy often comes and hangs out with her because he often feels incapable as well.

CG!nikki loves making little treats for her littles, usually no bad sensory foods like muffins, cookies, apple scones (no frosting), and puff pastry's with cinnamon instead of frosting again.

L!nikki loves when minx and her meet up so she can be her temporary CG, but minx doesn't think that she's really good at it because she accidentally swears a lot.

L!nikki loves making jewelry.

Sapnap HC
L!sapnap is very emotional, and very overdramatic when he gets scraped or gets a paper-cut, he also refuses normal plain bandaids.

Cg!sapnap has lots of rules, no sweets without permission, bedtime at 8:30, no bad words, no talking back, those kind of rules.

L!sapnap loves coloring in space themed books. He only colors with markers tho, he accidentally kept breaking crayons.

Cg!sapnap is always down to take a nap with his littles, cuddling under warm and soft blankets with a Disney movie in the background, nothing better.

Dream HC
Cg!dream always spoils his littles, with toys, treats, outfits, anything really.

Cg!dream is very silly and will play hide and seek or tag along with his littles.

Puppy!dream loves getting his hair played with, and playing around with patches.

L!dream loves stomping in the rain puddles.

MCYT (mostly agere) OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now